Succor point : 1810 / 51 / -36


ListName Class Race Level
a Coterie insatiate Warrior Vampire 60
a grol baku warlord Warrior Tegi 41
Bedlavar Rogue Vampire 44
Coterie Corruptor Warrior Vampire 56
Disciple of Focus Monk Sonic Wolf 72
Drovalak Necromancer Vampire 44
Galinious Shadowknight Vampire 44
Hoober`s Pet Magician Elemental 30
Johanius Barleou Rogue Human 24
a coterie campaigner Warrior Vampire 40
a coterie centurion Warrior Vampire 39
a coterie cohort Warrior Vampire 40
a coterie duelist Warrior Vampire 40
a coterie fighter Warrior Vampire 39
a coterie general Warrior Vampire 46
a coterie guard Warrior Vampire 40
a coterie legionnaire Warrior Vampire 38
a coterie officer Warrior Vampire 40
a coterie soldier Warrior Vampire 37
a coterie swordsman Warrior Vampire 40
a coterie trooper Warrior Vampire 40
a cral ligi lorekeeper Warrior Tegi 39
a cral ligi molder Warrior Tegi 38
a cral ligi runner Warrior Tegi 40
a cral ligi soldier Warrior Tegi 37
a cral ligi writer Warrior Tegi 38
a darkwing bat Warrior Bat 32
a dire sonic wolf Warrior Sonic Wolf 35
a greater darkwing bat Warrior Bat 38
a grimling foreman Warrior Grimling 38
a grimling geomancer Wizard Grimling 31
a grimling laborer Rogue Grimling 30
a grimling orefinder Warrior Grimling 31
a grimling runner Rogue Grimling 34
a grol baku chanter Warrior Tegi 37
a grol baku crystalus Warrior Tegi 39
a grol baku earthmaster Warrior Tegi 40
a grol baku greenling Warrior Tegi 37
a grol baku hero Warrior Tegi 39
a grol baku miner Warrior Tegi 38
a grol baku ritualist Warrior Tegi 39
a grol baku seer Warrior Tegi 37
a grol baku soldier Warrior Tegi 37
a grol baku wilder Warrior Tegi 37
a grol baku youth Warrior Tegi 37
a killer darkwing bat Warrior Bat 38
a large darkwing bat Warrior Bat 39
a light sonic wolf Warrior Sonic Wolf 36
a meeda hune hero Warrior Tegi 39
a meeda hune soldier Warrior Tegi 40
a shadowed darkwing bat Warrior Bat 38
a tormented vah shir Warrior Vah Shir Skeleton 35
a true darkwing bat Warrior Bat 38
Courier Balious Ranger Half Elf 38
Daksins Warrior Gnome 30
Emissary Oomgado Warrior Shade 49
Felodius Sworddancer Bard Half Elf 55
Gorelaz Verilak Warrior Vampire 50
Hoober Merchant Human 31
Krellices Necromancer Vampire 44
Kristov Otto Shadowknight Vampire 52
Legionnaire Doctalious Warrior Human 35
Legionnaire Falion Warrior Human 35
Legionnaire Kovenic Warrior Human 36
Legionnaire Spaldres Warrior Human 36
Renaldok Masric Wizard Vampire 50
Skyshadow Warrior Bat 42
Trilexior Aeridia Enchanter Vampire 50
Tymoz Rogue Vampire 44
Veynar Aeridia Enchanter Vampire 44
Xenithen Sterbla Magician Vampire 50
Yaroslav Verilak Monk Vampire 44


  • The Tenebrous Mountains Bestiary List
  • The Tenebrous Mountains Named Mobs List
  • The Tenebrous Mountains Equipment List
  • The Tenebrous Mountains Spawn Groups
  • The Tenebrous Mountains Forageable items