Succor point : 0 / 0 / 4


ListName Class Race Level
Acolyte Wivlx Wizard Shissar 56
Advisor Zekuzh Wizard Shissar 53
Arbiter Korazhk Cleric Shissar 55
A Shissar Lorekeeper Warrior Shissar 60
A Soriz Imitator Warrior Undead Iksar 54
Clati Soriz Shaman Undead Iksar 56
Commander Zazuzh Shadowknight Shissar 56
Commander Zherozsh Shadowknight Shissar 58
Defiler Juzlix Necromancer Shissar 56
Disciple Yelwinz Cleric Shissar 56
Fifth Disciple of Rhag Necromancer Shissar 51
Fourth Disciple of Rhag Necromancer Shissar 51
General Kizuhx Warrior Shissar 53
Granic Obulus Warrior Undead Iksar 56
Grziz the Tormentor Warrior Shissar 59
Guard Sklinus Warrior Shissar 56
Heriz the Malignant Warrior Shissar 58
Hilog Jarsath Shadowknight Undead Iksar 56
Kalin Nathsar Shadowknight Undead Iksar 58
Klazaz the Slayer Warrior Shissar 59
Nerla Kunzar Warrior Undead Iksar 58
Nilasz the Devourer Warrior Shissar 62
Rath`Giloth Necromancer Shissar 55
Rath`Zihold Necromancer Shissar 55
Rhag`Reshkazh Necromancer Shissar 60
Rhag`Vezozh Shadowknight Shissar 60
Rhag`Zhezum Warrior Shissar 63
Rhozth Ssrakezh Shadowknight Shissar 60
Rhozth Ssravizh Shadowknight Shissar 60
Rutin Kylong Shaman Undead Iksar 58
Sixth Disciple of Rhag Necromancer Shissar 57
Skzik the Tormentor Warrior Shissar 59
Slakiz the Malignant Warrior Shissar 58
Spiritward Trilzic Shaman Shissar 56
Ssraeshzian Blood Priest Cleric Shissar 60
Ssraeshzian Death Priest Cleric Shissar 60
Ssraeshzian Plague Priest Cleric Shissar 60
Ssraeshzian Terror Priest Cleric Shissar 60
Third Disciple of Rhag Necromancer Shissar 51
Yasiz the Devourer Warrior Shissar 62
Zel`Krioz Shadowknight Shissar 55
Zel`Rekushoz Shadowknight Shissar 55
Zel`Zachum Shadowknight Shissar 55
Zel`Zoszh Shadowknight Shissar 55
Zlakas the Slayer Warrior Shissar 59
Warrior Teleport Man 74
an elite temple guard Shadowknight Shissar 56
An Enchanted Golem Wizard Iksar Golem 60
an Iksar foreman Warrior Iksar 30
an Iksar slave Warrior Iksar 30
An Imperial Golem Warrior Iksar Golem 60
an imperial guard Shadowknight Shissar 60
Arch Tormentor Zhesz Necromancer Shissar 55
A Bone Spiked Golem Warrior Iksar Golem 60
a captured Thought Leech Warrior Thought Horror 35
a caputured Thought Leech Warrior Thought Horror 35
a chapel guard Shadowknight Shissar 60
a crypt guardian Warrior Shissar 62
a diseased caretaker Warrior Iksar 25
a diseased slave Warrior Iksar 15
A Plagued Soriz Shaman Undead Iksar 53
A Poxed Soriz Shaman Undead Iksar 54
A Shissar Acolyte Wizard Shissar 54
A Shissar Arcanist Wizard Shissar 50
A Shissar Arch Arcanist Wizard Shissar 54
A Shissar Arch Warlock Necromancer Shissar 54
A Shissar Defiler Necromancer Shissar 52
A Shissar Disciple Cleric Shissar 56
A Shissar Experimenter Shaman Shissar 55
A Shissar Ghost Warrior Invisible Man 63
A Shissar Lich Necromancer Shissar 53
a Shissar Observer Necromancer Shissar 54
A shissar phantom Warrior Invisible Man 61
A Shissar Priest Cleric Shissar 56
A Shissar Revenant Necromancer Shissar 53
A Shissar Ritualist Shadowknight Shissar 55
A Shissar Spiritward Shaman Shissar 50
A Shissar Spirit Binder Shaman Shissar 53
A Shissar Spirit Destroyer Shaman Shissar 53
A Shissar Taskmaster Warrior Shissar 54
A Shissar Templar Cleric Shissar 56
a Shissar Tormentor Shadowknight Shissar 55
A Shissar Warlock Necromancer Shissar 50
A Soriz Corpse Warrior Undead Iksar 51
A Soriz Drudge Shadowknight Undead Iksar 54
A Soriz Skeleton Warrior Undead Iksar 52
A Soriz Slave Shadowknight Undead Iksar 53
a Ssraeshzian adept Necromancer Iksar 30
a Ssraeshzian fanatic Warrior Iksar 30
a temple guard Warrior Shissar 54
A Temple Patroller Warrior Shissar 53
a temple skirmisher Warrior Shissar 54
Disciple Zhorluhx Necromancer Shissar 53
Elder Glanoxx Warrior Iksar 30
Enhanced Imperial Golem Warrior Iksar Golem 60
High Priest of Ssraeshza Cleric Shissar 66
Prime Educator Ghozik Necromancer Shissar 53
Shissar Assassin Rogue Shissar 53
Shissar broodlings Warrior Invisible Man 62
Shissar Mystic Shaman Shissar 54
Taskmaster Kavamezh Rogue Shissar 60
Taskmaster Keuzozh Magician Shissar 60
Taskmaster Mikazha Wizard Shissar 60
Taskmaster Revan`Kezh Warrior Shissar 60
Taskmaster Vezhkah Wizard Shissar 60
Taskmaster Zerumaz Warrior Shissar 60
Taskmaster Zhe`Vozh Warrior Shissar 60
The Shissar Magister Magician Shissar 53
Warden Mekuzh Necromancer Shissar 60
Xerkizh The Creator Shaman Shissar 66
Zhroushe Mezhkazh Enchanter Shissar 53


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