in The Dreadlands by Brother Balatin (86022)
Brother Balatin (86113)
Brother Balatin (86114)
Brother Balatin (86136)
in Cabilis East by Vessel Drozlin (106008)
Trooper Fryp (106062)
Trooper Nagraz (106063)
Trooper Iggmin (106064)
Trooper Zishrin (106065)
The Toilmaster (106066)
Trooper Azalin (106067)
Trooper Begzei (106068)
Trooper Shestar (106069)
Trooper Feglesh (106070)
Trooper Rofylin (106071)
Trooper Nishnish (106072)
Trooper Ishlin (106073)
Trooper Keplar (106074)
Trooper Byzin (106075)
Trooper Googin (106076)
Vessel Spirit Companion (106081)
Vessel Kirtokk (106086)
Vessel Drekk (106087)
Vessel Migron (106088)
Vessel Mortyr (106089)
Vessel Grymm (106090)
Vessel Grott (106091)
Vessel Kabda (106092)
Master Niska (106097)
Master Raska (106098)
Master Bain (106099)
Grand Master Glox (106100)
in Cabilis West by Trooper Dagnav (82018)
Trooper Yegmesh (82019)
Trooper Moggoz (82020)
Trooper Shyzin (82021)
Trooper Ogmire (82022)
Trooper Gryfkyz (82023)
Trooper Xaxxot (82024)
Trooper Gegren (82025)
Trooper Hylpik (82028)
Trooper Egrephit (82029)
Trooper Ryzee (82030)
Trooper Tygar (82031)
Trooper Ozlot (82032)
Trooper Eglo (82033)
in Lake of Ill Omen by Trooper Larrin (85007)
Trooper Selbat (85170)
Trooper Curlish (85146)
Trooper Eshzik (85147)
Trooper Kylpog (85148)
Trooper Frogzin (85149)
Trooper Digdul (85150)
Trooper Hegwez (85151)
Trooper Vaurk (85158)
Trooper Sylith (85233)
in The Dreadlands by Veltar (86092)
in The Field of Bone by Trooper Taer (78020)
Trooper Gummin (78069)
Trooper Chikzik (78073)
Trooper Grouko (78075)
Trooper Mozo (78076)
Warlord Zyzz (78077)
Trooper Drix (78103)
Trooper Harpin (78074)
in The Howling Stones by Gandan Tailfist (105154)
in The Swamp of No Hope by Captain Nedar (83214)
Trooper Fodcod (83061)
Trooper Nilzik (83062)
Trooper Inkin (83063)
Trooper Harkee (83065)
Trooper Lorgen (83066)
Warlord Hikyg (83067)
Trooper Keat (83064)
in The Warsliks Woods by Captain Gideen (79083)
Trooper Agash (79084)
Trooper Lunmiz (79085)
Trooper Olon (79086)
Trooper Gepwyz (79087)
Trooper Syldon (79088)
Trooper Melzok (79089)
Trooper Roklon (79090)
Trooper Walrun (79091)
Trooper Kroniz (79092)
in Timorous Deep by an Iksar master (96002)