Bale | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Blackwort (Quest) | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Braxi Keeper Yubai (Quests) | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Breinne | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Elder Giaborn | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Elder Hilnaah | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Elder Poanag | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Hunter Bindani (Quests) | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
Kalda Treg (Missions & Raids) | 95 - 95 | | Normal |
King of the Crocodiles | 97 - 97 | Crocodile | Normal |
King Rex | 98 - 98 | Raptor | Normal |
Klar | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Mea Treg (Quests) | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
Slaughter | 98 - 98 | Wyvern | Normal |
Swiftwind | 98 - 98 | | Normal |
Wart | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Yahnoa (Quest) | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Yurv (Quest) | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
an aggressive prowler | 96 - 96 | Puma | Normal |
an Alaran gatherer | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
an Alaran hunter | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
an Alaran warrior | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
an Alaran wilder | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
an ancient izon | 96 - 96 | Treant | Normal |
an empowered crocodile | 95 - 95 | Crocodile | Normal |
an izon | 93 - 93 | Treant | Normal |
an izon rootgrabber | 94 - 94 | Treant | Normal |
an okiina vinethrasher | 96 - 96 | Shambling Mound | Normal |
a binaesa | 93 - 93 | Snake | Normal |
a bloodthirsty wyvern | 94 - 94 | Wyvern | Normal |
a bonfire | 97 - 97 | Campfire | Normal |
a braxi | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a braxi fungus seeker | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a braxi junglerunner | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a braxi leafleaper | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a braxi swiftrunner | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a colossal crocodile | 96 - 96 | Crocodile | Normal |
a deadly bristlepoint weed | 1 - 1 | Medium Plant | Normal |
a domain hunter | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a fierce wyvern | 94 - 94 | Wyvern | Normal |
a filthy ape | 93 - 93 | Gorilla | Normal |
a foul bristlepoint weed | 1 - 1 | Medium Plant | Normal |
a giant binaesa | 96 - 96 | Snake | Normal |
a goral hunter | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a goral leafstalker | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a goral predator | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a goral scavenger | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a goral striker | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a grendlaen | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a grendlaen pouncer | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a harrowed Gigglegibber Goblin | 50 - 50 | Goblin | Normal |
a hungry predator | 93 - 93 | Crocodile | Normal |
a hungry raptor | 93 - 93 | Raptor | Normal |
a jaguar (The Interceptors) | 30 - 30 | Puma | Normal |
a lashtail crocodile | 94 - 94 | Crocodile | Normal |
a loathsome ape | 96 - 96 | Gorilla | Normal |
a monstrous wyvern | 96 - 96 | Wyvern | Normal |
a naeya scavenger | 96 - 96 | Wolf | Normal |
a pensive prowler | 93 - 93 | Puma | Normal |
a poisonous bristlepoint weed | 1 - 1 | Medium Plant | Normal |
a primeval crocodile | 93 - 93 | Crocodile | Normal |
a prowler | 94 - 94 | Puma | Normal |
a ravenous wyvern | 96 - 96 | Wyvern | Normal |
a ripclaw raptor | 94 - 94 | Raptor | Normal |
a selyrah forestwalker | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a selyrah leaper | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a selyrah logleaper | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a selyrah scavenger | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a selyrah treejumper | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a sentry stone | 99 - 99 | | Normal |
a sick braxi | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a skiddish braxi | 25 - 25 | | Normal |
a slithering binaesa | 94 - 94 | Snake | Normal |
a spider (The Interceptors) | 30 - 30 | Spider Mount | Normal |
a stealthy grendlaen | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a tainted ape | 94 - 94 | Gorilla | Normal |
a tame braxi (Quest) | 93 - 93 | | Normal |
a terrible raptor | 96 - 96 | Raptor | Normal |
a vicious wyvern | 93 - 93 | Wyvern | Normal |
a voracious raptor | 94 - 94 | Raptor | Normal |
a warhorse (The Interceptors) | 30 - 30 | Horse | Normal |
a wilting bristlepoint weed | 1 - 1 | Medium Plant | Normal |
a wyvern deathstalker | 93 - 93 | Wyvern | Normal |
a wyvern preystalker | 94 - 94 | Wyvern | Normal |
a wyvern scent tracker | 93 - 93 | Wyvern | Normal |
Beasts Passage (Charm Progression) | 100 - 100 | Blind Dreamer | Normal |
Borat (Kill Point Vendor) | 71 - 71 | Human | Normal |
Etani Treg (Quests) | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
FSP`General`NoEffect | 1 - 1 | Campfire | Normal |
great dark ape | 95 - 95 | Gorilla | Normal |
Jayt Steed (The Interceptors) | 95 - 95 | Elddar | Normal |
Jheron Welson (The Interceptors) | 95 - 95 | Forest Giant | Normal |
Kar of the Domain Clan | 97 - 97 | | Normal |
Patches Ohoolihan (Buff Bot) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Rocher Hampstin (The Interceptors) | 95 - 95 | Brell | Normal |
Stephen Strange (Teleporter) | 70 - 70 | High Elf | Normal |
Supplies | 97 - 97 | Stone Jug | Normal |
The Sklyg (The Interceptors) | 95 - 95 | Satyr | Normal |
Velgrath Ironhide (T Armor Items) | 90 - 90 | Dwarf | Normal |