Aimilia | 66 - 66 | Elddar | Normal |
an elderly elf | 75 - 75 | Elddar | Normal |
an elven child | 75 - 75 | Elddar | Normal |
Aramus the Elder | 82 - 82 | Elddar | Normal |
a dolorous elven maiden | 75 - 75 | Elddar | Normal |
a sorrowful elf | 75 - 75 | Elddar | Normal |
a weeping elf | 75 - 75 | Elddar | Normal |
Belreg | 75 - 75 | Elddar | Normal |
Della | 72 - 72 | Elddar | Normal |
Elder Scout Tuluria | 84 - 84 | Elddar | Normal |
Felwin | 74 - 74 | Elddar | Normal |
Loaris | 70 - 70 | Elddar | Normal |
Scorn (Avatar of Erollisi) | 90 - 90 | Barbarian | Normal |
Scout Leader Aldin | 82 - 82 | Elddar | Normal |
Snowflower | 65 - 65 | Elddar | Normal |
The Rot | 84 - 84 | Sporali | Normal |
Valthun Woodswatcher (Quests) | 82 - 82 | Elddar | Normal |
Addle, Minister of the Arcane | 83 - 83 | Gnome | Normal |
an acolyte of Valor | 76 - 76 | High Elf | Normal |
an animated slave | 83 - 83 | Bone Golem | Normal |
Arak Bladesoar | 80 - 80 | Aviak | Normal |
Arreles Bonescrounger (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Gnome | Normal |
a bartender | 79 - 79 | Human | Normal |
a Blackwater lookout | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
a Blackwater raider | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
a Blackwater resident | 81 - 81 | Human | Normal |
a blood crow | 79 - 79 | Blood Raven | Normal |
a borrower naturalist | 80 - 80 | Aviak | Normal |
a borrower razorbeak | 78 - 78 | Aviak | Normal |
a borrower shaman | 80 - 80 | Aviak | Normal |
a cavalier of Valor | 77 - 77 | Human | Normal |
a crypt ghoul | 82 - 82 | Ghoul | Normal |
a crypt guardian | 83 - 83 | Skeleton | Normal |
a deathspore decomposer | 81 - 81 | Sporali | Normal |
a deathspore feeder | 80 - 80 | Sporali | Normal |
a deathspore grove | 45 - 45 | Fungus Patch | Normal |
a deathspore sleeper | 80 - 80 | Sporali | Normal |
a deathwrangler | 80 - 80 | Gnome | Normal |
a decorative fetish | 45 - 45 | Bones | Normal |
a faithsworn of Valor | 76 - 76 | Dwarf | Normal |
a feral frightener | 79 - 79 | Scarecrow | Normal |
a fisherman | 81 - 81 | Human | Normal |
a frenzied ancestor | 79 - 79 | Skeleton | Normal |
a frightener | 25 - 25 | Scarecrow | Normal |
a Kirathas scout | 78 - 78 | Elddar | Normal |
a Kirathas villager | 80 - 80 | Elddar | Normal |
a lookout | 79 - 79 | Elddar | Normal |
a mysterious stranger (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Half Elf | Normal |
a patron | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
a phoboplasm | 78 - 78 | Goo | Normal |
a raging spirit | 83 - 83 | Spectre | Normal |
a rampaging boneguard | 80 - 80 | Bone Golem | Normal |
a reluctant gnome guard | 83 - 83 | Gnome | Normal |
a risen ancestor | 81 - 81 | Zombie | Normal |
a rotcap decomposer | 82 - 82 | Sporali | Normal |
a rotcap feeder | 81 - 81 | Sporali | Normal |
a rotcap sleeper | 81 - 81 | Sporali | Normal |
a sea turtle | 20 - 20 | Sea Turtle | Normal |
a slithering shade | 81 - 81 | Shade | Normal |
a spirit of flame | 81 - 81 | Fire Elemental | Normal |
a steed | 45 - 45 | Horse | Normal |
a tomb | 45 - 45 | Coffin | Normal |
a tomb shade | 80 - 80 | Shade | Normal |
a tortured treant | 80 - 80 | Treant | Normal |
a vendor | 79 - 79 | Human | Normal |
a viridian ghost | 78 - 78 | Will-O-Wisp | Normal |
a weapons cache | 45 - 45 | Barrel | Normal |
a wereorc gravedigger | 79 - 79 | Wereorc | Normal |
a wereorc packleader | 82 - 82 | Wereorc | Normal |
a woodcutter | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Banty Bourdizzle (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Gnome | Normal |
Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder | 84 - 84 | Gnome | Normal |
Brandt`s Coffin | 1 - 1 | Coffin | Normal |
Brother Veras (Quests) | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Captain Jensen | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Carlin`s Coffin | 1 - 1 | Coffin | Normal |
Castell Cloudskate | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Cavalier Devolah | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Dabble Splinewinder | 80 - 80 | Gnome | Normal |
Elliot`s Coffin | 1 - 1 | Coffin | Normal |
Fendel | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Grom (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Dwarf | Normal |
Hardrin (Supplier) | 80 - 80 | Dwarf | Normal |
Jarvis (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Jorun Grimblewimbus (Quests) | 82 - 82 | Gnome | Normal |
Lanika Shadestepper (Supplier) | 80 - 80 | Gnome | Normal |
Larkin`s Coffin | 1 - 1 | Coffin | Normal |
Lebanezer`s steed | 45 - 45 | Nightmare/Unicorn | Normal |
Leeta`s Coffin | 1 - 1 | Coffin | Normal |
meandering mulch | 82 - 82 | Shambling Mound | Normal |
molding mulch | 82 - 82 | Shambling Mound | Normal |
Naene Ebonlocke (Spells and Tomes) | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Nastel Greygore (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Gnome | Normal |
Old Scheffer | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Paul | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Reaver Lebanezer (Raids) | 83 - 83 | Gnome | Normal |
Sarah`s Coffin | 1 - 1 | Coffin | Normal |
Seyan Ebonlocke (Spells and Tomes) | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Shearon | 80 - 80 | Dwarf | Normal |
Sheldon | 80 - 80 | Gnome | Normal |
Shelsy Shadestepper (Elite Supplier) | 80 - 80 | Gnome | Normal |
Sister Daria (Quests) | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Stefani | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
thorned mulch | 80 - 80 | Shambling Mound | Normal |
`Shifty` Jenkins | 81 - 81 | Human | Normal |