Spell: Tiny Companion


Classes Shadowknight (19), Druid (17), Shaman (16), Necromancer (19), Magician (19), Enchanter (19), Beastlord (19)
When cast on youYou feel smaller.
When cast on other shrinks.
When fadingYou return to normal height.
Casting time4 sec
Recovery time1.5 sec
Recast time1.5 sec
TargetCaster's Pet

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : by 50

    Items with this spell:

    Algae Covered Stiletto
    Amethyst Ward of the Companion
    Beritoza's Bangle of Bixielording
    Black Vertebrae
    Bonespike Earring
    Bronze Hoop of Chaos
    Burning Stud of Summoning
    Carved Ivory Bauble
    Chipped Shards of Dread
    Chitin Stud
    Coldain Phalanges Earring
    Companion's Purple Earring
    Companion's Symbol of Defiance
    Coraline Earring of Alliance
    Creeping Rhodolite Garnet Earring
    Curious Companion Compactor
    Double Loop of Companionship
    Draconic Servant's Wand
    Ear Pendant of the Pauper
    Earring of Faint Echoes
    Earring of Soothing Melodies
    Encrusted Spike Stud
    Engraved Prayer Earring
    Ensslat's Earring
    Ethernere Stone Earring
    Fragile Trinket of Command
    Frindar's Finger Bone
    Frost-Gemmed Earring
    Fuel Nugget Bauble
    Gemstone of Dark Flame
    Glinting Frost Gem
    Glorig's Gold Earring
    Glorig's Nose Bone
    Glowing Clasp of the Handmaiden
    Glumb's Trinket of Tactical Cowardice
    Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
    Grael's Stud of Summoning
    Heroic Earring of the Summoner
    High-Volume Servant Transceiver
    Hoarfrost-Gemmed Earring
    Hoop of Untamed Creation
    Iceband Trinket
    Iceband Trinket
    Iceleaf Earring
    Jagged Earring of Potency
    Kraxz' Earring of Command
    Loyalist Dedication Earring
    Magnetic Minion Magnifier
    Mephit's Hoop of the Trickster
    Model XI Fuel Nugget Bauble
    Modest Earring
    Nature Imbued Earring
    Nightshade Wreath
    Niteshaid's Earring of Undying Love
    Os Avus
    Paragon's Ear Stud of the Summoner
    Phoenix Feather Earring
    Platinum Companion's Pinion Gear
    Putrid Bertoxxulous Etched Earring
    Putryl, Jagged Hoop of Heresy
    Ratskull Earring
    Rotdog Bone Earring
    Scorched Earth Hoop
    Scryer's Loop
    Sea Gem, Adornment of the Companion
    Servant's Bone
    Shade's Phase
    Shards of the Jungle Sentinel
    Sparking Bauble
    Spectral Skull of the Fear
    Spell: Tiny Companion
    Stud of Decomposing Foliage
    Symbol of Ancient Summoning
    Tamer's Trinket
    Tarnished Skullhead Earring
    Thelara`Tel, Icon of the Eternally Faithful
    Torch of Eternal Servitude
    Trinket of the Fearful
    Trinket of the Last Ally
    Twitching Snood
    Vhal`Sera Skull Earring
    Wilting Leaf Stud
    Winged Gem of Command
    Xmiticzin's Earring of Dominion
    Zyren's Hoop