| Acidsheen Chain Hood |
Armor |
| Air Elemental Dust |
Gems |
| Alkalai Loam |
Gems |
| Amber |
Combinable |
| Animating Force |
Combinable |
| Ash Covered Chain Link |
Gems |
| Ash Covered Hide |
Gems |
| Ash Covered Scrap Metal |
Gems |
| Ash Covered Swatch |
Gems |
| Balloondabloop's Bile |
Gems |
| Band of Roiling Sands |
Armor |
| Basilisk Egg |
Combinable |
| Basilisk Meat |
Combinable |
| Basilisk Parts |
Combinable |
| Basilisk Scale |
Gems |
| Basilisk Skin |
Combinable |
| Basilisk Tongue |
Combinable |
| Black Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Blade of the Last Knight |
1HS |
| Bloodstone |
Combinable |
| Blue Diamond |
Combinable |
| Bonded Loam |
Gems |
| Brittle Caladium |
Combinable |
| Brittle Laburnum |
Combinable |
| Brittle Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Brittle Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Brittle Oleander |
Combinable |
| Burnt Out Golem Animation Essence |
Gems |
| Burnt Out Water Elemental Essence |
Gems |
| Chimera Fangs |
Gems |
| Chimera Poison Sack |
Combinable |
| Chimera Tail |
Gems |
| Chimera Teeth |
Gems |
| Cobalt Ore |
Gems |
| Concentrated Grade AA Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Mamba Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Taipan Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade B Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade B Mamba Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade B Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade B Taipan Venom |
Combinable |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar VIII |
Potion |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar X |
Potion |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar XI |
Potion |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar XII |
Potion |
| Corathus Entrails |
Combinable |
| Corathus Gaulstone |
Gems |
| Corathus Skin |
Combinable |
| Corathus Spores |
Combinable |
| Corroded Artifact Ring |
Armor |
| Cracked Reptile Shell |
Gems |
| Crude Silk |
Gems |
| Crude Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Crushed Diamond Dust |
Combinable |
| Curzon |
Combinable |
| Diamond |
Combinable |
| Dirty Runic Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Dirty Runic Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Dirty Vellum |
Combinable |
| Doomfount's Essence |
Gems |
| Drake Blood |
Combinable |
| Drake Egg |
Food |
| Drake Intestines |
Combinable |
| Drake Meat |
Combinable |
| Drake Wing Bones |
Combinable |
| Drake Wing Webbing |
Gems |
| Drakkin Blood |
Gems |
| Drakkin Parts |
Gems |
| Ductile Loam |
Gems |
| Elaborate Adept's Crystal |
Armor |
| Elaborate Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Elaborate Combatant's Crystal |
Armor |
| Elven Child's Vinewand |
Gems |
| Emerald |
Combinable |
| Essence of Speed |
Combinable |
| Essence of Wind |
Combinable |
| Excellent Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Excellent Marrow |
Gems |
| Excellent Silk |
Gems |
| Excellent Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Extruded Underfoot Diamond |
Combinable |
| Fairy Drake Dust |
Combinable |
| Feydrake Blood |
Gems |
| Feydrake Parts |
Gems |
| Feydrake Wings |
Gems |
| Fiddleback's Spinnerette |
Armor |
| Fieldstrider Captain Sword |
1HS |
| Fieldstrider Gladius |
1HS |
| Fine Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Fine Caladium |
Combinable |
| Fine Delphinium |
Combinable |
| Fine Laburnum |
Combinable |
| Fine Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Fine Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Fine Oleander |
Combinable |
| Fine Orc Eye |
Gems |
| Fine Orc Scalp |
Combinable |
| Fine Orc War Beads |
Gems |
| Fine Privit |
Combinable |
| Fine Silk |
Gems |
| Fine Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Flawed Adept's Rake |
Armor |
| Flawed Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Flawed Combatant's Hoe |
Armor |
| Flawless Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Flawless Silk |
Gems |
| Flawless Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Fresh Caladium |
Combinable |
| Fresh Delphinium |
Combinable |
| Fresh Laburnum |
Combinable |
| Fresh Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Fresh Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Fresh Oleander |
Combinable |
| Fresh Privit |
Combinable |
| Fulginate Ore |
Gems |
| Fused Loam |
Gems |
| Gauntlets of the Ooze Lord |
Armor |
| Gemstone of Scale |
Augmentation |
| Geothermal Pumice |
Augmentation |
| Glob of Fine Gelatinous Ooze |
Combinable |
| Glob of Fine Viscous Ooze |
Combinable |
| Gloves of Ten Hides |
Armor |
| Goblin Parts |
Combinable |
| Goblin Skull |
Combinable |
| Gold Etched Eye Rune |
Combinable |
| Gold Etched Spiral Rune |
Combinable |
| Golem Animation Essence |
Gems |
| Grimy Fine Runic Parchment |
Combinable |
| Grimy Fine Vellum Parchment |
Combinable |
| Grimy Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Grimy Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Grubby Crude Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Grubby Fine Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Grubby Fine Parchment |
Combinable |
| Grubby Fine Vellum |
Combinable |
| Hak`Leth's Ancient Tablet |
Armor |
| Halfling Blood |
Gems |
| Halfling Parts |
Combinable |
| Harmonagate |
Gems |
| Head of Razorfang |
Gems |
| Hemic Marrow |
Gems |
| Hood of Oblivion |
Armor |
| Hotsprings Hedgehog Head |
Gems |
| Hotsprings Pumice |
Augmentation |
| Indium Ore |
Gems |
| Insignia of Ashengate's Elite |
Gems |
| Intricate Adept's Sphere |
Armor |
| Intricate Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Intricate Combatant's Orb |
Armor |
| Intricately Patterned Spider Carapace |
Gems |
| Jade |
Combinable |
| Komodokin's Claw |
Gems |
| Leg Piece from Fiddleback |
Armor |
| Lucidem |
Combinable |
| Malachite |
Combinable |
| Mark of the Dunes |
Armor |
| Medicinal Moss |
Gems |
| Mineral Encrusted Plate Sleeves |
Armor |
| Mistwalker's Collar |
Armor |
| Mistwalker's Scale |
Armor |
| Moist Marrow |
Gems |
| Natural Marrow |
Gems |
| Natural Silk |
Gems |
| Natural Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Necklace of White Sands |
Armor |
| Oblivion's Dark Bile |
Gems |
| Oblivion's Dark Core |
Gems |
| Ooze Crystal |
Gems |
| Ooze Pearl |
Armor |
| Orc Eye |
Gems |
| Pearlescent Drake Claw |
Gems |
| Pearlescent Reptile Claw |
Gems |
| Pearlescent Snake Fang |
Gems |
| Pearlescent Spider Fang |
Gems |
| Peridot |
Combinable |
| Persistent Breeze |
Gems |
| Petite Fear Shard |
Gems |
| Petite Pale Fear Shard |
Gems |
| Petrified Bladefin Eye |
Augmentation |
| Petrified Stonefin Egg |
Augmentation |
| Platinum Etched Eye Rune |
Combinable |
| Prestidigitase |
Gems |
| Prime Plate Boots |
Armor |
| Prime Plate Bracers |
Armor |
| Prime Plate Breastplate |
Armor |
| Prime Plate Gauntlets |
Armor |
| Prime Plate Greaves |
Armor |
| Prime Plate Helm |
Armor |
| Prime Plate Vambraces |
Armor |
| Pristine Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Pristine Silk |
Gems |
| Pristine Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Raw Amber Nihilite |
Combinable |
| Raw Crimson Nihilite |
Combinable |
| Raw Indigo Nihilite |
Combinable |
| Raw Shimmering Nihilite |
Combinable |
| Razorback Venom Sac |
Gems |
| Refined Grade A Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade A Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade A Mamba Venom |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade A Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade A Taipan Venom |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade AA Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade AA Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade AA Mamba Venom |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade AA Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade AA Taipan Venom |
Combinable |
| Rhenium Ore |
Gems |
| Roil's Seething Ember |
Gems |
| Rough Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Rubicite Ore |
Gems |
| Sandstorm's Fin |
Gems |
| Saturated Marrow |
Gems |
| Scale Ore |
Combinable |
| Section of Fine Snake Pancreas |
Gems |
| Section of Reptile Pancreas |
Gems |
| Serpent Spine Diamond |
Gems |
| Serpent Spine Geode |
Gems |
| Shabby Fine Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Shabby Rough Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Shabby Runic Vellum |
Combinable |
| Shabby Vellum Parchment |
Combinable |
| Shard of Frozen Mist |
Armor |
| Shimmering Fairy Drake Dust |
Gems |
| Shimmering Snake Scales |
Gems |
| Shiny Reptile Shell |
Gems |
| Shroud of Mist |
Armor |
| Silver Etched Eye Rune |
Combinable |
| Silver Etched Spiral Rune |
Combinable |
| Simple Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Skyrake's Horn |
Gems |
| Smudged Rough Paper |
Combinable |
| Smudged Rough Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Smudged Runic Paper |
Combinable |
| Smudged Runic Parchment |
Combinable |
| Snake Egg |
Food |
| Snake Fang |
Combinable |
| Snake Meat |
Combinable |
| Snake Scales |
Combinable |
| Snake Venom Sac |
Combinable |
| Soluble Loam |
Gems |
| Song: Aelfric's Last Lullaby Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Song: Ervaj's Defensive Refrain Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Song: Whispersong of Veshma Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Sooty Fine Paper |
Combinable |
| Sooty Fine Runic Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Sooty Fine Runic Vellum |
Combinable |
| Sooty Paper |
Combinable |
| Spell: Absolve Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Ahnkaul's Spear of Venom Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Aura of Purpose Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Beast's Beckoning Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Blacktalon Bite Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Blessing of Purpose Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Blistering Sunray Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Bond of the Blacktalon Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Breath of Ternsmochin Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Challenge for Honor Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cloud of Wasps Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cloudburst Strike Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Concussive Blast Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cure Corruption Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Curse of Mortality Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Defense of Calrena Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Diregriffon's Bite Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Draconic Rune Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Drain Life Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Dulcify Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Dyn`leth's Grasp Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Echo of Tashan Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Fever Spike |
Scroll |
| Spell: Focus of Amilan Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Fractured Consciousness Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Gale of the Stormborn Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Gleaming Light Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Healing of Uluanes Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Icefall Breath Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Icefall Chill Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Impel Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Lesson of Penitence Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Magmaraug's Presence Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Magmaskin Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Malosinise Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Mammoth's Strength Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Minohten Mending Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Nature's Placidity Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Patient Harvest Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Preternatural Foresight Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Prime Shielding Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Pure Life Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Quiet Mind Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Reproval Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Rimelure Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Rune of Ellowind Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sacred Elixir Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sacred Touch Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Scent of Twilight Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Severan's Rot Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Shield of Darkness Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Shield of Needles Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Shock of Silvered Steel Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Shroud of the Nightborn Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sigil of the Unnatural Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sorcerous Shield Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Speed of Ellowind Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Spirit of the Stoic One Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Spiritual Vim Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Summon Elemental Armaments |
Scroll |
| Spell: Summon Muzzle of Mowcha |
Scroll |
| Spell: Summon Plate of the Elements |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sunderock Springwater Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Talisman of the Panther Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Tears of the Betrayed Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Tenacity Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Terror of Vergalid Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Venin Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Viridifloral Shield Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Vow of Valor Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Ward of the Dauntless Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Spider Legs |
Combinable |
| Spider Mandible |
Gems |
| Spider Silk |
Combinable |
| Spider Venom Sac |
Combinable |
| Spring Minerals |
Augmentation |
| Staff of the Mist Dragon |
2HB |
| Stained Fine Runic Paper |
Combinable |
| Stained Fine Runic Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Stale Caladium |
Combinable |
| Stale Delphinium |
Combinable |
| Stale Laburnum |
Combinable |
| Stale Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Stale Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Stale Oleander |
Combinable |
| Staurolite |
Gems |
| Steamvent Ruby |
Augmentation |
| Summoned: Dagger |
Piercing |
| Summoned: Muzzle of Mowcha |
Armor |
| Summoned: Prime Belt |
Armor |
| Sunderspring Gloves |
Armor |
| Sunderspring Sleeves |
Armor |
| Sunshard Ore |
Combinable |
| Sunshard Pebble |
Combinable |
| Sunshard Powder |
Combinable |
| Superb Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Superb Marrow |
Gems |
| Superb Silk |
Gems |
| Superb Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Supple Loam |
Gems |
| Swirling Mist |
Combinable |
| Taaffeite |
Gems |
| Tantalum Ore |
Gems |
| Tattered Corathus Skin |
Gems |
| The Ashengate Orders |
Gems |
| Titanium Ore |
Gems |
| Tome of Aura of Draconic Runes Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Tome of Blinding Flash Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Tome of Final Stand Discipline Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Tome of Impenetrable Discipline Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Tome of Phantom Silhouette Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Tome of Unsettling Scream Rk. II |
Scroll |
| Tortugone's Shell Spike |
Gems |
| Trideath's Mane |
Gems |
| Trinket of the Scale |
Gems |
| Tungsten Ore |
Gems |
| Turepta Eye |
Combinable |
| Turepta Liver |
Gems |
| Turepta Meat |
Combinable |
| Uncut Alexandrite |
Combinable |
| Uncut Amethyst |
Combinable |
| Uncut Black Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Uncut Combine Star |
Combinable |
| Uncut Demantoid |
Combinable |
| Uncut Goshenite |
Combinable |
| Uncut Jacinth |
Combinable |
| Uncut Morganite |
Combinable |
| Uncut Rubellite |
Combinable |
| Used Parchment |
Combinable |
| Vergalid Clay |
Gems |
| Vergalid Slave Manacles |
Armor |
| Versluierd Fungus |
Combinable |
| Water Elemental Residue |
Gems |