Succor point : 286 / 1265 / 79


ListName Class Race Level
Bratoq Jiplup Warrior Froglok 65
Instructor Maerceci Paladin High Elf 65
Moldrak Drin Necromancer Erudite 22
Saeko L`Vinec Rogue Dark Elf 65
Andad Filla Warrior Human 51
Anumnan Dathry Warrior Beggar 50
an ancient cyclops Warrior Giant 32
an asp Warrior Snake 9
an orc centurion Warrior Orc 7
an orc cleric Cleric Orc 8
an orc warrior Warrior Orc 8
Artist Passia Merchant Dark Elf 40
a cistern asp Warrior Snake 11
a coyote Warrior Wolf 2
a crypt mummy Warrior Zombie 13
a darkweed snake Warrior Snake 8
a Dervish Cutthroat Rogue Human 13
a Dervish Thug Warrior Ogre 15
a desert madman Warrior Beggar 11
a desert tarantula Warrior Spider 7
a drybone skeleton Warrior Skeleton 15
a dune tarantula Warrior Spider 12
a fire beetle Warrior Beetle 2
a ghoul Warrior Ghoul 13
a giant rattlesnake Warrior Snake 11
a jackal Warrior Wolf 3
a madman Druid Beggar 11
a moss snake Warrior Snake 1
a mummy Warrior Zombie 14
a puma Warrior Puma 5
a rattlesnake Warrior Snake 6
a sand giant Warrior Giant 35
a sand giant elite Warrior Giant 41
a sand scarab Warrior Beetle 11
a shriveled mummy Warrior Zombie 10
a skeleton Warrior Skeleton 5
a tree snake Warrior Snake 6
a zombie Warrior Zombie 10
crypt mummy Warrior Zombie 13
Dahdd Jonne Druid Halfling 65
Dible Hedledrap Warrior Gnome 60
dry bones skeleton Warrior Skeleton 16
Farwein Windrun Druid Wood Elf 65
Friggal Bribbitz Warrior Froglok 65
Ghoul of Takish-Hiz Warrior Ghoul 40
Haele Straedhon Adventure Merchant Half Elf 65
Kallei Ribblok Adventure Recruiter Froglok 65
Maeggi Lohndl Necromancer Iksar 65
Magus Jerira Merchant Dark Elf 60
Merchant Ulyssa Merchant Dark Elf 40
Obretl Necromancer Skeleton 22
orc oracle Shaman Orc 10
Ortallius Paladin Orc 30
Rathmana Allin Merchant Erudite 49
Ruwakka Warrior Ogre 65
Sandgiant Husam Warrior Giant 29
Scout Miigle Warrior Froglok 65
Scrounge Warrior Wolf 8
Selephra Giztral Warrior Froglok 65
Smith Tv`ysa Merchant Dark Elf 40
Soulbinder Silandra Warrior High Elf 65
Taeri Kuqq Adventure Merchant Froglok 65
Terrorantula Warrior Spider 37
The Fabled Ancient Cyclops Warrior Giant 50


  • Southern Desert of Ro Bestiary List
  • Southern Desert of Ro Named Mobs List
  • Southern Desert of Ro Equipment List
  • Southern Desert of Ro Spawn Groups
  • Southern Desert of Ro Forageable items