Spell: Enduring Breath


When cast on youYou feel no need to breathe.
When cast on other doesn't seem to be breathing anymore.
When fadingYou resume breathing.
Casting time0 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetSingle Target

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type : WaterBreathing by 1

    Items with this spell:

    Amulet of the Depths
    Amulet of the Grey Wastes
    Ancient Fishing Pole
    Benefit: Enduring Breath
    Blue Diamond Encrusted Bracer
    Bowl of Watery Protection
    Charred Bone Ring
    Earring of Death
    Fabled Lodizal Shell Shield
    Fabled Net of the Deep Sea
    Fabled Shadow Pearl Earring
    Fabled Shissar Eye Earring
    Fishbone Earring
    Fishgill Necksash
    Frog Hide Shield
    Greaves of the Deep Sea
    Helm of the Deep Sea
    Imbued Shield of Paineel
    Knotted Turtlebone Ring
    Limestone of Suffocation
    Lodizal Shell Shield
    Mask of the Lost Guktan
    Net of the Deep Sea
    Ognit's Aqua Collar
    Orb of the Deep Sea
    Ornately Runed Shell Necklace
    Oval Cut Fire Opal
    Pearl of Prexus
    Radiant Gravestone of Endurance
    Recherche` Bangle of Breal
    Ring of Lady Fianya
    Ring of the Sea
    Sapphire Studded Mantle
    Shadow Pearl Earring
    Shield of Prexus
    Shissar Eye Earring
    Simple Coral Bracelet
    Singing Steel Gauntlets
    Siren's Shield
    Sleeves of the Kelpmaidens
    Slippery Slimestone of Endurance
    Staff of the Waterwalker
    Stromb's Eyepatch
    Supreme Adventurer's Hoop
    Supreme Adventurer's Loop
    Velium Blue Diamond Ring
    Waterlogged Boots
    Waterlogged Leather Tunic
    Woven Kelp Waistband
    Wristband of the Brood
    Zombie Flesh Bracer