Alchemist Hesia (Quests) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Arcanist Thalian (Quests) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Arcanist Variszh (Quests) | 75 - 75 | Shissar | Normal |
Chief Librarian Lars (Quests) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Commander Zzarishazum | 78 - 78 | Shissar | Normal |
Guard Captain Parvus (Quests) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Portalmaster Temuratis | 70 - 70 | Shissar | Normal |
Spiritflame of the Drowned | 80 - 80 | Fire Elemental | Normal |
Structural Engineer Dewas (Missions) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
an amalgam of the drowned | 76 - 76 | Dervish | Normal |
an animated agent of Zhisza | 75 - 75 | Golem | Normal |
an animated servant of Zhisza | 75 - 75 | Golem | Normal |
an elite acolyte | 77 - 77 | Shissar | Normal |
an elite arcanist | 79 - 79 | Shissar | Normal |
an elite nightfang | 79 - 79 | Shissar | Normal |
an elite revenant | 78 - 78 | Shissar | Normal |
an elite spiritward | 77 - 77 | Shissar | Normal |
an elite tormentor | 75 - 75 | Shissar | Normal |
an essence of the deep | 75 - 75 | Water Elemental | Normal |
Arcanist Tivalin (Missions) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Archarcanist Kirstmycl | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Archarcanist Pintanus (Quests & Missions) | 70 - 70 | Human | Normal |
Associate Researcher Maladoks (Missions) | 70 - 70 | Human | Normal |
Associate Researcher Plik (Missions) | 70 - 70 | Human | Normal |
a Castrum praetoria | 1 - 1 | Human | Normal |
a Castrum praetorian | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
a Combine praecantor | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
a Combine theurgus | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
a construct of the drowned | 73 - 73 | Dervish | Normal |
a darkmud keeper | 74 - 74 | Earth Elemental | Normal |
a darkmud slave | 74 - 74 | Earth Elemental | Normal |
a fear funnel | 76 - 76 | Air Elemental | Normal |
a fire whisperer | 76 - 76 | Fire Elemental | Normal |
a flame whisperer | 74 - 74 | Fire Elemental | Normal |
a frenzied whirlpool | 74 - 74 | Dervish | Normal |
a fright funnel | 75 - 75 | Air Elemental | Normal |
a haggler | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
a Librarii legionnaire | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
a prayermaker of Zhisza | 75 - 75 | Golem | Normal |
a scruffy beggar | 70 - 70 | Human | Normal |
a Shissar alchemist | 75 - 75 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar arbiter | 74 - 74 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar firetongue | 74 - 74 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar herb tender | 73 - 73 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar revenant | 73 - 73 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar shadowslither | 74 - 74 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar spiritbinder | 74 - 74 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar taskmaster | 77 - 77 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar templar | 75 - 75 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar terrorfang | 73 - 73 | Shissar | Normal |
a Shissar wraithmaker | 77 - 77 | Shissar | Normal |
a spiritcore of Zhisza | 74 - 74 | Golem | Normal |
a supplier | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
a tatty beggar | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
a Vestigia sentinel | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
a vortex of the deep | 75 - 75 | Water Elemental | Normal |
a wayward whirlpool eddy | 75 - 75 | Dervish | Normal |
Flora Venloe | 70 - 70 | Human | Normal |
FSP`General`NoEffect | 1 - 1 | Campfire | Normal |
Head Attendant Haestus (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Head Mage Antius | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Historian Divinicus (Lore) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Lifekeeper of the Beloved | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Lucius (Banker) | 99 - 99 | Human | Normal |
Master Archimetus (Elite Cloth Armor) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Cappello (Elite Plate Armor) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Dammara (Elite Leather Armor) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Ellestellian (Elite Caster Spells) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Gulliastus (Elite Chain Armor) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Nemetis (General Goods) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Patales (Elite Priest Spells) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Pokk (Elite Energeians) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Renalto (Elite Fighter Tomes) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Master Ulyssus (Elite Hybrid Spells) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Orator Niluna | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Pius Loravia | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Praecantor Jumais | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Praecantor Tunderon | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Prime Researcher Elnot Waymun (Progression) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Researcher Chlearpa | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Scribe Oastalides | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Seer Ichamedes | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Sergeant Zetren (Mission) | 1 - 1 | Human | Normal |
Simus the Doomsayer | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Sorcerer Hearah (Missions) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Sorcerer Xycl (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Sorcerer Yurius | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Tactician Sodut (Missions) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
The Town Crier | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Titus (Banker) | 99 - 99 | Human | Normal |
Torrence Ire | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Avatticus (Plate Armor) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Bartus (Cloth Armor) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Dammides (Leather Armor) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Difius (Augmentation Distillers) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Gulleus (Fighter Tomes) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Hyalunes (Weapons and Shields) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Leanian (Hybrid Spells) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Markus (Caster Spells) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Othena (Priest Spells) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Thallynus (Wizard Spells) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Vallarines (Energeians) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Trader Varrina (Chain Armor) | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Tsaph Katta | 75 - 75 | Human | Normal |
Tuzart Relenfold (Mission) | 1 - 1 | Human | Normal |
Vizier Zio (Quests) | 75 - 75 | Shissar | Normal |