Spell: Spell Haste V


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration3 hours 15 min (1950 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Focus: Spell Haste by 15%
    2 : Effect type : Limit: Max Level (70)
    3 : Effect type : Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    4 : Effect type : Limit: Min Casting Time (3 sec)
    5 : Effect type : Limit: Effect (Increase Hitpoints excluded)
    6 : Effect type : Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Items with this spell:

Apatite of Pure Quickening
Beast Tamer's Boots
Benefit: Spell Haste 05
Bloodflow of Pure Quickening
Boneflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Apatite of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Bloodflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Boneflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Celestine of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Citrine of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Emberflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Fireflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Howlite of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Kyanite of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Mossflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Mudflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Shadowflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Skyflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Sodalite of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Sphalerite of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Starflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Stormflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Titanite of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Tourmaline of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Voidflow of Pure Quickening
Brilliant Waterflow of Pure Quickening
Calliav's Spiked Ring
Celestine of Pure Quickening
Citrine of Pure Quickening
Drachnid Skull
Elder Quickworm
Emberflow of Pure Quickening
Fireflow of Pure Quickening
Howlite of Pure Quickening
Kyanite of Pure Quickening
Manabore Waistguard
Mossflow of Pure Quickening
Mudflow of Pure Quickening
Oathbound Boots
Ornate Blue Diamond Totem
Radiant Apatite of Pure Quickening
Radiant Bloodflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Boneflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Celestine of Pure Quickening
Radiant Citrine of Pure Quickening
Radiant Emberflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Fireflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Howlite of Pure Quickening
Radiant Kyanite of Pure Quickening
Radiant Mossflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Mudflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Shadowflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Skyflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Sodalite of Pure Quickening
Radiant Sphalerite of Pure Quickening
Radiant Starflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Stormflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Titanite of Pure Quickening
Radiant Tourmaline of Pure Quickening
Radiant Voidflow of Pure Quickening
Radiant Waterflow of Pure Quickening
Robe of Despondency
Shadowflow of Pure Quickening
Skyflow of Pure Quickening
Smuggler's Energeiac Chain Coif
Smuggler's Energeiac Cloth Cap
Smuggler's Energeiac Leather Cowl
Smuggler's Energeiac Plate Helm
Sodalite of Pure Quickening
Spellslinger's Focus Stone
Spellslinger's Focus Stone
Sphalerite of Pure Quickening
Spiritual Alacrity 5 Benefit
Starflow of Pure Quickening
Stormflow of Pure Quickening
Sturdy Bauble of Deceit
Titanite of Pure Quickening
Tourmaline of Pure Quickening
Venerable Quickworm
Voidflow of Pure Quickening
Waterflow of Pure Quickening