Spell: Cancel Magic
Classes | Cleric (13), Paladin (32), Ranger (30), Shadowknight (36), Druid (18), Shaman (19), Necromancer (15), Wizard (11), Magician (10), Enchanter (7), Beastlord (35) |
When cast on you | You feel a bit dispelled. |
When cast on other | feels a bit dispelled. |
Mana | 30 |
Casting time | 3.5 sec |
Recovery time | 1.5 sec |
Recast time | 5 sec |
Range | 200 |
Target | Single Target |
Resist | Unresistable |
Interruptable | Yes |
Duration | Instant |
1 : Effect type : Cancel Magic (1) | 10 Dose Potion of Copal's Demise
10 Dose Potion of Negation
5 Dose Potion of Copal's Demise
5 Dose Potion of Negation
Crumblewidget's Arcano-Nullifier
Deepwater Gauntlets
Iron Bound Tome
Mrylokar's Gauntlets
Philter of Minor Negation
Porous Granite Chunk
Potion of Copal's Demise
Potion of Negation
Ring of Dissipation
Smoothed Pumice
Spell: Cancel Magic
Spell: Cancel Magic
Spell: Cancel Magic
Spell: Cancel Magic
Spell: Cancel Magic
Staff of Cancellation
Staff of Null
Summoned: Staff of Runes
Tolan's Darkwood Greaves