Succor point : 1294 / 2348 / -6


ListName Class Race Level
an elephant calf Warrior Mammoth 10
Azibelle Spavin Necromancer Human 1
a lioness Warrior Lion 6
Brother Hayle Cleric Human 24
Brother Qwinn Warrior Human 61
Finnelzi Springworthy Necromancer Gnome 62
Glenfire Telzir Shadowknight Dark Elf 1
High Shaman Grisok Shaman Gnoll 24
High Shaman Phido Shaman Gnoll 22
Rendolf Deathbringer Shadowknight Human 64
Sentry Alechin Paladin Human 30
Shaman Lenrel Shaman Gnoll 16
Shaman Ren`Rex Shaman Gnoll 17
Sir Telian Mottsworth Paladin Human 70
Tehana Elsent Necromancer Erudite 63
Zrithsadioun Necromancer Gnoll 50
an aviak ruffian Warrior Aviak 16
an elephant Warrior Mammoth 14
an elephant calf Warrior Mammoth 10
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll Warrior Gnoll 4
an interrogator Warrior Human 25
an undead cyclops Warrior Skeleton 31
aviak avocet Warrior Aviak 28
aviak darter Warrior Aviak 16
aviak egret Warrior Aviak 13
aviak harrier Warrior Aviak 24
aviak rook Warrior Aviak 20
a bull elephant Warrior Mammoth 18
a cyclops Warrior Giant 28
a gnollish zealot Warrior Gnoll 70
a gnoll guard Warrior Gnoll 16
a hermit Ranger Human 20
a Ishva Lteth gnoll Wizard Gnoll 35
a lion Warrior Lion 8
a lioness Warrior Lion 6
a mist wolf Warrior Wolf 3
a Nisch Val Gnoll Cleric Gnoll 35
a one eyed gnoll Warrior Gnoll 35
a putrid skeleton Warrior Skeleton 7
a raider Rogue Human 11
a Rosch Val Gnoll Enchanter Gnoll 33
a shadow wolf Warrior Wolf 3
a skeleton Warrior Skeleton 4
a Tesch Mas Gnoll Warrior Gnoll 25
a Tesch Val Gnoll Warrior Gnoll 31
a treant Druid Treant 23
a werewolf Warrior Werewolf 27
a wolf cub Monk Wolf 20
a zombie Warrior Zombie 6
Baenar Swiftsong Warrior Human 50
Bamrih Tyco Warrior Human 50
Brother Drash Warrior Gnoll 2
Cathalantru Fleetfoot Warrior Halfling 50
centaur archer Warrior Centaur 21
centaur charger Warrior Centaur 29
centaur courser Warrior Centaur 25
centaur foal Warrior Centaur 14
centaur sheltie Warrior Centaur 17
Coloth Meadowgreen Warrior Centaur 35
Cracktusk Warrior Mammoth 24
Cyllempra Mistbringer Warrior Human 50
Ghanex Drah Shadowknight Gnoll 15
Ghoul Warrior Spectre 20
Gnashmaw Warrior Gnoll 14
Gnawfang Warrior Lion 15
Grizzleknot Druid Treant 28
Groi Gutblade Shadowknight Troll 25
Kelkim Menkia Bard Wood Elf 51
Knari Morawk Warrior Aviak 17
Krak Windchaser Merchant Aviak 29
Lord Grimrot Shadowknight Skeleton 29
Marik Clubthorn Warrior Barbarian 16
Master Ashikur Paladin Centaur 45
Mroon Warrior Giant 20
Narra Tanith Druid Half Elf 22
Nisch Val Torash Mashk Cleric Gnoll 39
Rosch Val L`Vlor Magician Gnoll 35
Ryleen Bladespur Rogue Human 32
Shakrn Meadowgreen Warrior Centaur 31
Sir Nandruar Necromancer Skeleton 52
Skeletal Servant Warrior Skeleton 20
Synger Foxfyre Druid Halfling 26
Tesch Val Deval`Nmak Warrior Gnoll 39
Tesch Val Kadvem Warrior Gnoll 39
The Ishva Mal Necromancer Gnoll 40
Ulan Meadowgreen Merchant Centaur 30
Vhalen Nostrolo Bard Human 31
Woran Soothsayer Warrior Erudite 50
Yeka Ias Warrior Human 60


  • The Southern Plains of Karana Bestiary List
  • The Southern Plains of Karana Named Mobs List
  • The Southern Plains of Karana Equipment List
  • The Southern Plains of Karana Spawn Groups
  • The Southern Plains of Karana Forageable items