Spell: Improved Dodge V


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration1 hour (600 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Dodge by 50%

    Items with this spell:

    A Forsaken Soul
    A Lost Soul
    Agraena's Cracked Femur
    Agraena's Pristine Femur
    Algot's Focus Crystal
    Amorphous Wand of the Vine Tender
    Ancient Alaran Manuscript
    Ancient Reptile Bone
    Ancient Text
    Ancient Underfoot Lightstone
    Anguished Totem
    Archaic Flute
    Arcus Spiritus
    Arms of the Cliknar
    Armsman's Bow
    Assassin's Coin
    Atathus` Warfire Greaves
    Attendant's Fetish
    August Infused Glowbow
    August Uninfused Glowbow
    Autarchian Robe
    Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
    Badly Chewed Doll
    Ball of Cosgrove Clay
    Ball of Everliving Golem
    Band of Endless Fire
    Baneice Globe
    Baneice Orb
    Beastbinder's Bauble
    Bejeweled Gemstone Knife
    Bellikos Replica
    ber range
    Black Book of Spells
    Bleached Bones
    Bleached Totem
    Blood of the Dhampyre
    Blood Ritual Knife
    Bloodbinder's Bauble
    Bloodmagic Emblem
    Bloodmagic Spellscroll
    Bloodwood Bow
    Blossom of Logos
    Bone Fife
    Bone Shards of Venril Sathir
    Bones of a Recent Victim
    Boomerang of Wonders
    Bottled Rage
    Bow of Grasping Vines
    Bow of Hope
    Bow of Nature's Caress
    Bow of the Warder
    Bow of the Weeping Willow
    Braxi Bone Trinket
    brd range
    brd range
    Brenda's Lavender Cinch
    Brodha's Gaff Hook
    bst range
    Buckled Belt of the Commandant
    Burial Mark
    Burning Heart of Slag
    Burynai Scoutpick
    Candied Brain
    Candle of Dark Flames
    Candle of the Ceremony
    Candle of the Spirit's Flames
    Carved Bone Totem
    Casmion's Black Book of Spells
    Celestrium Chestplate
    Cerebrum of the Pack
    Chestplate of the Manipulator
    Chip of the Wall
    Chipped Amethyst
    Chipped Bonedart
    Claws of Castigation
    Cloak of Spikes
    Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
    clr range
    clr range
    Clump of Gnawed Moss
    Code of Zan Fi
    Compendium of Antonican Creatures
    Contained Black Winds of Corruption
    Core of the Darkmud Keeper
    Corrupted Dragon Totem
    Corrupted Feeler
    Cracked Mithril Shell
    Crook of the Cruel Captor
    Crushbone-Patch Doll
    Crystalized Lava Spike
    Crystallized Refuse
    Cursed Bow of Seros
    Dactyl Fused Dagger
    Daelai's Dandy Brush
    Dark Storm Emblem
    Darkened Essence of Corruption
    Darkwater Crystal
    Decomposing Golem Brain
    Diary of Jealous Loathing
    Diminutive Bow
    Dinosaur Hunter's Notes
    Dire Gounus Egg
    Discordling Shoulderspike
    Disempowered Phylactery
    Dragon Master's Lash
    Dragon Tamer's Whip
    Draton`ra`s Shadowskin Greaves
    Dread Dartgun
    Dread Vnayyanye's Censor
    Dream Destroyer's Essence
    Dried Grave-Flower
    Dulled Shissar Ulak
    Dwarven Ringmail Tunic
    Earbinder's Bauble
    Effigy of the Scorned
    Empowered Lantern
    enc range
    Endunr's Bottled Gold
    Energized Mithril Shell
    Enforcer's Bow
    Ensorcelled Children's Doll
    Ensorcelled Doubloon
    Ensorcelled Suncloak
    Ensorcelled Treant Branch
    Enthralling Orb
    Erilon Soldier Bow
    Eron's Jewelry
    Eron's Jewelry
    Essence of a Specter
    Essence of Suffering
    Ethercharged Bola
    Etherpiercer Javelin
    Evanescent Coronach's Fiery Tongue
    Evanescent Energy Core
    Extravagant Infused Recurve Bow
    Extravagant Uninfused Recurve Bow
    Eye of the Hierophant
    Father's Knife
    Faycite Seal of the Cutpurse
    Festering Fusillader
    Fieldsplitter Shortbow
    Flail of the Fickle Flayer
    Flask of Rage
    Flawless Autumn Leaf
    Flawless Talisman of Rex
    Forgotten Mojo
    Foul Breath of the Coronach
    Foul Soul of the Foreman
    Fragile Glass Cornea
    Fragmented Crystal
    Fresh Purple Flower
    Freshly Mined Gold Shard
    Frost-Strung Bow
    Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
    Frosty Mug of the Observant
    Fused Coral Bow
    Fused Coral Longbow
    Ganborn's Rod of Curses
    Ganborn's Stick of Curses
    Gate Caller Focus Crystal
    Gearlock Steel Curvebow
    Genari Tibia
    Ghastly Orb
    Ghostly Lantern
    Gilded Belt Knife
    Gilded Bow of the Hunter
    Glorious Infused Recurve Bow
    Glorious Uninfused Recurve Bow
    Gluttonous Spoon
    Goblin Frost Totem
    Gounus Egg
    Gravedigging Shovel
    Grawrarawr Carapace Shard
    Grawrarawr's Heart
    Greken Heart
    Greken Heartstone
    Grim Idol of Dread
    Grizelna's Mad Doll
    Hard-bristled Brush
    Heartwood Bow
    Heavenly Toadstool
    Heraldry of the Gods
    Heroic Bow of the Hunter
    Heroic Doll of the Guardian
    Heroic Rod of the Adept
    Heroic Totem of the Agile
    Heroic Totem of the Courageous
    Hiqork's Bone Effigy
    Hissing Staff
    Holy Scepter of the Sky
    Hook of Disemboweling
    Horn of Howling Horrors
    Hralkt, Darkbow of Unwilling Servitude
    Hunter's Fetish
    Icemaul's Fang
    Icon of the Deep
    Ikanyrd, Longbow of Arcane Fortune
    Iksar Bone Bow
    Il`Valrikar's Verdant Orb of Life
    Inscribed Bone Totem
    Intact Golem Brain
    Intricately Carved Serpent Figurine
    Intruderbane Hook
    Isopexine Swiftbow
    Ivrikdal's Aura of Corruption
    Jaws of the Mechanic
    Jenni's Memento
    Jonthan's Extensive Octavo
    Katerra's Totem
    Kopp's Ritualistic Sistrum
    Kraken's Brain
    Kraken's Eye
    Kranigan's Instruction Manual
    Kromrif's Stringless Bow of Rot
    Kurlok's Maddening Song
    Large Jaws of the Mechanic
    Lava Vial
    Light of Corruption
    Lizardman Stone Idol
    Lockjaw's Femur
    Longbow of the Royal Court
    Longbow of Time's Reflection
    Lost Light of the House
    Lucky Coin Pouch
    Lunatic's Blade
    Mad Child's Doll
    Malarian Egg Sack
    Mammoth Bone Bow
    Mangled Talisman of Rex
    Many-Pocketed Pouch
    Master's Fetish
    Mature Greken Heart
    Mercurial Remedium
    mnk rng range
    mnk rng range
    Moonlight Longbow
    Mug of Eternal Ale
    Mysaphar`s Thoughtbringer Greaves
    Necrocrystal Fragment
    Ooze Covered Warbow
    Orb of the Deep
    Orb of the Sky
    Oscillating Stone
    Paragon's Crystal of the Adept
    Paragon's Crystal of the Combatant
    Paragon's Recurve Bow
    Petrified Arthicrex Mushroom
    Plate Boots of the Hoary Dwarf
    Poisoned Apple
    Polished Tsetsian Thorax
    Preserved Peacock Feather
    Queen's Defender
    Rainfall Emblem
    Reflective Gem of Communication
    Refracted Steel Longbow
    Regal Infused Recurve Bow
    Regal Uninfused Recurve Bow
    Regla's Pick
    Replicate of the Patch Guardian
    Ritualistic Doll
    Rivervale Bandit's Coin
    Rixact's Corrupted Soul
    rog range
    Rose of Mourning
    Rumbling Thunder Emblem
    Sailor's Gaff Hook
    Sarith Scout Bow
    Sarith Waterknife
    Scaled Bow of Fire
    Second Sight Lantern
    Sergeant's Mining Pick
    Serpent Fang Charm
    Severed Head of Severity
    Shakare's Hair
    Shakare's Talon
    Sharra's Ritualistic Doll
    Shears of Fate
    shm bst range
    shm bst range
    shm bst range
    shm bst range rare
    shm nec range
    shm nec range
    Shrunken Jack-o-Lantern
    Shrunken Samhain's Head
    Shuriken of Zan Fi
    Sickle of Urash
    Silver Cymbals
    Silversteel Chainmail Hauberk
    Silvery Trinket
    Sir Rothan's Blackened Fingerbones
    Siren's Hunting Bow
    Siren's War Bow
    Skin of Bitter Wine
    Slave's Final Companion
    Slayer's Skullband
    Slightly Chewed Doll
    Slimy Tentacle
    Sliver of the Shieldbearer's Shield
    Sludge Flinger
    Slurid's Heartstone
    Somatic Sparkthorn of Kuua
    Soulmage's Leathers
    Sparkbinder's Bauble
    Spectral Essence
    Spernal Fetish
    Spikemangler's Shoulderspike
    Spinal Extractor
    Spong's Digging Tool
    Sporerune Bow
    Staff of the Five Tribes
    Stalwart Fear Amethyst
    Stalwart Recurve Bow
    Steam-Infused Shard
    Steam-Powered Disc of Command
    Stem of Destruction
    Stix's Blade
    Stonebark Bow
    Storm Heart Crystal
    Storm Serpent's Sigil
    Stormguard Sigil
    Stormwheel's Core
    Strange Arx Mentis Flask
    Stygian Nightmare's Bow
    Sunbeam Bow
    Surefall Outrider Longbow
    Sway of the Canine
    Swiftbinder's Bauble
    Swiftwind Bone Trinket
    Tail of Corpsehide
    Tainted Tentacle Flail
    Tamer's Whip
    Teacher's Tome
    Terror Infused Linked Coat
    Thale's Trophy
    Thassis' Pride
    The Joys of Cooking
    The Last Cigar
    The Mad's Raving
    The Prospector's Loot
    The Root of All Evil
    Throwing Fang of Corpsehide
    Thundering Rage Emblem
    Timesplitter Throwing Axe
    Timeworn Coin
    Totem of Corruption
    Totem of Dark Rites
    Totem of Soulhollow
    Totem of Souls
    Totem of the Scarecrow
    Totem of Vile Rites
    Treantwood Longbow
    Trelinna's Sweeper
    Tribal Song Totem
    Twisted Stranglebow
    Underquarry Staunchhook
    Unsuspected Striker
    Verdant Sphere of Suppression
    Vision of Tomorrow
    Visionary's Notes
    Vye`Lithiar, Varken's Longbow
    Wand of the Deep Waters
    war pal shd range
    War-scarred Fetish
    Warden's Vest
    Warped Chitin Bow
    Well Balanced Throwing Knife
    Well-Used Sweeper
    Wersan's Treasure
    White Rose of Disturbing Visions
    White Rose of Fearful Reverie
    White Rose of the Elusive Eidolon
    White Rose of the Vagarious Servant
    Whitened Totem
    Willowcrush's Branch
    Wilted Purple Flower
    wiz range
    Wood Elf Ancient Spellbook
    Woodsman's Knife
    Worn Children's Doll
    Worn Incisor
    Woven Cloak of Darkest Night
    Xixkt's Fetish