Spell: Eternal Ward


When cast on youYou are protected by an eternal ward.
When cast on other is surrounded by an eternal ward.
When fadingYour ward fades.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration20 min (200 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Increase All Resists by 15
    10 : Effect type : Increase AC by 150

Items with this spell:

Adamantite Idol
Archaeologist's Runic Belt
Binsprocket's Favored Spaulders
Blackburrow Bulwark
Bok Knight's Bow
Darkened Thick Banded Belt
Dragonbone Fan
Drakebone Fan
Granite Fellstone
Granite Fellstone
Kravek's Fellstone
Lavender Cloak of Destruction
Lost Fearsome Girdle
Prismatic Ring of Resistance
Steel Spaulders of the Tinkerer
Tiny Tomes of Understanding
Tiny Tomes of Wisdom
Yun Shaman Totem