Spell: Sharpshooting VII


Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration1 hour (600 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 21%
    2 : Effect type : Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 21%

    Items with this spell:

    Abettor's Earring
    Abjurer's Earring
    Alaran Beads
    Amber-Crystal Earring
    Amethyst Ward of the Companion
    Amygdalan Ornament
    Animate Leaf Earring
    Arcane Warden's Earring
    Arch Mage's Spell Charm
    Archmagus Earring
    Archon Insignia Hoop
    Arcing Lightning Earring
    Arctender's Glowing Hoop
    Arctender's Signet of Station
    Arx Mentis Stud
    Arx Wood Recurve Bow
    Ashen Bone Hoop
    Auric Speck of Aversion
    Autarchian Stud
    Azure Stud of the Breeze
    Band of Rotting Leaves
    Band of the Earthmother
    Bangle of the Frozen Flame
    Bat Fang Earring
    Bat Tooth Earring
    Battlesteel Double Hoop Earring
    Bauble of Hatred
    Bauble of the Breeze
    Beast King's Claw
    Beast King's Fang
    Beastbinder's Stud
    Bejeweled Loop of the Ambassador
    Believer's Earring
    Bellikos' Amethyst Earring
    Black Vertebrae
    Blackwell's Loop
    Bladebinder's Stud
    Blessed Ruby Hoop
    Blezon's Resolution
    Bloodstained Stud
    Blue Chitin Earring
    Blue Chitin Stud
    Bone Sliver Earring
    Bonemeal's Pith
    Boneshard of the Lost
    Boneshard Trophy Earring
    Bopo's Loop of the Binaesa
    Boradain's Sleet Pendant
    Brass Earring
    brd ear
    brd ear
    Brilliantly Glowing Frog Eye
    Broken Insect Legs
    Bronze Earring of Strength
    Bronze Hoop of Chaos
    Brute's Bangle of Sluggish Precision
    bst ear
    bst ear
    Burning Stud of Summoning
    Calicified Earring of Drudgery
    Call of the Wild
    Captain's Pearl Earstud
    Captured Terror's Essence
    Carved Ivory Earring
    Celain's Diamond of Flame
    Chamberlain's Flame Diamond Earring
    Chipped Shards of Dread
    Chitin Stud
    Claws of the Challenged
    clr ear
    Cobalt Resonance
    Cold Iron Earring
    Companion's Purple Earring
    Corbin's Stud
    Creeping Rhodolite Garnet Earring
    Crescent Earring of the War Leader
    Croakem's Solidified Skull
    Crystalized Fear Web
    Crystalized Scream
    Crystalline Ring of Drudgery
    Crystallized Fallen Leaf
    Dalyn's Pearl
    Damaged Bauble
    Dark Storm Earring
    Darklight Archon Earring
    Darkwater Crystal Earring
    Deafening Hoop of the Bonecruncher
    Deathglider's Claw
    Deathspike Earring
    Decorative Earhook of the Tides
    Deformed Mandible
    Dingy Loop of the Slothlord
    Divine Thunder Earring
    Donna's Tear of Lost Love
    Double Hoop of Tegleth
    Double Loop of Companionship
    Dracnia's Focus
    Dragoncry Earring
    Dried, Shriveled Ear
    Dripping Eyeball
    Dusty Bone Hoop
    Dyalgem's Earring of Magic
    Ear Pendant of the Pauper
    Earbinder's Stud
    Earhook of the Faithful
    Earring of Brevity
    Earring of Crushing Dreams
    Earring of Delightful Pain
    Earring of Disturbing Visions
    Earring of Erudition
    Earring of Faint Echoes
    Earring of Fearful Reverie
    Earring of Glorious Battle
    Earring of Leaves
    Earring of Lethargic Rage
    Earring of Primal Magic
    Earring of Runes
    Earring of Sonic Amplifications
    Earring of Soothing Melodies
    Earring of the Assiduous
    Earring of the Blustering Winds
    Earring of the Crescent
    Earring of the Dancing Shade
    Earring of the Eavesdropper
    Earring of the Eclipse
    Earring of the Elusive Eidolon
    Earring of the Halfmoon
    Earring of the Howling Moon
    Earring of the Resolute
    Earring of the Stalwart
    Earring of the Vagarious Servant
    Earring of the Veiled Eye
    Earring of Thorns
    Earring of Zealous Action
    Echoing Loop of Ryken
    Element of Surprise
    Emberlight Earring
    Emerald Earring
    Emerald Earring of Rot
    enc ear
    enc ear
    Enchanted Goblin Earring
    Encrusted Spike Stud
    Enforcer's Spiked Ear Taper
    Engraved Pearl Earrings
    Engraved Prayer Earring
    Erlen's Earring
    Ethernere Stone Earring
    Evoker's Earring
    Eye of Agonizing Pain
    Eye of Suffering
    Eye of the Beguiler
    Fang Whistle
    Faycite Seal of the Archer
    Fear Fragment Earring
    Fear Shard Earring
    Fear-Infused Rachnid Heart
    Fertile Leaf Earring
    Fire of Osalur
    Forgotten Cultist Ring
    Fragile Trinket of Command
    Fragment of Fear
    Frictional Focus
    Frigid Gem of the Deep Sea
    Frost-Gemmed Earring
    Frosted Dragonscale Bauble
    Frozen Skull Earring
    Gaoril's Tentacle-Ring
    Gem of the Biting Depths
    Glacierbane's Sparkler
    Glaring Eye of the Ut`len
    Glinting Frost Gem
    Glorig's Gold Earring
    Glorig's Nose Bone
    Glowing Clasp of the Handmaiden
    Glowing Ruby Earring
    Glumb's Trinket of Tactical Cowardice
    Golden Cartilage-Hoop
    Golden Shield Earring
    Gooey Earstud
    Goral Tooth Earring
    Gore Plastered Ear
    Gorgon's Earring
    Grael's Stud of Summoning
    Guardian of Fear's Mark
    Guardian's Crystal Stud
    Guardian's Golden Garnet Earring
    Guardian's Hoop of Waking Horror
    Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. II
    Harell's Garnet Earring
    Hate-inscribed Adornment
    Head Librarian's Crescent Bauble
    Helias' Howling Loop
    Heroic Earring of the Adventurer
    Heroic Earring of the Combatant
    Heroic Earring of the Guardian
    Heroic Earring of the Summoner
    Hoarfrost-Gemmed Earring
    Honey Drop Earring
    Hoop of Disturbing Visions
    Hoop of Fearful Reverie
    Hoop of Learning
    Hoop of the Elusive Eidolon
    Hoop of the Ritualist
    Hoop of the Vagarious Servant
    Hoop of Whirling Words
    Horthin's Curious Coral
    Humble Earring of the Groundskeeper
    Iceleaf Earring
    ID Tag
    Iglum's Earring
    Iglum's Earring of Slaying
    Illdaera's Steel-Tear of Fate
    Imbued Mud
    Incandescent Slagshard Earring
    Intricate Fear-Tainted Earring
    Invoker's Earring
    Irak's Earring
    Iron Chain Earring
    Isabeaux' Loop of Dark Tidings
    Jade Earring of the Champion
    Jade Inlaid Earhoop
    Jade Speckled Earhoop
    Jenat's Unlucky Stud
    Kaficus' Memory
    Katelyn's Treasured Earring
    Ker Reega Blood Drop Earring
    Krucidon's Copper Earplug
    Kyenka's Stud
    Lapis Lazuli Ear Ornament
    Leaf of Autumn
    Leaf of Blackest Winter
    Lesson of Ages
    Lightbane Stud
    Lithographer's Earring
    Lor Reega Stone Drop Earring
    Magnetic Minion Magnifier
    Manifest Fear-Tainted Earring
    Master of Beasts Earring
    Matilda's Crescent Bauble of Wandering
    Mephit Blood Drop Earring
    Mephit Stone Drop Earring
    Mephit's Hoop of the Trickster
    Metallic Teardrop of War
    Midnight Marble Earring
    Mindbinder's Stud
    Misshapen Bauble
    mnk rng ear
    Modest Earring
    Molten Steel Hoop
    Moon of the Crazed Ravager
    Mul's Filthy Stud
    Narens' Tidal Focus
    Nature Imbued Earring
    Nefori's Tears
    Nelori's Earring of Ambition
    Nightstorm Earrings
    Nightwing Fang Earring
    Onyx Crescent
    Oruff's Earring of Foresight
    Patriarch's Bone Earring
    Pearl Earrings of Elegance
    Pearlescent Teardrop Earring
    Peridot of Purpose
    Petrified Frog Skull
    Phanasmal Earring of the Servant
    Piercing of Hate
    Piercing of the Fallen
    Pirate's Lost Hoop
    Priestess' Ethereal Hoop
    Primordial Steel Earring
    Pristine Bangle of Autumn
    Probiscus Hook Earring
    Putrefied Earring of the Rat Queen
    Ragebinder's Stud
    Raid Leader's Earring
    Rainfall Earring
    Reclaimed Tooth Earring
    Relentless Spark of Hate
    Renowned Warrior's Earring
    Resonating Ice Loop
    Riggbit's Glowing Red Eye
    Rigid tongue
    Ring of Eternal Chaos
    Risen Drake Claw Earring
    rog ear
    rog ear
    Rosch's Metal Stud
    Rotdog Bone Earring
    Rotten Fang
    Rottrued's Ear
    Royal Knight's Earring
    Rumbling Thunder Earring
    Safeward Stud
    Scorched Earth Hoop
    Sea Elemental's Earring
    Seaweed Earring
    Seraphina's Intercession
    Serisaria's Pearl Stud
    Serrated Hoop of Savagery
    Severed Hooplet
    Shade's Phase
    Shadow Warden's Earring
    Shadowbone Earring
    Shadowed Hoop of Decaying Leaves
    Shamanic Colussus' Jhumka
    Shards of the Jungle Sentinel
    Shifting Earring
    Shiny Steel Stud
    Shissar's Talon
    Shiverback Bone Earring
    Shiverback Tooth Earring
    shm bst ear
    shm bst ear
    shm bst ear rare
    shm nec ear
    Shrunken Voodoo Skull
    Silandra's Vicious Earstud
    Silver Amber Double Hoop Earring
    Silver Ensconced Turquoise-Stone Earring
    Silver Spiked Stud
    Silvered Earstud of the Sanguine
    Silverleaf Earring
    Silvern Aegis-Shaped Earring
    Simple Silver Earring
    Skull Stud
    Slagshard Earring
    Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
    Sludge-Covered Hoop
    Smelly Nosering
    Sneak's Earring
    Soprano Stud
    Sork's Aural Attenuator
    Soul Drinker Stud
    Sparkbinder's Stud
    Sparking Bauble
    Spectral Skull of the Fear
    Spiderbone Pincer
    Spiked Ear Taper
    Squirrely Trinket
    Squishy Spider Eye
    Sraskus' Scorched Earring
    Star of the Seer
    Stone of Reversed Resonance
    Stone-Etched Runic Earring
    Stone-Laced Earring
    Stoneskull Mandibles
    Storm Serpent's Stud
    Stormguard's Iron Stud
    Stud of Decomposing Foliage
    Stud of Ethermagic
    Stud of Lesser Gusts
    Stud of Lost Life
    Stud of the Windstorm Dervish
    Studly Stud
    Sturdy Stalag Shard
    Swiftbinder's Stud
    Symbol of Hope
    Tanglewolf Fang
    Tear of the Mourning Lover
    The Alpha's Adornment
    The Depthkeeper's Ever-Glaring Eye
    Thunderous Hoop of the Spirits
    Tidalmage Earring
    Trelinna's Bone Hoop
    Tribal Ritualist Stud
    Tricoiled Essence Shard
    Trinket of the Collector
    Trinket of the Fearful
    Tuankod's Earring of Hope
    Tunare's Earring
    Tuning Stud
    Twitching Snood
    Undaleen's Stud
    Unending Loop of the Undead
    Vae`Aender, Stitch's Bow
    Varken's Silver Focusing Stud
    Venesh`s Evergreen Sleeves
    Vicious Earstud
    war pal shd ear
    Warden's Hoop
    Warden's Silver Stud
    Warden's Stud
    Weathered Bone Hoop
    Whirling Earring
    Whirling Inferno Earring
    Whisper-Steel Loop
    Whispering Compass
    Wilting Leaf Stud
    wiz ear
    Wrathbone Spur
    X'Cubus' Magus Earring
    Xmiticzin's Earring of Dominion
    Yetarr's Fine Dangle
    Zuke's Ruby Stud
    Zyren's Hoop