Succor point : -803 / -1740 / 132


ListName Class Race Level
Warrior Cliknar Queen 71
Barleyburr Druid Siren 71
dying scout body Warrior Halfling 71
Feltwine Warrior Blood Raven 71
Gerbril the Cook Warrior Goblin 80
Grolak the Ancient Warrior Goblin 75
Lord Sviir Warrior Evil Eye 75
Lord Syrkl Warrior Evil Eye 75
Reyalie Warrior Blood Raven 75
Thoribald Warrior Burynai 71
Thorndig Warrior Burynai 71
Xolok the Blind Warrior Evil Eye 75
Xorbbs Smasher Enchanter Dyn\'Leth 73
an earthcrusted elemental Warrior Earth Elemental 71
an earthcruster elemental Warrior Earth Elemental 71
an earthcrust elemental Warrior Earth Elemental 71
an eskerdirt muddite Warrior Muddite 71
an evenflamed goblin Wizard Goblin 71
an evenflamer goblin Wizard Goblin 71
an evenflame goblin Wizard Goblin 71
an evilgaze eye Warrior Evil Eye 71
an icerogue goblin Warrior Goblin 71
an icewarriors goblin Warrior Goblin 71
an icewarrior goblin Warrior Goblin 71
an infectious spill Warrior Goo 71
an omnifocus eye Warrior Evil Eye 71
an overseered minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
an overseers minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
an overseer minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a bonepiled golem Warrior Bone Golem 71
a bonepile golem Warrior Bone Golem 71
a bruised minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a bruiser minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a cave snake Warrior Snake 71
a clayborn muddite Warrior Muddite 71
a clouded eye Warrior Evil Eye 71
a commander minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a condemneder skeleton Warrior Skeleton 71
a condemneds skeleton Warrior Skeleton 71
a condemnedz skeleton Warrior Skeleton 71
a condemned skeleton Warrior Skeleton 71
a core elemental Warrior Earth Elemental 71
a creekbottom muddite Warrior Muddite 71
a crystalfeared golem Warrior Golem 71
a crystalfears golem Warrior Golem 71
a crystalfear golem Warrior Golem 71
a crystalfear hydra Warrior Hydra Crystal 71
a currentfanged snake Warrior Snake 71
a currentfang snake Warrior Snake 71
a darkbodied golem Warrior Bone Golem 71
a darkbody golem Warrior Bone Golem 71
a darkfleshed golem Warrior Bone Golem 71
a darkflesh golem Warrior Bone Golem 71
a deadcrawler sporali Shadowknight Sporali 71
a deadeater crocodile Warrior Crocodile 71
a deadfiended goblin Necromancer Goblin 71
a deadfiend goblin Necromancer Goblin 71
a deadsea crocodile Warrior Crocodile 71
a dead halfling Warrior Halfling 71
a deathraised goblin Necromancer Goblin 71
a deathraiser goblin Necromancer Goblin 71
a deathraize goblin Necromancer Goblin 71
a deepforest bear Warrior Bear 71
a deepjungle bear Warrior Bear 71
a deepwoods snake Warrior Snake 71
a deepwood bear Warrior Bear 71
a deepwood snake Warrior Snake 71
a direflamed goblin Wizard Goblin 71
a direflame goblin Wizard Goblin 71
a farsighted eye Warrior Evil Eye 71
a fearbone skeleton Warrior Skeleton 71
a fetid mass Warrior Gelatinous Cube 71
a filthduct snake Warrior Snake 71
a fleshburned mephit Wizard Fire Mephit 71
a fleshburns mephit Wizard Fire Mephit 71
a fleshburn mephit Wizard Fire Mephit 71
a focused eye Warrior Evil Eye 71
a forested bear Warrior Bear 71
a forested snake Warrior Snake 71
a forest bear Warrior Bear 71
a forest snake Warrior Snake 71
a freshwater crocodile Warrior Crocodile 71
a geosplint mephit Warrior Earth Mephit 71
a groundswelled elemental Warrior Earth Elemental 71
a groundswell elemental Warrior Earth Elemental 71
a guardian minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a halfling adventurer Warrior Halfling 71
a halfling prisoner Warrior Halfling 71
a halfling scout Warrior Halfling 71
a hungry goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a jungle bear Warrior Bear 71
a jungle snake Warrior Snake 71
a lifeshard hydra Warrior Hydra Crystal 71
a magician`s eye Magician Evil Eye 71
a minotaur architect Warrior Minotaur 71
a minotaur cook Warrior Minotaur 71
a multifacet hydra Warrior Hydra Crystal 71
a nightfear mephit Warrior Nightmare Mephit 71
a noxious spill Warrior Goo 71
a nullmind mephit Warrior Nightmare Mephit 71
a pickslaved goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a pickslaver goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a pickslave goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a poisoned bear Warrior Bear 71
a prophet minotaur Shaman Minotaur 71
a putrid mass Warrior Gelatinous Cube 71
a rabid bear Warrior Bear 71
a ritualtalkers goblin Shaman Goblin 71
a ritualtalker goblin Shaman Goblin 71
a riverfoamed elemental Warrior Water Elemental 71
a riverfoam elemental Warrior Water Elemental 71
a rogue minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a scarred skeleton Warrior Skeleton 71
a scholarly minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a sedimentary muddite Warrior Muddite 71
a shamaniced goblin Shaman Goblin 71
a shamaniced minotaur Shaman Minotaur 71
a shamanic goblin Shaman Goblin 71
a shaman minotaur Shaman Minotaur 71
a shardcrafted golem Warrior Golem 71
a shardcrafter golem Warrior Golem 71
a shardcraft hydra Warrior Hydra Crystal 71
a sickwater crocodile Warrior Crocodile 71
a stinkwater crocodile Warrior Crocodile 71
a streamed snake Warrior Snake 71
a streamswelled elemental Warrior Water Elemental 71
a streamswell elemental Warrior Water Elemental 71
a streams snake Warrior Snake 71
a stream snake Warrior Snake 71
a subservients goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a subservient goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a tainted spill Warrior Goo 71
a terrored golem Warrior Golem 71
a terror golem Warrior Golem 71
a thickhide crocodile Warrior Crocodile 71
a thickskinned crocodile Warrior Crocodile 71
a timbercrush bear Warrior Bear 71
a tree snake Warrior Snake 71
a tunneled snake Warrior Snake 71
a tunnel snake Warrior Snake 71
a viewer minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a vigilant eye Warrior Evil Eye 71
a warrior minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a watchmans minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a watchman minotaur Warrior Minotaur 71
a waterking goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a waterknights goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a waterknight goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a wetbloom sporali Warrior Sporali 71
a workmaster goblin Warrior Goblin 71
a woundhealer goblin Shaman Goblin 71
Borat Warrior Human 71
goblin remains Warrior Skeleton 71
halfling remains Warrior Skeleton 71
Soul Master Warrior 85
Threshrock Warrior Burynai 71
tiny spider Warrior Spider 71


  • Valley of King Xorbb Bestiary List
  • Valley of King Xorbb Named Mobs List
  • Valley of King Xorbb Equipment List
  • Valley of King Xorbb Spawn Groups
  • Valley of King Xorbb Forageable items