| Adventurer's Riding Whip |
1HS |
| Amulet of Mummy Wrappings |
Armor |
| Ancient Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Architect's Bejeweled Chestplate |
Armor |
| Architect's Scepter |
1HB |
| Bejeweled Knuckles |
Martial |
| Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Blackened Sand Dagger |
Piercing |
| Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Book of the Lost City |
Armor |
| Bracelet of a Royal Guardian |
Armor |
| Buckled Shale Belt |
Armor |
| Calcified Statuette |
Combinable |
| Clay-Covered Electrum Mask |
Armor |
| Cloak of Sand Sculptors |
Armor |
| Cloudy Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Coalesced Sand Earring |
Armor |
| Complex Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Complex Velium Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Cracked Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Granite Hammer |
2HB |
| Cracked Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Throwing Boulder |
Throwing |
| Cracked Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Crumbled-Stone Greaves |
Armor |
| Crystallized Sulfur |
Combinable |
| Decorated Summoner's Staff |
1HB |
| Desert Scarab Ring |
Armor |
| Dew Clover |
Combinable |
| Diamond-Dusted Arm Band |
Armor |
| Diamond-Dusted Bracelet |
Armor |
| Diamond-Dusted Coif |
Armor |
| Diamond-Dusted Mesh |
Armor |
| Dull Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Dull Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Dull Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Dull Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Dull Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Dull Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Dull Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Dull Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Dull Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Dusty Girdle of Reformed Sand |
Armor |
| Earring of Sand Tides |
Armor |
| Earring of the Architect |
Armor |
| Earring of the Gemsetter |
Armor |
| Earthen Earring |
Armor |
| Elddar Forest Arm Band |
Armor |
| Eroded Royal Face Mask |
Armor |
| Etched Signet |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Velium Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Faience Ring of Delusions |
Armor |
| Fire Emerald |
Combinable |
| Flake of Lodestone |
Combinable |
| Flawed Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Flowing Sand Amulet |
Armor |
| Fractured Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Fractured Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Gemmed Jeweled Guard Bow |
Archery |
| Geomancer Gloves |
Armor |
| Geomancer Sand-Shaping Staff |
2HB |
| Geomancer's Cloak |
Armor |
| Geomancer's Petrified Slippers |
Armor |
| Geomancer's Sandy Wraps |
Armor |
| Geomantic Compact Writings |
Armor |
| Glittering Sand Elven Sleeves |
Armor |
| Golden Wraps of the Compact |
Martial |
| Golem Heart Stone |
Combinable |
| Golem Remnant Helm |
Armor |
| Grainy Elven Band |
Armor |
| Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Hardened Clay Belt |
Armor |
| Hardened-Sand Short Sword |
1HS |
| Hooded Cape of Summoning Rites |
Armor |
| Immaculate Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Elven Dagger |
Piercing |
| Immaculate Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Geomantic Orb |
Combinable |
| Immaculate Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Impeccable Sand Structure |
Combinable |
| Imperfect Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Jacinth |
Combinable |
| Jeweled Guard Shield |
Shield |
| Jeweled Headband |
Armor |
| Jeweled Luminescent Boots |
Armor |
| Jeweled Slate Sword |
1HS |
| Leggings of the Timekeeper |
Armor |
| Lustrous Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Sand Figurine |
Combinable |
| Marble Slivers |
Combinable |
| Mithril Amulet |
Jewelry |
| Natron Belt |
Armor |
| Natural Orb of Protection |
Armor |
| Nomad's Ring |
Armor |
| Ornate Veil |
Armor |
| Perfect Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Perfect Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Perfectly Cut Diamond |
Gems |
| Petrified Pants of Buried Sand |
Armor |
| Petrified Scepter |
1HB |
| Phosphorous Powder |
Combinable |
| Primordial Substance |
Combinable |
| Pristine Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Glass Ring |
Armor |
| Pristine Jeweled Gloves |
Armor |
| Pristine Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Refined Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade A Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Reinforced Sandstone Harpoon |
2H Piercing |
| Royal Amulet of Takish-Hiz |
Armor |
| Royal's Cape |
Armor |
| Royal's Ruby-Eyed Mask |
Armor |
| Ruby |
Combinable |
| Ruby Crown |
Jewelry |
| Rune of Antithesis |
Combinable |
| Rune of Conjunction |
Combinable |
| Rune of Current |
Combinable |
| Rune of Glint |
Combinable |
| Rune of Vortex |
Combinable |
| Sand Elf Head |
Combinable |
| Sand Elf Parts |
Combinable |
| Sand Elf Spiritstorm Mask |
Armor |
| Sand Scarab Shoulder Ornament |
Armor |
| Sand Verbena |
Combinable |
| Sand-Covered Cartouche |
Armor |
| Sand-Covered Slate Dagger |
Piercing |
| Sand-Covered Slate Sword |
1HS |
| Sandstorm Fragment Gauntlets |
Armor |
| Sandy Bracer |
Armor |
| Sandy Spaulders |
Armor |
| Sculptor Boots |
Armor |
| Shimmering Sand Bracer |
Armor |
| Shiny Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Shrunken Mummy Skull |
Armor |
| Silt-Coated Earring |
Armor |
| Silt-Covered Cape |
Armor |
| Silt-Encrusted Chain Links |
Armor |
| Silt-Encrusted Crown |
Armor |
| Silt-Encrusted Tunic |
Armor |
| Silt-Encrusted Vambraces |
Armor |
| Slate Orb |
Armor |
| Slate Powder |
Combinable |
| Slate Scepter |
1HB |
| Sliver of Moonstone |
Combinable |
| Sparkling Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Sparkling Robe of the Gemsetter |
Armor |
| Sparkling Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Star Ruby |
Combinable |
| Sunshard Pebble |
Combinable |
| Sword of Slate |
2HS |
| Takish-Hiz Sandworker Club |
1HB |
| Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Timekeeper's Gem-Lined Boots |
Armor |
| Tome of Eternal Preservation |
Armor |
| Tungsten Ore |
Gems |
| Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Unkempt Greaves |
Armor |
| Velium Gemmed Rune |
Combinable |
| Vial of Elf Blood |
Combinable |
| Wilted Oleander |
Combinable |
| Words of Anguish |
Combinable |
| Words of Covert |
Combinable |
| Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |