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Spell: Dragornian Venom |
Info | |
When cast on you | Dragornian venom stings your veins. |
When cast on other | 's veins are filled with dragornian venom. |
When fading | The poison fades. |
Mana | 0 |
Casting time | 0 sec |
Recovery time | 0 sec |
Recast time | 15 sec |
Range | 300 |
Target | Area of Effect Around the Target |
AoE Range | 50 |
Resist | Poison (Adjust: -150) |
Interruptable | Yes |
Duration | 6 sec (1 ticks) |
Spell Effects |
NPCs that use this spell:
#Dragorn_Laborer #Dragorn_Marshal_Greshka #Dragorn_Strategist #Dragorn_Turretkeeper #Guardsman_Quilm #Inventor_Krang #Loyal_Servant_Ziym #Overseer_Rowgar #Peon_Salnar #Retind_Oaln #Revolter_Yernom #Ridgerunner_Drunt #Taskmaster_Yarln #Toiler_Opanin #Trainer_Cyrum #Trainer_Dysarth a_dragorn_laborer a_dragorn_laborer a_dragorn_laborer Ridgerunner_Droongar |