Succor point : -91 / 338 / 64


ListName Class Race Level
Abbit Scribbletch Monk Gnome 85
Agent of Morzad Druid Dwarf 85
Andre MacDonnal Warrior Barbarian 89
a listless madwoman Warrior Human 90
Cazic Thule Warrior Cazic Thule 90
Elard Velsorn Warrior High Elf 90
Galo Maric Shadowknight Dark Elf 85
Karivei Skyflare Warrior Drakkin 88
Keega Bard Erudite 85
Khalis Magician Nightmare Mephit 85
Lilth Warrior Banshee 86
Morzad Aircaster Necromancer Shade 89
Morzad Earthcaster Shaman Shade 89
Morzad Firecaster Wizard Shade 89
Morzad Watercaster Magician Shade 89
Profane Fiend Warrior Balrog 87
Rotticus Warrior Rotdog 93
an ember golem Warrior Bone Golem 90
an iceworn guardian Warrior Valorian 90
an icy ooze Warrior Goo 90
a bloodthirsty beast Warrior Gorilla 90
a blood elemental Warrior Air Elemental 90
a cheerless apparition Warrior Elven Ghost 89
a drifting fog elemental Warrior Air Elemental 89
a dripping blood elemental Warrior Air Elemental 88
a filthy rotdog Warrior Rotdog 88
a flowing fog elemental Warrior Air Elemental 88
a flying monkey Warrior Holgresh 88
a frozen ooze Warrior Goo 88
a funnelweb leaper Warrior Spider 89
a funnelweb spider Warrior Spider 89
a ghostly vision Warrior Human Ghost 89
a gibbering madman Warrior Beggar 88
a hateful fire elemental Warrior Fire Elemental 88
a heartstinger scorpion Warrior Scorpion 90
a horrible centipede Warrior Lightcrawler 89
a hungry beast Warrior Worg 90
a mournful soul Warrior Banshee 88
a nightmarish beast Warrior Worg 88
a nightmarish centipede Warrior Lightcrawler 89
a nightmarish guardian Warrior Valorian 90
a putrid rotdog Warrior Rotdog 88
a raging beast Warrior Gorilla 89
a slithering serpent Warrior Snake 40
a soul devourer Warrior Hydra Crystal 90
a stalagmite terror Warrior Tentacle Terror 88
a trapped dreamer Warrior Human Ghost 89
FSP-General-NoEffect Warrior Campfire 1
Morzad Agent Rogue Shade 89
Smokeshroud Floating Skull 80


  • House of Thule, Upper Floors Bestiary List
  • House of Thule, Upper Floors Named Mobs List
  • House of Thule, Upper Floors Equipment List
  • House of Thule, Upper Floors Spawn Groups
  • House of Thule, Upper Floors Forageable items