Spell: Spirit of Bih`Li
Classes | Shaman (36) |
When cast on you | You feel the spirit of Bih`Li enter you. |
When cast on other | is surrounded by a brief lupine aura. |
When fading | The spirit of Bih`Li leaves you. |
Mana | 120 |
Casting time | 6.5 sec |
Recovery time | 1.5 sec |
Recast time | 1.5 sec |
Range | 100 |
Target | Group v2 |
AoE Range | 50 |
Resist | Unresistable |
Interruptable | Yes |
Duration | 36 min (360 ticks) |
2 : Effect type : Increase Movement by 48% (L36) to 55% (L50) 6 : Effect type : Increase ATK by 15 |
Spell: Spirit of Bih`Li
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