Spell: Faerune


When cast on youYou are filled with the spirit of the deep.
When cast on other's eyes are filled with deep water.
When fadingThe spirit fades.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration36 min (360 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : See Invisible
    2 : Effect type : Ultravision
    3 : Effect type : WaterBreathing by 1

    Items with this spell:

    Abstruse Blessedbond Helm
    Abstruse Conjuredflame Cap
    Abstruse Darktouch Helm
    Abstruse Dreamhunter Helm
    Abstruse Forcestruck Cowl
    Abstruse Ironhand Helm
    Abstruse Manafiber Cap
    Abstruse Mindbroken Cap
    Abstruse Orobane Cowl
    Abstruse Rageblade Coif
    Abstruse Soulbound Helm
    Abstruse Soulreaper Cap
    Abstruse Spiritskin Coif
    Abstruse Stealthinfused Coif
    Abstruse Stormheart Coif
    Abstruse Wildroar Cowl
    Aged Left Eye of Xygoz
    Alloy-Linked Coif
    Ambiguous Blessedbond Helm
    Ambiguous Conjuredflame Cap
    Ambiguous Darktouch Helm
    Ambiguous Dreamhunter Helm
    Ambiguous Forcestruck Cowl
    Ambiguous Ironhand Helm
    Ambiguous Manafiber Cap
    Ambiguous Mindbroken Cap
    Ambiguous Orobane Cowl
    Ambiguous Rageblade Coif
    Ambiguous Soulbound Helm
    Ambiguous Soulreaper Cap
    Ambiguous Spiritskin Coif
    Ambiguous Stealthinfused Coif
    Ambiguous Stormheart Coif
    Ambiguous Wildroar Cowl
    Ancient Hardened Helm
    Ancient Husk Cowl
    Ancient Scaled Coif
    Ancient Velvet Hat
    Anthemion Skullcap
    Apatite of Pure Sight
    Apocryphal Dragonbrood Cowl
    Apocryphal Exarch Helm
    Apocryphal Flameweaver Cap
    Apocryphal Frostfire Cap
    Apocryphal Illuminator Helm
    Apocryphal Legionnaire Helm
    Apocryphal Lifewalker Cowl
    Apocryphal Loremaster Helm
    Apocryphal Mindlock Cap
    Apocryphal Natureward Coif
    Apocryphal Shadowscale Coif
    Apocryphal Soulforge Cowl
    Apocryphal Soulrender Helm
    Apocryphal Soulslaver Cap
    Apocryphal Spiritwalker Coif
    Apocryphal Warmonger Coif
    Apothic Crown
    Arcane Energeiac Silk Hat
    Arcane Incinerator's Velvet Hat
    Archaic Chain Coif
    Archaic Chain Coif
    Archaic Cloth Cap
    Archaic Cloth Cap
    Archaic Leather Cowl
    Archaic Leather Cowl
    Archaic Plate Helm
    Archaic Plate Helm
    Armguards of the Brute
    Askr's Thunderous Helm
    Atathus` Battlelancer Coif
    Atathus` Warfire Helm
    Azure Trinket of Despair
    Balanced Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Balanced Battlescar Chain Coif
    Balanced Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Balanced Darkfell Silk Cap
    Balanced Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Balanced Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Balanced Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Balanced Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Balanced Fategaze Chain Coif
    Balanced Firesoul Plate Helm
    Balanced Flamechill Silk Cap
    Balanced Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Balanced Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Balanced Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Balanced Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Balanced Ironbone Plate Helm
    Balanced Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Balanced Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Balanced Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Balanced Outrider Chain Coif
    Balanced Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Balanced Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Balanced Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Balanced Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Balanced Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Balanced Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Balanced Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Balanced Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Balanced Truespirit Chain Coif
    Balanced Visionbound Plate Helm
    Balanced Willsear Chain Coif
    Balanced Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Barred Choker
    Benefit: Faerune
    Benevolent Lifegiver's Hardened Helm
    Bidilis' Helm of the Elusive
    Blackened Sandals
    Blighted Skullcap
    Blood-Etched Helm
    Bloodflow of Pure Sight
    Boneflow of Pure Sight
    Boreal Cap of Compulsion
    Boreal Cap of the Conjuror
    Boreal Cap of the Exhumer
    Boreal Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Boreal Coif of Carnage
    Boreal Coif of the Assassin
    Boreal Coif of the Diviner
    Boreal Coif of the Warden
    Boreal Cowl of the Fang
    Boreal Cowl of the Tender
    Boreal Cowl of the Unwavering
    Boreal Helm of Havok
    Boreal Helm of the Light
    Boreal Helm of the Performer
    Boreal Helm of the Revenant
    Boreal Helm of the Zealot
    Bracer of Grievous Harm
    Brilliant Apatite of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Bloodflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Boneflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Celestine of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Citrine of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Emberflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Fireflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Howlite of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Kyanite of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Mossflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Mudflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Shadowflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Skyflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Sodalite of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Sphalerite of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Starflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Stormflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Titanite of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Tourmaline of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Voidflow of Pure Sight
    Brilliant Waterflow of Pure Sight
    Brutal Energeiac Chain Coif
    Cap of Transcended Immortality
    Carmine Turban
    Castaway Cap of Compulsion
    Castaway Cap of the Conjuror
    Castaway Cap of the Exhumer
    Castaway Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Castaway Coif of Carnage
    Castaway Coif of the Assassin
    Castaway Coif of the Diviner
    Castaway Coif of the Warden
    Castaway Cowl of the Fang
    Castaway Cowl of the Tender
    Castaway Cowl of the Unwavering
    Castaway Helm of Havok
    Castaway Helm of the Light
    Castaway Helm of the Performer
    Castaway Helm of the Revenant
    Castaway Helm of the Zealot
    Cavefish Goggles
    Celestine of Pure Sight
    Celestrium Bestialcry Cowl
    Celestrium Cowl of the Disciplined Animus
    Celestrium Deathwatch Helm
    Celestrium Earthwall Helm
    Celestrium Egoshatter Cap
    Celestrium Fatecaster Coif
    Celestrium Firetorrent Cap
    Celestrium Graceheart Helm
    Celestrium Grimblight Cap
    Celestrium Ireblood Coif
    Celestrium Lifedefender Helm
    Celestrium Lorerunner Helm
    Celestrium Primalelement Cap
    Celestrium Shadowborn Coif
    Celestrium Terraheart Cowl
    Celestrium Trailwarden Coif
    Chain Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Arcanist
    Chain Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Arcanist
    Chain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Arcanist
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Assassin
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Champion
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Healer
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Magus
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Mariner
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Master
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Plague Bringer
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Chain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Chain Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Arcanist
    Chain Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Arcanist
    Chain Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Arcanist
    Chaos-Imbued Leather Skullcap
    Chaotic Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Chaotic Battlescar Chain Coif
    Chaotic Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Chaotic Darkfell Silk Cap
    Chaotic Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Chaotic Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Chaotic Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Chaotic Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Chaotic Fategaze Chain Coif
    Chaotic Firesoul Plate Helm
    Chaotic Flamechill Silk Cap
    Chaotic Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Chaotic Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Chaotic Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Chaotic Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Chaotic Ironbone Plate Helm
    Chaotic Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Chaotic Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Chaotic Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Chaotic Outrider Chain Coif
    Chaotic Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Chaotic Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Chaotic Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Chaotic Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Chaotic Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Chaotic Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Chaotic Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Chaotic Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Chaotic Truespirit Chain Coif
    Chaotic Visionbound Plate Helm
    Chaotic Willsear Chain Coif
    Chaotic Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Chilled Hide Helmet
    Chillsteel Helm of the Dream
    Chromasteel Helm of the Dream
    Chronomage Hood
    Circlet of Summer
    Citrine of Pure Sight
    Cloak of the Spirit Hunter
    Cloudsteel Helm of the Dream
    Coldain Thermalband
    Commanding Chillhide Cowl
    Commanding Chromahide Cowl
    Commanding Firesilk Hat
    Commanding Flamehide Cowl
    Commanding Frostsilk Hat
    Commanding Hide Cowl
    Commanding Kaleidosilk Hat
    Commanding Silk Hat
    Commanding Stormhide Cowl
    Commanding Terrasilk Hat
    Commanding Tremorhide Cowl
    Commanding Windsilk Hat
    Concordant Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Concordant Battlescar Chain Coif
    Concordant Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Concordant Darkfell Silk Cap
    Concordant Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Concordant Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Concordant Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Concordant Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Concordant Fategaze Chain Coif
    Concordant Firesoul Plate Helm
    Concordant Flamechill Silk Cap
    Concordant Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Concordant Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Concordant Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Concordant Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Concordant Ironbone Plate Helm
    Concordant Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Concordant Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Concordant Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Concordant Outrider Chain Coif
    Concordant Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Concordant Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Concordant Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Concordant Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Concordant Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Concordant Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Concordant Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Concordant Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Concordant Truespirit Chain Coif
    Concordant Visionbound Plate Helm
    Concordant Willsear Chain Coif
    Concordant Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Corrupted Energeiac Silk Hat
    Cosgrove Soloist Chest Seal of the Arcanist
    Cosgrove Soloist Chest Seal of the Farseer
    Cosgrove Soloist Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Cosgrove Soloist Helm Seal of the Farseer
    Cowl of Phenomenal Power
    Crested Helm
    Crown of King Tranix
    Crown of King Tranix
    Crown of King Tranix
    Crown of Resiliance
    Crown of the Froglok Kings
    Crypt-Hunter's Frostfire Cap
    Crypt-Hunter's Loremaster Helm
    Crypt-Hunter's Mindlock Cap
    Crypt-Hunter's Soulrender Helm
    Damascite Bestialcry Cowl
    Damascite Cowl of the Disciplined Animus
    Damascite Deathwatch Helm
    Damascite Earthwall Helm
    Damascite Egoshatter Cap
    Damascite Fatecaster Coif
    Damascite Firetorrent Cap
    Damascite Graceheart Helm
    Damascite Grimblight Cap
    Damascite Ireblood Coif
    Damascite Lifedefender Helm
    Damascite Lorerunner Helm
    Damascite Primalelement Cap
    Damascite Shadowborn Coif
    Damascite Terraheart Cowl
    Damascite Trailwarden Coif
    Darkened Crown of the Froglok Kings
    Darkened Executioners Hood
    Darkened Platinum Tiara
    Darkened Runed Cowl
    Darkened Skull-shaped Barbute
    Darkwater Dragonbrood Cowl
    Darkwater Exarch Helm
    Darkwater Flameweaver Cap
    Darkwater Frostfire Cap
    Darkwater Illuminator Helm
    Darkwater Legionnaire Helm
    Darkwater Lifewalker Cowl
    Darkwater Loremaster Helm
    Darkwater Mindlock Cap
    Darkwater Natureward Coif
    Darkwater Shadowscale Coif
    Darkwater Soulforge Cowl
    Darkwater Soulrender Helm
    Darkwater Soulslaver Cap
    Darkwater Spiritwalker Coif
    Darkwater Warmonger Coif
    Dauntless Minstrel's Hardened Helm
    Deathseeker's Exarch Helm
    Deathseeker's Illuminator Helm
    Deathseeker's Legionnaire Helm
    Deathseeker's Lifewalker Cowl
    Deathseeker's Loremaster Helm
    Deathseeker's Natureward Coif
    Deathseeker's Shadowscale Coif
    Deathseeker's Soulforge Cowl
    Deathseeker's Soulrender Helm
    Deathseeker's Souslayer Cap
    Deathseeker's Spiritwalker Coif
    Dedicated Alloy Coif
    Dedicated Chillsteel Helm
    Dedicated Chromalinked Coif
    Dedicated Chromasteel Helm
    Dedicated Cloudsteel Helm
    Dedicated Flamelinked Coif
    Dedicated Flamesteel Helm
    Dedicated Frostlinked Coif
    Dedicated Steel Helm
    Dedicated Stormlinked Coif
    Dedicated Terrasteel Helm
    Dedicated Tremorchain Coif
    Depraved Vanquisher's Hardened Helm
    Dimensional Warrior Helmet
    Discordant Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Discordant Battlescar Chain Coif
    Discordant Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Discordant Cap of Betrayal
    Discordant Darkfell Silk Cap
    Discordant Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Discordant Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Discordant Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Discordant Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Discordant Fategaze Chain Coif
    Discordant Firesoul Plate Helm
    Discordant Flamechill Silk Cap
    Discordant Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Discordant Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Discordant Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Discordant Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Discordant Ironbone Plate Helm
    Discordant Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Discordant Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Discordant Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Discordant Outrider Chain Coif
    Discordant Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Discordant Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Discordant Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Discordant Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Discordant Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Discordant Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Discordant Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Discordant Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Discordant Truespirit Chain Coif
    Discordant Visionbound Plate Helm
    Discordant Willsear Chain Coif
    Discordant Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Distorted Cap of Compulsion
    Distorted Cap of the Conjuror
    Distorted Cap of the Exhumer
    Distorted Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Distorted Coif of Carnage
    Distorted Coif of the Assassin
    Distorted Coif of the Diviner
    Distorted Coif of the Warden
    Distorted Cowl of the Fang
    Distorted Cowl of the Tender
    Distorted Cowl of the Unwavering
    Distorted Helm of Havok
    Distorted Helm of the Light
    Distorted Helm of the Performer
    Distorted Helm of the Revenant
    Distorted Helm of the Zealot
    Donators Energeiac Plate Helm
    Draton`ra`s Blackbone Cap
    Draton`ra`s Deadkeeper Coif
    Draton`ra`s Shadowskin Helm
    Dreadweave Dragonbrood Cowl
    Dreadweave Exarch Helm
    Dreadweave Flameweaver Cap
    Dreadweave Frostfire Cap
    Dreadweave Illuminator Helm
    Dreadweave Legionnaire Helm
    Dreadweave Lifewalker Cowl
    Dreadweave Loremaster Helm
    Dreadweave Mindlock Cap
    Dreadweave Natureward Coif
    Dreadweave Shadowscale Coif
    Dreadweave Soulforge Cowl
    Dreadweave Soulrender Helm
    Dreadweave Soulslaver Cap
    Dreadweave Spiritwalker Coif
    Dreadweave Warmonger Coif
    Dreamer's Firesilk Hat
    Dreamer's Frostsilk Hat
    Dreamer's Kaleidosilk Hat
    Dreamer's Silk Hat
    Dreamer's Terrasilk Hat
    Dreamer's Windsilk Hat
    Druadic Chillhide Cowl
    Druadic Chromahide Cowl
    Druadic Chromalinked Coif
    Druadic Flamehide Cowl
    Druadic Flamelinked Coif
    Druadic Frostlinked Coif
    Druadic Hide Cowl
    Druadic Linked Coif
    Druadic Stormhide Cowl
    Druadic Stormlinked Coif
    Druadic Tremorchain Coif
    Druadic Tremorhide Cowl
    Dumul's Cap of the Brute
    Ebony Headband
    Elaborate Consigned Chain Coif
    Elaborate Consigned Leather Cap
    Elaborate Consigned Plate Helm
    Elaborate Consigned Silk Cap
    Elaborate Defiant Chain Coif
    Elaborate Defiant Leather Cap
    Elaborate Defiant Plate Helm
    Elaborate Defiant Silk Cap
    Elegant Archon Helm
    Elegant Carnifex Coif
    Elegant Consigned Chain Coif
    Elegant Consigned Leather Cap
    Elegant Consigned Plate Helm
    Elegant Consigned Silk Cap
    Elegant Defiant Chain Coif
    Elegant Defiant Leather Cap
    Elegant Defiant Plate Helm
    Elegant Defiant Silk Cap
    Elegant Exarch Helm
    Elegant Illuminator Helm
    Elegant Lifewalker Cowl
    Elegant Loremaster Helm
    Elegant Mindlock Cap
    Elegant Natureward Coif
    Elegant Primarch Cowl
    Elegant Soulforge Cowl
    Elegant Soulrender Helm
    Elegant Soulslaver Cap
    Elegant Spellrazer Cap
    Elegant Spiritwalker Coif
    Elegant Tideweaver Cap
    Elegant Warmonger Coif
    Elidroth's Battle Helmet
    Embellished Cap of Compulsion
    Embellished Cap of the Arcanus
    Embellished Cap of the Conjuror
    Embellished Cap of the Exhumer
    Embellished Coif of Carnage
    Embellished Coif of the Assassin
    Embellished Coif of the Diviner
    Embellished Coif of the Warden
    Embellished Cowl of the Tender
    Embellished Cowl of the Unwavering
    Embellished Cowl of the Wilder
    Embellished Helm of Havoc
    Embellished Helm of Oration
    Embellished Helm of the Light
    Embellished Helm of the Revenant
    Embellished Helm of the Zealot
    Emberflow of Pure Sight
    Enameled Black Helm
    Enameled Black Helm
    Enigmatic Cap of Finality
    Enigmatic Cap of the Sorcerer
    Enigmatic Cap of the Thaumaterge
    Enigmatic Coif of Foresight
    Enigmatic Coif of the Hunt
    Enigmatic Coif of the Merciless
    Enigmatic Coif of the Swift
    Enigmatic Cowl of Affinity
    Enigmatic Cowl of Creation
    Enigmatic Cowl of the Predator
    Enigmatic Helm of the Crusader
    Enigmatic Helm of the Muse
    Enigmatic Helm of the Protector
    Enigmatic Helm of the Reaver
    Enigmatic Helm of the Rejuvenator
    Entropic Nightshade Coif
    Eon Forged Plate Helm
    Eon Hardened Leather Cowl
    Eon Linked Chain Coif
    Eon Woven Cloth Cap
    Esoteric Cap of Finality
    Esoteric Cap of the Phantasmist
    Esoteric Cap of the Sorcerer
    Esoteric Cap of the Thaumaterge
    Esoteric Coif of Foresight
    Esoteric Coif of the Hunt
    Esoteric Coif of the Merciless
    Esoteric Coif of the Swift
    Esoteric Cowl of Affinity
    Esoteric Cowl of Creation
    Esoteric Cowl of the Predator
    Esoteric Helm of the Crusader
    Esoteric Helm of the Muse
    Esoteric Helm of the Protector
    Esoteric Helm of the Reaver
    Esoteric Helm of the Rejuvenator
    Eternity Loop Rk. 20
    Ethereal Mist Helm
    Ethernere Traveler Cap
    Everliving Bramble Cap
    Executioners Hood
    Extravagant Consigned Chain Coif
    Extravagant Consigned Leather Cap
    Extravagant Consigned Plate Helm
    Extravagant Consigned Silk Cap
    Fabled Armguards of the Brute
    Fabled Elder Spiritist's Gauntlets
    Fabled Razing Sword of Skarlon
    Fabled Tolan's Darkwood Gauntlets
    Faleav's Lightweight Energizer
    Fearlinked Chain Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Fearlinked Chain Helm Seal of the Champion
    Fearlinked Chain Helm Seal of the Healer
    Fearlinked Chain Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Fearlinked Chain Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Fearlinked Leather Helm Seal of the Champion
    Fearlinked Leather Helm Seal of the Magus
    Fearlinked Leather Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Healer
    Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Magus
    Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Fearlinked Plate Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Fearlinked Silk Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Fearlinked Silk Helm Seal of the Defiler
    Fearlinked Silk Helm Seal of the Healer
    Fearlinked Silk Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Fearlinked Silk Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Fearlinked Silk Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Feral Energeiac Leather Cowl
    Fireflow of Pure Sight
    Flamesteel Helm of the Dream
    Flexible Chitin Burgonet
    Flowing Etheric Dragonbrood Cowl
    Flowing Etheric Exarch Helm
    Flowing Etheric Flameweaver Cap
    Flowing Etheric Frostfire Cap
    Flowing Etheric Illuminator Helm
    Flowing Etheric Legionnaire Helm
    Flowing Etheric Lifewalker Cowl
    Flowing Etheric Loremaster Helm
    Flowing Etheric Mindlock Cap
    Flowing Etheric Natureward Coif
    Flowing Etheric Shadowscale Coif
    Flowing Etheric Soulforge Cowl
    Flowing Etheric Soulrender Helm
    Flowing Etheric Soulslaver Cap
    Flowing Etheric Spiritwalker Coif
    Flowing Etheric Warmonger Coif
    Formal Cap of Compulsion
    Formal Cap of the Arcanus
    Formal Cap of the Conjuror
    Formal Cap of the Exhumer
    Formal Coif of Carnage
    Formal Coif of the Assassin
    Formal Coif of the Diviner
    Formal Coif of the Warden
    Formal Cowl of the Tender
    Formal Cowl of the Unwavering
    Formal Cowl of the Wilder
    Formal Helm of Havoc
    Formal Helm of Oration
    Formal Helm of the Light
    Formal Helm of the Revenant
    Formal Helm of the Zealot
    Forseeing Chain Coif of the Stalker
    Freedom of Alacrity
    Freedom of Charisma
    Freedom of Damned
    Freedom of Dexterity
    Freedom of Fortitude
    Freedom of Knowledge
    Freedom of Nature
    Freedom of Rage
    Freedom of Spirit
    Freedom of Strength
    Freedom of the Mind
    Freedom of the Power
    Freedom of the Primitive
    Freedom of the Righteous
    Freedom of the Wild
    Freedom of Thought
    Frenzied Savage's Scaled Coif
    Frightweave Cap of Compulsion
    Frightweave Cap of the Conjuror
    Frightweave Cap of the Exhumer
    Frightweave Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Frightweave Coif of Carnage
    Frightweave Coif of the Assassin
    Frightweave Coif of the Diviner
    Frightweave Coif of the Warden
    Frightweave Cowl of the Fang
    Frightweave Cowl of the Tender
    Frightweave Cowl of the Unwavering
    Frightweave Helm of Havok
    Frightweave Helm of the Light
    Frightweave Helm of the Performer
    Frightweave Helm of the Revenant
    Frightweave Helm of the Zealot
    Galladan's Stormwrath Coif
    Gargoyle Bindings
    Gelid Dragonbrood Cowl
    Gelid Exarch Helm
    Gelid Flameweaver Cap
    Gelid Frostfire Cap
    Gelid Illuminator Helm
    Gelid Legionnaire Helm
    Gelid Lifewalker Cowl
    Gelid Loremaster Helm
    Gelid Mindlock Cap
    Gelid Natureward Coif
    Gelid Shadowscale Coif
    Gelid Soulforge Cowl
    Gelid Soulrender Helm
    Gelid Soulslaver Cap
    Gelid Spiritwalker Coif
    Gelid Warmonger Coif
    Gift of the Caesar
    Gleaming Energeiac Chain Coif
    Glossy Silk Hat
    Glowing Gossamer Cap
    Glyphed Helm of Conflict
    Gnollish Chain Helm
    Gnollish Chain Helm
    Gnollish Leather Helm
    Gnollish Leather Helm
    Golden Half Mask of Convalescence
    Gorgon-Skin Bandana
    Grandiose Cap of Compulsion
    Grandiose Cap of the Arcanus
    Grandiose Cap of the Conjuror
    Grandiose Cap of the Exhumer
    Grandiose Coif of Carnage
    Grandiose Coif of the Assassin
    Grandiose Coif of the Diviner
    Grandiose Coif of the Warden
    Grandiose Cowl of the Tender
    Grandiose Cowl of the Unwavering
    Grandiose Cowl of the Wilder
    Grandiose Helm of Havoc
    Grandiose Helm of Oration
    Grandiose Helm of the Light
    Grandiose Helm of the Revenant
    Grandiose Helm of the Zealot
    Gray Iron Chain Boots
    Greater Savant's Cap
    Grimror's Helm of the Plagues
    Hammered Helm of Foresight
    Hands of Flame
    Hardened Energeiac Leather Cowl
    Headband of Heightened Cognizance
    Headdress of Dark Rituals
    Helm of Eternity
    Helm of Inventive Perception
    Helm of Night's Bane
    Helm of Superior Divinity
    Helm of the Deep Sea
    Helm of the Dream
    Helm of the Underworld
    Helm of Vesagran
    Helm of Wailing Hatred
    Helmet of the Crawler
    Hero's Chain Coif
    Hero's Leather Cap
    Hero's Plate Helm
    Hero's Silk Cap
    Heroic Blessedbond Helm
    Heroic Conjuredflame Cap
    Heroic Darktouch Helm
    Heroic Dreamhunter Helm
    Heroic Forcestruck Cowl
    Heroic Ironhand Helm
    Heroic Manafiber Cap
    Heroic Mindbroken Cap
    Heroic Orobane Cowl
    Heroic Rageblade Coif
    Heroic Soulbound Helm
    Heroic Soulreaper Cap
    Heroic Spiritskin Coif
    Heroic Stealthinfused Coif
    Heroic Stormheart Coif
    Heroic Wildroar Cowl
    Highwater Cap of Compulsion
    Highwater Cap of the Conjuror
    Highwater Cap of the Exhumer
    Highwater Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Highwater Coif of Carnage
    Highwater Coif of the Assassin
    Highwater Coif of the Diviner
    Highwater Coif of the Warden
    Highwater Cowl of the Fang
    Highwater Cowl of the Tender
    Highwater Cowl of the Unwavering
    Highwater Helm of Havok
    Highwater Helm of the Light
    Highwater Helm of the Performer
    Highwater Helm of the Revenant
    Highwater Helm of the Zealot
    Howlite of Pure Sight
    Husk Cowl of the Wheeling Fist
    Ikaav-Scale Sleeves
    Imbrued Platemail Helm
    Indicolite Helm
    Inflicted Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Inflicted Battlescar Chain Coif
    Inflicted Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Inflicted Darkfell Silk Cap
    Inflicted Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Inflicted Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Inflicted Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Inflicted Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Inflicted Fategaze Chain Coif
    Inflicted Firesoul Plate Helm
    Inflicted Flamechill Silk Cap
    Inflicted Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Inflicted Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Inflicted Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Inflicted Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Inflicted Ironbone Plate Helm
    Inflicted Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Inflicted Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Inflicted Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Inflicted Outrider Chain Coif
    Inflicted Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Inflicted Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Inflicted Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Inflicted Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Inflicted Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Inflicted Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Inflicted Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Inflicted Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Inflicted Truespirit Chain Coif
    Inflicted Visionbound Plate Helm
    Inflicted Willsear Chain Coif
    Inflicted Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Insidious Halo
    Intense Alloy Coif
    Intense Chromalinked Cowl
    Intense Firesilk Hat
    Intense Flamelinked Coif
    Intense Frostlinked Coif
    Intense Frostsilk Hat
    Intense Kaleidosilk Hat
    Intense Silk Hat
    Intense Stormlinked Coif
    Intense Terrasilk Hat
    Intense Tremorchain Coif
    Intense Windsilk Hat
    Intricately Tooled Leather Skullcap
    Iridium Cardinalcore Cap
    Iridium Cowl of the Enlightened Anima
    Iridium Doomherald Coif
    Iridium Feralcall Cowl
    Iridium Fleshbane Cap
    Iridium Furyblind Coif
    Iridium Lightguard Helm
    Iridium Mercytouched Helm
    Iridium Mythkeeper Helm
    Iridium Natureborn Cowl
    Iridium Psychesnap Cap
    Iridium Shadowguard Helm
    Iridium Skychaser Coif
    Iridium Sleetstorm Cap
    Iridium Terraguard Helm
    Iridium Umbrastalker Coif
    Keikolin`s Forcephase Cap
    Keikolin`s Mindhaze Cap
    Keikolin`s Runestruck Cap
    Kerasha's Sylvan Cap
    Kyanite of Pure Sight
    Latent Etheric Cap of Compulsion
    Latent Etheric Cap of the Conjuror
    Latent Etheric Cap of the Exhumer
    Latent Etheric Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Latent Etheric Coif of Carnage
    Latent Etheric Coif of the Assassin
    Latent Etheric Coif of the Diviner
    Latent Etheric Coif of the Warden
    Latent Etheric Cowl of the Fang
    Latent Etheric Cowl of the Tender
    Latent Etheric Cowl of the Unwavering
    Latent Etheric Helm of Havok
    Latent Etheric Helm of the Light
    Latent Etheric Helm of the Performer
    Latent Etheric Helm of the Revenant
    Latent Etheric Helm of the Zealot
    Leather Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Arcanist
    Leather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Arcanist
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Assassin
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Champion
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Healer
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Magus
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Mariner
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Master
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Plague Bringer
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Leather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Leather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Arcanist
    Leather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Arcanist
    Leather Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Arcanist
    Lightning Blackened Chain Coif
    Lost Rubicite Helm
    Lucid Blessedbond Helm
    Lucid Conjuredflame Cap
    Lucid Darktouch Helm
    Lucid Dreamhunter Helm
    Lucid Forcestruck Cowl
    Lucid Ironhand Helm
    Lucid Manafiber Cap
    Lucid Mindbroken Cap
    Lucid Orobane Cowl
    Lucid Rageblade Coif
    Lucid Soulbound Helm
    Lucid Soulreaper Cap
    Lucid Spiritskin Coif
    Lucid Stealthinfused Coif
    Lucid Stormheart Coif
    Lucid Wildroar Cowl
    Maelin's Skullcap of Lore
    Magi`Kot's Tiara of Convergence
    Mana-Infused Cap
    Manifested Etheric Cap of Compulsion
    Manifested Etheric Cap of the Conjuror
    Manifested Etheric Cap of the Exhumer
    Manifested Etheric Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Manifested Etheric Coif of Carnage
    Manifested Etheric Coif of the Assassin
    Manifested Etheric Coif of the Diviner
    Manifested Etheric Coif of the Warden
    Manifested Etheric Cowl of the Fang
    Manifested Etheric Cowl of the Tender
    Manifested Etheric Cowl of the Unwavering
    Manifested Etheric Helm of Havok
    Manifested Etheric Helm of the Light
    Manifested Etheric Helm of the Performer
    Manifested Etheric Helm of the Revenant
    Manifested Etheric Helm of the Zealot
    Martial Alloy Coif
    Martial Chillsteel Helm
    Martial Chromalinked Coif
    Martial Chromasteel Helm
    Martial Cloudsteel Helm
    Martial Flamelinked Coif
    Martial Flamesteel Helm
    Martial Frostlinked Coif
    Martial Steel Helm
    Martial Stormlinked Coif
    Martial Terrasteel Helm
    Martial Tremorchain Coif
    Merciless Beastkin's Husk Cowl
    Miragul's Crown of Risen Souls
    Mithril Helm
    Modest Archon Helm
    Modest Carnifex Coif
    Modest Exarch Helm
    Modest Illuminator Helm
    Modest Lifewalker Cowl
    Modest Loremaster Helm
    Modest Mindlock Cap
    Modest Natureward Coif
    Modest Primarch Cowl
    Modest Soulforge Cowl
    Modest Soulrender Helm
    Modest Soulslaver Cap
    Modest Spellrazer Cap
    Modest Spiritwalker Coif
    Modest Tideweaver Cap
    Modest Warmonger Coif
    Mossflow of Pure Sight
    Mudflow of Pure Sight
    Muramite Linked Coif
    Muramite Scout's Cord
    Mysaphar`s Silverfanged Coif
    Mysaphar`s Spiritmind Helm
    Mysaphar`s Thoughtbringer Helm
    Mystical Energeiac Chain Coif
    Necrotic Chillsteel Helm
    Necrotic Chromasteel Helm
    Necrotic Cloudsteel Helm
    Necrotic Firesilk Hat
    Necrotic Flamesteel Helm
    Necrotic Frostsilk Hat
    Necrotic Kaleidosilk Hat
    Necrotic Silk Hat
    Necrotic Steel Helm
    Necrotic Terrasilk Hat
    Necrotic Terrasteel Helm
    Necrotic Windsilk Hat
    Nightshade Wreath
    Obscure Cap of Finality
    Obscure Cap of the Phantasmist
    Obscure Cap of the Sorcerer
    Obscure Cap of the Thaumaterge
    Obscure Coif of Foresight
    Obscure Coif of the Hunt
    Obscure Coif of the Merciless
    Obscure Coif of the Swift
    Obscure Cowl of Affinity
    Obscure Cowl of Creation
    Obscure Cowl of the Predator
    Obscure Helm of the Crusader
    Obscure Helm of the Muse
    Obscure Helm of the Protector
    Obscure Helm of the Reaver
    Obscure Helm of the Rejuvenator
    One View Visor
    Ordained Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Ordained Battlescar Chain Coif
    Ordained Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Ordained Darkfell Silk Cap
    Ordained Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Ordained Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Ordained Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Ordained Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Ordained Fategaze Chain Coif
    Ordained Firesoul Plate Helm
    Ordained Flamechill Silk Cap
    Ordained Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Ordained Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Ordained Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Ordained Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Ordained Ironbone Plate Helm
    Ordained Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Ordained Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Ordained Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Ordained Outrider Chain Coif
    Ordained Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Ordained Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Ordained Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Ordained Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Ordained Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Ordained Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Ordained Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Ordained Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Ordained Truespirit Chain Coif
    Ordained Visionbound Plate Helm
    Ordained Willsear Chain Coif
    Ordained Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Ornamental Chain Coif
    Osh`vir`s Dreamponder Helm
    Osh`vir`s Whisperwind Cowl
    Ostentatious Archon Helm
    Ostentatious Carnifex Coif
    Ostentatious Exarch Helm
    Ostentatious Illuminator Helm
    Ostentatious Lifewalker Cowl
    Ostentatious Loremaster Helm
    Ostentatious Mindlock Cap
    Ostentatious Natureward Coif
    Ostentatious Primarch Cowl
    Ostentatious Soulforge Cowl
    Ostentatious Soulrender Helm
    Ostentatious Soulslaver Cap
    Ostentatious Spellrazer Cap
    Ostentatious Spiritwalker Coif
    Ostentatious Tideweaver Cap
    Ostentatious Warmonger Coif
    Palladium Cardinalcore Cap
    Palladium Cowl of the Enlightened Anima
    Palladium Doomherald Coif
    Palladium Feralcall Cowl
    Palladium Fleshbane Cap
    Palladium Furyblind Coif
    Palladium Lightguard Helm
    Palladium Mercytouched Helm
    Palladium Mythkeeper Helm
    Palladium Natureborn Cowl
    Palladium Psychesnap Cap
    Palladium Shadowguard Helm
    Palladium Skychaser Coif
    Palladium Sleetstorm Cap
    Palladium Terraguard Helm
    Palladium Umbrastalker Coif
    Paragon's Chain Coif
    Paragon's Leather Cap
    Paragon's Plate Helm
    Paragon's Silk Cap
    Pear Cut Star Ruby
    Perspicuous Cap of Finality
    Perspicuous Cap of the Phantasmist
    Perspicuous Cap of the Sorcerer
    Perspicuous Cap of the Thaumaterge
    Perspicuous Coif of Foresight
    Perspicuous Coif of the Hunt
    Perspicuous Coif of the Merciless
    Perspicuous Coif of the Swift
    Perspicuous Cowl of Affinity
    Perspicuous Cowl of Creation
    Perspicuous Cowl of the Predator
    Perspicuous Helm of the Crusader
    Perspicuous Helm of the Muse
    Perspicuous Helm of the Protector
    Perspicuous Helm of the Reaver
    Perspicuous Helm of the Rejuvenator
    Petrified Heartwood Coif
    Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Healer
    Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Master
    Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Phantasmic Chain Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Phantasmic Leather Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Phantasmic Leather Helm Seal of the Magus
    Phantasmic Leather Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Champion
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Defiler
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Healer
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Master
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Phantasmic Plate Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Phantasmic Silk Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Phantasmic Silk Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Phantasmic Silk Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Phased Energeiac Silk Hat
    Philter of Faerune
    Pixtt-Emblazoned Plated Gauntlets
    Plate Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Arcanist
    Plate Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Arcanist
    Plate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Arcanist
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Assassin
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Champion
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Healer
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Magus
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Mariner
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Master
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Plague Bringer
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Plate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Plate Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Arcanist
    Plate Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Arcanist
    Plate Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Arcanist
    Platinum Tiara
    Polished Skull Bone Cap
    Preserving Dredger's Coif
    Preserving Protector's Helm
    Preserving Sifter's Cowl
    Preserving Sponsor's Cap
    Primal Element Crown
    Prismatic Arch-Elementalist's Hat
    Prismatic Blackguard's Coif
    Prismatic Bow-Captain's Coif
    Prismatic Cowl of the Ninth Circle
    Prismatic Deathwalker's Hat
    Prismatic Decimator's Helm
    Prismatic Enrager's Coif
    Prismatic Gallant-Lord's Helm
    Prismatic Growth-Walker's Cowl
    Prismatic Hat of the Burning Wind
    Prismatic High Seer's Coif
    Prismatic Savage-Caller's Cowl
    Prismatic Skaldsong Helm
    Prismatic Soulslayer's Helm
    Prismatic Spellbinder's Hat
    Prismatic War-Bishop's Helm
    Pristine Energeiac Plate Helm
    Prophetic Seer's Scaled Coif
    Purified Chillhide Cowl
    Purified Chillsteel Helm
    Purified Chromahide Cowl
    Purified Chromasteel Helm
    Purified Cloudsteel Helm
    Purified Flamehide Cowl
    Purified Flamesteel Helm
    Purified Hide Cowl
    Purified Steel Helm
    Purified Stormhide Cowl
    Purified Terrasteel Helm
    Purified Tremorhide Cowl
    Putrid Corrupter's Velvet Hat
    Radiant Apatite of Pure Sight
    Radiant Bloodflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Boneflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Celestine of Pure Sight
    Radiant Citrine of Pure Sight
    Radiant Emberflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Fireflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Howlite of Pure Sight
    Radiant Kyanite of Pure Sight
    Radiant Mossflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Mudflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Shadowflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Skyflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Sodalite of Pure Sight
    Radiant Sphalerite of Pure Sight
    Radiant Starflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Stormflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Titanite of Pure Sight
    Radiant Tourmaline of Pure Sight
    Radiant Voidflow of Pure Sight
    Radiant Waterflow of Pure Sight
    Raex's Helm of Destruction
    Raging Bloodletter's Hardened Helm
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Assassin
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Champion
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Defiler
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Healer
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Magus
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Master
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Raid Elder Chain Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Assassin
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Champion
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Defiler
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Healer
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Magus
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Master
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Raid Elder Leather Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Assassin
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Champion
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Defiler
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Healer
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Magus
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Master
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Raid Elder Plate Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Assassin
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Champion
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Defiler
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Healer
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Magus
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Master
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Raid Elder Silk Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Razing Sword of Skarlon
    Recondite Blessedbond Helm
    Recondite Conjuredflame Cap
    Recondite Darktouch Helm
    Recondite Dreamhunter Helm
    Recondite Forcestruck Cowl
    Recondite Ironhand Helm
    Recondite Manafiber Cap
    Recondite Mindbroken Cap
    Recondite Orobane Cowl
    Recondite Rageblade Coif
    Recondite Soulbound Helm
    Recondite Soulreaper Cap
    Recondite Spiritskin Coif
    Recondite Stealthinfused Coif
    Recondite Stormheart Coif
    Recondite Wildroar Cowl
    Refined Energeiac Silk Hat
    Relentless Hunter's Scaled Coif
    Restless-Hide Helm
    Rhodium Cardinalcore Cap
    Rhodium Cowl of the Enlightened Anima
    Rhodium Doomherald Coif
    Rhodium Feralcall Cowl
    Rhodium Fleshbane Cap
    Rhodium Furyblind Coif
    Rhodium Lightguard Helm
    Rhodium Mercytouched Helm
    Rhodium Mythkeeper Helm
    Rhodium Natureborn Cowl
    Rhodium Psychesnap Cap
    Rhodium Shadowguard Helm
    Rhodium Skychaser Coif
    Rhodium Sleetstorm Cap
    Rhodium Terraguard Helm
    Rhodium Umbrastalker Coif
    Righteous Crusader's Hardened Helm
    Ring of the Serpent
    Rizlona's Fiery Helm
    Romar's Circlet of Visions
    Rootbound Auspex's Husk Cowl
    Rosrak's Helm of the Primal
    Rubicite-Linked Coif
    Rugged Energeiac Plate Helm
    Rune Etched Helm
    Runed Circlet
    Runed Circlet
    Runed Circlet
    Runed Cowl
    Russet Rockscale Armguards
    Rustic Cap of Compulsion
    Rustic Cap of the Arcanus
    Rustic Cap of the Conjuror
    Rustic Cap of the Exhumer
    Rustic Coif of Carnage
    Rustic Coif of the Assassin
    Rustic Coif of the Diviner
    Rustic Coif of the Warden
    Rustic Cowl of the Tender
    Rustic Cowl of the Unwavering
    Rustic Cowl of the Wilder
    Rustic Helm of Havoc
    Rustic Helm of Oration
    Rustic Helm of the Light
    Rustic Helm of the Revenant
    Rustic Helm of the Zealot
    Sandals of Empowerment
    Sanguine Energeiac Plate Helm
    Sash of Enveloping Quiescence
    Scarified Ukun-Skin Sleeves
    Scorched Green Metal Visor
    Scratched Hide Cowl
    Sealed Eternity Loop
    Shadow Rage Helm
    Shadow Void Cap
    Shadowflow of Pure Sight
    Shattered Jade Band of Anger
    Shimmering Cabalist's Velvet Hat
    Shiny Metallic Hood
    Shiny Metallic Hood
    Shiverback-hide Helm
    Shoes of Fleeting Fury
    Shrouded Energeiac Chain Coif
    Shrouded Manipulator's Velvet Hat
    Silk Cosgrove Boot Seal of the Arcanist
    Silk Cosgrove Chest Seal of the Arcanist
    Silk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Arcanist
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Assassin
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Champion
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Healer
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Magus
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Mariner
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Master
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Plague Bringer
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Traveler
    Silk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Silk Cosgrove Leg Seal of the Arcanist
    Silk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Arcanist
    Silk Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Arcanist
    Silvershade Dragonbrood Cowl
    Silvershade Exarch Helm
    Silvershade Flameweaver Cap
    Silvershade Frostfire Cap
    Silvershade Illuminator Helm
    Silvershade Legionnaire Helm
    Silvershade Lifewalker Cowl
    Silvershade Loremaster Helm
    Silvershade Mindlock Cap
    Silvershade Natureward Coif
    Silvershade Shadowscale Coif
    Silvershade Soulforge Cowl
    Silvershade Soulrender Helm
    Silvershade Soulslaver Cap
    Silvershade Spiritwalker Coif
    Silvershade Warmonger Coif
    Silversteel Chainmail Coif
    Singing Energeiac Plate Helm
    Skull-shaped Barbute
    Skullcap of Whispered Death
    Skyflow of Pure Sight
    Sleeping Cap of Unrest
    Sodalite of Pure Sight
    Soft Scale Cap
    Solo Elder Chest Seal of the Arcanist
    Solo Elder Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Solo Elder Helm Seal of the Farseer
    Soloist Ascension Chest Seal of the Arcanist
    Soloist Ascension Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Soloist Ascension Helm Seal of the Farseer
    Soloist Dream Chest Seal of the Arcanist
    Soloist Dream Chest Seal of the Farseer
    Soloist Dream Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Soloist Dream Helm Seal of the Farseer
    Soloist Planar Chest Seal of the Arcanist
    Soloist Planar Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Soloist Planar Helm Seal of the Farseer
    Sphalerite of Pure Sight
    Spirit Blessed Coif
    Spirit Totem Etched Cap
    Starflow of Pure Sight
    Stately Archon Helm
    Stately Carnifex Coif
    Stately Exarch Helm
    Stately Illuminator Helm
    Stately Lifewalker Cowl
    Stately Loremaster Helm
    Stately Mindlock Cap
    Stately Natureward Coif
    Stately Primarch Cowl
    Stately Soulforge Cowl
    Stately Soulrender Helm
    Stately Soulslaver Cap
    Stately Spellrazer Cap
    Stately Spiritwalker Coif
    Stately Tideweaver Cap
    Stately Warmonger Coif
    Staunch Pixtt Chain Wrappings
    Steel-Studded Leather Cowl
    Steel-Threaded Satin Hat
    Steel-Welded Plate Helm
    Steel-Welded Ringmail Coif
    Stellite Bestialcry Cowl
    Stellite Cowl of the Disciplined Animus
    Stellite Deathwatch Helm
    Stellite Earthwall Helm
    Stellite Egoshatter Cap
    Stellite Fatecaster Coif
    Stellite Firetorrent Cap
    Stellite Graceheart Helm
    Stellite Grimblight Cap
    Stellite Ireblood Coif
    Stellite Lifedefender Helm
    Stellite Lorerunner Helm
    Stellite Primalelement Cap
    Stellite Shadowborn Coif
    Stellite Terraheart Cowl
    Stellite Trailwarden Coif
    Stormflow of Pure Sight
    Suppressed Etheric Dragonbrood Cowl
    Suppressed Etheric Exarch Helm
    Suppressed Etheric Flameweaver Cap
    Suppressed Etheric Frostfire Cap
    Suppressed Etheric Illuminator Helm
    Suppressed Etheric Legionnaire Helm
    Suppressed Etheric Lifewalker Cowl
    Suppressed Etheric Loremaster Helm
    Suppressed Etheric Mindlock Cap
    Suppressed Etheric Natureward Coif
    Suppressed Etheric Shadowscale Coif
    Suppressed Etheric Soulforge Cowl
    Suppressed Etheric Soulrender Helm
    Suppressed Etheric Soulslaver Cap
    Suppressed Etheric Spiritwalker Coif
    Suppressed Etheric Warmonger Coif
    Tacit Energeiac Leather Cowl
    Tainted Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Tainted Battlescar Chain Coif
    Tainted Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Tainted Darkfell Silk Cap
    Tainted Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Tainted Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Tainted Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Tainted Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Tainted Energeiac Plate Helm
    Tainted Fategaze Chain Coif
    Tainted Firesoul Plate Helm
    Tainted Flamechill Silk Cap
    Tainted Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Tainted Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Tainted Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Tainted Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Tainted Ironbone Plate Helm
    Tainted Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Tainted Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Tainted Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Tainted Outrider Chain Coif
    Tainted Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Tainted Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Tainted Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Tainted Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Tainted Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Tainted Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Tainted Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Tainted Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Tainted Truespirit Chain Coif
    Tainted Visionbound Plate Helm
    Tainted Willsear Chain Coif
    Tainted Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Tarnished Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Tarnished Battlescar Chain Coif
    Tarnished Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Tarnished Darkfell Silk Cap
    Tarnished Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Tarnished Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Tarnished Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Tarnished Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Tarnished Fategaze Chain Coif
    Tarnished Firesoul Plate Helm
    Tarnished Flamechill Silk Cap
    Tarnished Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Tarnished Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Tarnished Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Tarnished Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Tarnished Ironbone Plate Helm
    Tarnished Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Tarnished Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Tarnished Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Tarnished Outrider Chain Coif
    Tarnished Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Tarnished Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Tarnished Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Tarnished Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Tarnished Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Tarnished Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Tarnished Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Tarnished Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Tarnished Truespirit Chain Coif
    Tarnished Visionbound Plate Helm
    Tarnished Willsear Chain Coif
    Tarnished Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Temporal Soldier Helm
    Terrasteel Helm of the Dream
    Terror Infused Linked Coif
    Thorny Vine Helm
    Thulian Linked Helm
    Tideworn Cap of Compulsion
    Tideworn Cap of the Conjuror
    Tideworn Cap of the Exhumer
    Tideworn Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Tideworn Coif of Carnage
    Tideworn Coif of the Assassin
    Tideworn Coif of the Diviner
    Tideworn Coif of the Warden
    Tideworn Cowl of the Fang
    Tideworn Cowl of the Tender
    Tideworn Cowl of the Unwavering
    Tideworn Helm of Havok
    Tideworn Helm of the Light
    Tideworn Helm of the Performer
    Tideworn Helm of the Revenant
    Tideworn Helm of the Zealot
    Titanite of Pure Sight
    Ton Po's Helm of Composure
    Totem of Pyrilonis
    Tourmaline of Pure Sight
    Trydan's Helm of Nobility
    Turban of the Rav Lord
    Twilight Cap of Compulsion
    Twilight Cap of the Conjuror
    Twilight Cap of the Exhumer
    Twilight Cap of the Frozen Flame
    Twilight Coif of Carnage
    Twilight Coif of the Assassin
    Twilight Coif of the Diviner
    Twilight Coif of the Warden
    Twilight Cowl of the Fang
    Twilight Cowl of the Tender
    Twilight Cowl of the Unwavering
    Twilight Helm of Havok
    Twilight Helm of the Light
    Twilight Helm of the Performer
    Twilight Helm of the Revenant
    Twilight Helm of the Zealot
    Twisted Crown of Consciousness
    Ultor's Helm of Faith
    Umbral Platemail Helm
    Valorium Helmet
    Veiled Chain Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Veiled Chain Helm Seal of the Magus
    Veiled Chain Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Veiled Chain Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Veiled Leather Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Veiled Leather Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Veiled Leather Helm Seal of the Cryomancer
    Veiled Leather Helm Seal of the Defiler
    Veiled Leather Helm Seal of the Magus
    Veiled Leather Helm Seal of the Pyromancer
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Advisor
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Chancellor
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Defiler
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Magus
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Master
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Seafarer
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Veiled Plate Helm Seal of the Warmonger
    Veiled Silk Helm Seal of the Arcanist
    Veiled Silk Helm Seal of the Oracle
    Veiled Silk Helm Seal of the Stargazer
    Venesh`s Evergreen Coif
    Venesh`s Purevine Cowl
    Venesh`s Wildcry Cowl
    Vengeful Blood-Alloy Coif
    Vengeful Cutthroat's Scaled Coif
    Vermiculated Crown
    Vested Ashenheart Plate Helm
    Vested Battlescar Chain Coif
    Vested Bloodscream Chain Coif
    Vested Darkfell Silk Cap
    Vested Dreadheart Plate Helm
    Vested Dreamwhisper Plate Helm
    Vested Earthborn Leather Cowl
    Vested Earthwrought Leather Cowl
    Vested Fategaze Chain Coif
    Vested Firesoul Plate Helm
    Vested Flamechill Silk Cap
    Vested Forcemeld Silk Cap
    Vested Forcestrike Silk Cap
    Vested Frostblaze Silk Cap
    Vested Hallowtouch Plate Helm
    Vested Ironbone Plate Helm
    Vested Lifefalter Silk Cap
    Vested Mindhallow Plate Helm
    Vested Mindtwist Silk Cap
    Vested Outrider Chain Coif
    Vested Primalhowl Leather Cowl
    Vested Savagecry Leather Cowl
    Vested Shadowmeld Chain Coif
    Vested Shadowshift Chain Coif
    Vested Soulstoke Plate Helm
    Vested Stoneskin Plate Helm
    Vested Stormhand Leather Cowl
    Vested Thoughthaze Silk Cap
    Vested Truespirit Chain Coif
    Vested Visionbound Plate Helm
    Vested Willsear Chain Coif
    Vested Windstruck Leather Cowl
    Vitallium Bestialcry Cowl
    Vitallium Cowl of the Disciplined Animus
    Vitallium Deathwatch Helm
    Vitallium Earthwall Helm
    Vitallium Egoshatter Cap
    Vitallium Fatecaster Coif
    Vitallium Firetorrent Cap
    Vitallium Graceheart Helm
    Vitallium Grimblight Cap
    Vitallium Ireblood Coif
    Vitallium Lifedefender Helm
    Vitallium Lorerunner Helm
    Vitallium Primalelement Cap
    Vitallium Shadowborn Coif
    Vitallium Terraheart Cowl
    Vitallium Trailwarden Coif
    Voidflow of Pure Sight
    Warped Steel Helm
    Waterflow of Pure Sight
    Winged Storm Boots
    Woven Shadow Helm
    Wreath of Eternal Eloquence
    Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
    Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
    Xxeric's Warbraid
    Zaharn's Coronet
    Zaharn's Coronet
    Zaharn's Coronet