Spell: Detrimental Range 27 L85


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Range by 27%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (85)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Spell Type: Detrimental Only

Items with this spell:

Arcaapi Ventail
Bloody Mask
Brell's Visage
Cavernaut Dustveil
Chitin Laminated Facemask
Chitinous Facemask
Clay-caked Veil
Coldsteel Mask of Riot
Collector's Lava Protection Mask
Corroded Brass Mask
Cowl of Cheon
Cowl of Mercy
Cowl of the Indulgent
Creator's Eyeglass
Draco Heretic Mask
Exidian Mask
Eyepiece of the Fancy Tinker
Fur-flecked Faceguard
Gigyn Skull Mask
Golden Mask of Champion Oricx
Guard of the Two-Faced
Hammered Gear Casing
Iron Mask of the Kobold Champion
Mask of Brass
Mask of Rage
Mask of Sonic Sight
Mask of the Brute
Mask of the Burrower
Mask of the Collier
Mask of the Lava Mephit
Mask of the Maze Dweller
Mask of the Sentinel
Paragon's Facemask of the Adept
Paragon's Facemask of the Combatant
Pellucid Eyepiece
Punisher's Guard
Rageskull Mask
Regal Arcaapi Ventail
SaNril`Rexsso's Mask
Shadehorn Mask
Shadowhorn Mask
Spong's Kerchief
Tarnished Blood Drop Accent Veil
Telmira Mask of Warfare
Telmira Veil of Conflict
Terros Mask
Thin Crystalline Mask
Trimmed Facemask
Unstable Crystalline Mask
Ventilator of Leaves
Visage of Deathspore
Visage of Planar Splendors
Visage of the Bull