| Ancient Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Rujarkian Goblin Dagger |
Piercing |
| Ancient Stone Bow |
Archery |
| Ancient Stone Slab |
Armor |
| Ancient Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Archaic Shield of Stone |
Shield |
| Arena Champion Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Arm Band of Melded Rock |
Armor |
| Bag of Dried Blood |
Armor |
| Basalt Choker of Protection |
Armor |
| Battle-Torn Cloak of the Ages |
Armor |
| Battler's Orb |
Armor |
| Black Pearl |
Combinable |
| Black Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Black Staff of Ancient Stone |
2HB |
| Blue Diamond |
Combinable |
| Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Bowl of Fresh War Paint |
Combinable |
| Bracer of Battle |
Armor |
| Brittle Stone Shoulder Pads |
Armor |
| Broken Boar Tusk |
Combinable |
| Captive Coin Battle Staff |
1HB |
| Captive Coin Slave Mantle |
Armor |
| Captive Coin Slave Necklace |
Armor |
| Captive Coin Stone Sandals |
Armor |
| Chipped Prayer Stone |
Combinable |
| Chipped Rujarkian Orc Axe |
1HS |
| Chipped Rujarkian Orc Blade |
1HS |
| Chipped Rujarkian Orc Mace |
2HB |
| Chipped Rujarkian Orc Scepter |
1HB |
| Chipped Stone Mask |
Armor |
| Chiseled Steelslave Shield |
Shield |
| Chunk of Aquifer |
Piercing |
| Circlet of Battle |
Armor |
| Cloudy Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Complex Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Complex Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Cowl of the Steelcrown |
Armor |
| Cracked Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Canine |
Combinable |
| Cracked Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Stone Shovel |
Armor |
| Cracked Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Crystallized Sulfur |
Combinable |
| Dirty Mantle of the Broken |
Armor |
| Dirty Slave's Earring |
Armor |
| Dull Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Dull Boar Tusk |
Combinable |
| Dull Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Dull Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Dull Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Dull Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Dull Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Dull Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Dull Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Dull Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Elite Steelslave Stone Blade |
1HS |
| Emerald Ring |
Jewelry |
| Epsomite Flute |
Wind Instrument |
| Eroded Rock Belt |
Armor |
| Essence of Rathe |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Velium Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Fire Emerald Ring |
Jewelry |
| Flame of Fennin |
Combinable |
| Flawed Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Flowstone Idol |
Armor |
| Fractured Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Fractured Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Fulginate Ore |
Gems |
| Geode |
Combinable |
| Girdle of Bloodstained Stones |
Armor |
| Gladiator's Cloak |
Armor |
| Goblin Bones |
Combinable |
| Goblin Chant Beads |
Combinable |
| Goblin Idol of Rujark |
Armor |
| Goblin Tooth |
Combinable |
| Grade A Larkspur Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade B Oleander Extract |
Combinable |
| Granite Halberd of Chance |
2HS |
| Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Greaves of the Orcish Master |
Armor |
| Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Grimy Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Heavy Orcish Prison Key |
Gems |
| High Shaman Transcripts -- Entry 1 |
Gems |
| High Shaman Transcripts -- Entry 2 |
Gems |
| High Shaman Transcripts -- Entry 3 |
Gems |
| High Shaman Transcripts -- Entry 4 |
Gems |
| Immaculate Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Jacinth |
Combinable |
| Jagged Stone-Inset Spaulders |
Armor |
| Leggings of the Forgotten Slave |
Armor |
| Lustrous Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Mangled Rujarkian Wolf Pelt |
Combinable |
| Mask of Jagged Stone |
Armor |
| Matted Rujarkian Wolf Pelt |
Combinable |
| Miner's Girdle |
Armor |
| Miner's Granite Girdle |
Armor |
| Mist of Povar |
Combinable |
| Modest Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Mystical Stone Candle |
Armor |
| Necklace of Jagged Stone |
Armor |
| Necklace of the Troglodyte |
Armor |
| Orc Champion's Mace |
1HB |
| Ornate Stone Battle Hammer |
1HB |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 112 |
Combinable |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 112 |
Combinable |
| Pearl Necklace |
Jewelry |
| Perfect Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Perfect Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Phosphorous Powder |
Combinable |
| Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Pod of Water |
Drink |
| Pristine Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Silk |
Gems |
| Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Ring of Coarse Stone |
Armor |
| Ring of Hardened Ash |
Armor |
| Rough Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Ruby |
Combinable |
| Ruby Crown |
Jewelry |
| Rujarkian Arm Guards |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Boots |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Boots of Battle |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Executioner Axe |
2HS |
| Rujarkian Gauntlets of Battle |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Greaves of Battle |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Hand Wraps |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Helmet |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Helmet of Past Wars |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Hills Stone Sword |
2HS |
| Rujarkian Orc Boots |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Orc's Bludgeoner |
2HB |
| Rujarkian Orc's Gloves |
Armor |
| Rujarkian Rock Powder |
Combinable |
| Rujarkian Stone Knuckles |
Martial |
| Rujarkian Tunic of Battle |
Armor |
| Rune of Amalgamation |
Combinable |
| Rune of Coruscation |
Gems |
| Rune of Incitement |
Combinable |
| Rune of Synergy |
Combinable |
| Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Scale Ore |
Combinable |
| Scratched Face Mask |
Armor |
| Set of Shimmering Battle Chain |
Combinable |
| Shiny Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Stone Visor |
Armor |
| Shiny Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Slave Piercer |
Piercing |
| Slavemaster's Earring |
Armor |
| Sparkling Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Sparkling Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Spaulders of the Slavemaster |
Armor |
| Spelunker's Gorget |
Armor |
| Spiritbound Belt of Slavery |
Armor |
| Spiritbound Mystic's Torch |
Armor |
| Spiritbound Stone Sleeves |
Armor |
| Stack of Knuckle Spikes |
Combinable |
| Stained Fine Runic Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Star Ruby |
Combinable |
| Star Ruby Earring |
Jewelry |
| Steel-Hilt Granite Blade |
1HS |
| Steelcrown Chief Earring |
Armor |
| Steelcrown Stone Shield |
Shield |
| Steelslave Bladed Boots |
Armor |
| Steelslave Breastplate of War |
Armor |
| Steelslave Surgeon's Robe |
Armor |
| Steelslave Tyrannical Orb |
Armor |
| Stone Bracelet of Battle Mastery |
Armor |
| Stone-Carved Bracelet |
Armor |
| Superb Rujarkian Wolf Pelt |
Combinable |
| Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Tortured Slave's Charred Staff |
1HB |
| Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Uncut Amethyst |
Combinable |
| Unsullied Battle Horn |
Combinable |
| Vambraces of Battle |
Armor |
| Velium Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Velium Gemmed Rune |
Combinable |
| War-Scarred Short Axe |
1HS |
| Warlord's Steel Gauntlets |
Armor |
| White Primrose |
Combinable |
| Words of Apparition |
Combinable |
| Words of Control |
Combinable |
| Words of Pain |
Combinable |
| Wristband of Rujarkian Slate |
Armor |
| Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |