Fear Itself (thuledream)

Succor point : 1282 / -1139 / 5


ListName Class Race Level
Alezra D`Vour Warrior Dark Elf 90
Arki Battlehammer Warrior Dwarf 88
Gallentin the Adventurer Warrior Barbarian 90
Hildran Heartguard Warrior Wood Elf 88
Iyana T`Vre Warrior Dark Elf 90
Lorenai Warrior Drakkin 90
Marza D`Vour Warrior Dark Elf 90
Morae Windwatcher Warrior Half Elf 88
Rashan Spiritweaver Warrior Vah Shir 88
Riyuz the Singed Warrior Human 88
Terror Warrior Golem 93
Tyriss Monk Iksar 88
Vendula Warrior Dark Elf 90
Xoraik Warrior Iksar 90
Warrior Halfling 88
an amygdalan guard Shadowknight Amygdalan 92
an amygdalan knight Shadowknight Amygdalan 92
an amygdalan soldier Warrior Amygdalan 91
an amygdalan warrior Warrior Amygdalan 91
an anguished fiend Warrior Zombie 89
an enraged frightfinger Wizard Reanimated Hand 88
an enraged glarelord Wizard Evil Eye 91
an enraged scareling Rogue Imp 89
an enraged shiverback Warrior Gorilla 89
a bitter gorgon Warrior Gorgon 92
a boogeyman Warrior Ghoul 90
a boogeyman lurker Warrior Ghoul 89
a campfire Warrior Campfire 88
a Cazic devotee Warrior Dark Elf 90
a curious phoboplasm Warrior Gelatinous Cube 90
a decaying corpse Warrior Gnome 90
a decrepit toad Warrior Undead Froglok 89
a delirious fiend Warrior Zombie 89
a delirious samhain Warrior Scarecrow 90
a fearful nightmare Warrior Nightmare/Unicorn 89
a fetid fiend Warrior Zombie 89
a frightfinger Wizard Reanimated Hand 90
a glarelord Wizard Evil Eye 91
a gorgon Warrior Gorgon 92
a mindless bleeder Warrior Evil Eye 89
a nightmare Warrior Nightmare/Unicorn 89
a phantasm Warrior Spectre 88
a phoboplasm Warrior Gelatinous Cube 88
a putrid fiend Warrior Zombie 88
a samhain Warrior Scarecrow 88
a scareling Rogue Imp 89
a shadowed bleeder Warrior Evil Eye 89
a shadowed fiend Warrior Zombie 88
a shadowed wraith Enchanter Invisible Man of Zomm 88
a shiverback Warrior Gorilla 89
a small glarelord Wizard Evil Eye 88
a spinechiller spider Warrior Spider 90
a spinechiller widow Warrior Spider 88
a tentacle tormentor Warrior Tentacle Terror 90
a terror wraith Enchanter Invisible Man of Zomm 89
a thought bleeder Warrior Evil Eye 88
a trapped dreamer Warrior Erudite 90
a turmoil toad Warrior Undead Froglok 88
a vile tormentor Warrior Tentacle Terror 90
a weak shiverback Warrior Gorilla 88
a wolf Warrior Wolf 90
a worry wraith Enchanter Invisible Man of Zomm 88
Blake Akers Rogue Human 90
FSP-General-NoEffect Warrior Campfire 1
Jaris Calmur Wizard Erudite 90
Reena Kedson Shadowknight Human 90
Ryzen Kezik Necromancer Dark Elf 90
Shade of Cazic Thule Shadowknight Cazic Thule 90
Sharuleth Shadowknight Amygdalan 90
Sherri Ganes Berserker Barbarian 90
Tiseth the Thrall Cleric Iksar 90


  • Fear Itself Bestiary List
  • Fear Itself Named Mobs List
  • Fear Itself Equipment List
  • Fear Itself Spawn Groups
  • Fear Itself Forageable items