| Adumbrate Globe |
Gems |
| Aged Nectar |
Gems |
| Animal Figurine |
Gems |
| Auburn Tessera |
Gems |
| Azure Ring |
Gems |
| Azure Tessera |
Gems |
| Belt of Concordance |
Armor |
| Belt of Contention |
Armor |
| Belt of Iniquity |
Armor |
| Belt of Tranquility |
Armor |
| Belt of Transience |
Armor |
| Belt of Virtue |
Armor |
| Belt of the Pine |
Armor |
| Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Bird Whistle |
Gems |
| Black Nebulous Sapphire |
Gems |
| Black Sky Diamond |
Gems |
| Blade of Abrogation |
1HS |
| Blood Sky Emerald |
Gems |
| Blood Sky Ruby |
Gems |
| Bloodsky Sapphire |
Gems |
| Bloodstained Hilt |
Gems |
| Bluish Stone |
Gems |
| Bolts of Tallon |
Combinable |
| Bonded Loam |
Gems |
| Bottled Djinni |
Gems |
| Bracelet of Cessation |
Armor |
| Bracelet of Distortion |
Armor |
| Bracelet of Exertion |
Armor |
| Bracelet of Quiescence |
Armor |
| Breath of Ro |
Combinable |
| Brittle Caladium |
Combinable |
| Brittle Laburnum |
Combinable |
| Brittle Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Brittle Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Brittle Oleander |
Combinable |
| Broken Mirror |
Gems |
| Bronze Disc |
Gems |
| Carmine Spiroc Feather |
Gems |
| Ceremonial Belt |
Armor |
| Complex Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Complex Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Complex Velium Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Complex Velium Gemmed Rune |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade A Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade A Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade B Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade B Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade B Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar VIII |
Potion |
| Copper Air Band |
Gems |
| Copper Disc |
Gems |
| Crimson Tessera |
Gems |
| Crown of Elemental Mastery |
Armor |
| Crude Silk |
Gems |
| Crude Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Crude Wooden Flute |
Wind Instrument |
| Dark Spiroc Feather |
Gems |
| Dark Wood |
Gems |
| Decree of Quellious |
Gems |
| Diaphanous Globe |
Gems |
| Dirty Runic Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Dirty Runic Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Djinni Statuette |
Gems |
| Dove Slippers |
Armor |
| Ductile Loam |
Gems |
| Dulcet Nectar |
Gems |
| Dull Dragon Scale |
Gems |
| Dull Stone |
Gems |
| Ebon Tessera |
Gems |
| Efreeti Battle Axe |
2HS |
| Efreeti Belt |
Armor |
| Efreeti Great Staff |
2HB |
| Efreeti Long Sword |
1HS |
| Efreeti Mace |
1HB |
| Efreeti Magi Staff |
2HB |
| Efreeti Scimitar |
1HS |
| Efreeti Standard |
1HB |
| Efreeti Statuette |
Gems |
| Efreeti War Axe |
2HS |
| Efreeti War Bow |
Archery |
| Efreeti War Club |
1HB |
| Efreeti War Horn |
Brass Instrument |
| Efreeti War Shield |
Shield |
| Efreeti War Spear |
Piercing |
| Efreeti Wind Staff |
2HB |
| Emerald Spiroc Feather |
Gems |
| Essence of Wind |
Combinable |
| Essence of the Gale |
Gems |
| Essence of the Storm |
Gems |
| Ethereal Amber |
Gems |
| Ethereal Emerald |
Gems |
| Ethereal Opal |
Gems |
| Excellent Silk |
Gems |
| Exquisite Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Velium Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Fae Pauldrons |
Gems |
| Feathered Cape |
Gems |
| Fine Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Fine Cloth Raiment |
Gems |
| Fine Silk |
Gems |
| Finely Crafted Amulet |
Gems |
| Finely Woven Cloth Amice |
Gems |
| Finely Woven Cloth Belt |
Armor |
| Finely Woven Cloth Cord |
Armor |
| Fire Sky Ruby |
Gems |
| Fire Sky Ruby |
Gems |
| Flame of Fennin |
Combinable |
| Flawed Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Fulginate Ore |
Gems |
| Gem of Empowerment |
Gems |
| Glowing Black Pearl |
Gems |
| Gold Disc |
Gems |
| Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Golden Coffer |
Gems |
| Golden Efreeti Bracers |
Armor |
| Golden Efreeti Chestplate |
Armor |
| Golden Efreeti Gauntlets |
Armor |
| Golden Efreeti Greaves |
Armor |
| Golden Efreeti Turban |
Armor |
| Golden Efreeti Vambraces |
Armor |
| Golden Hilt |
Gems |
| Gorgon Head |
Gems |
| Grey Damask Cloak |
Armor |
| Gridelin Globe |
Gems |
| Griffenne Blood |
Combinable |
| Griffon Statuette |
Gems |
| Griffon Talon |
Gems |
| Griffon's Beak |
Gems |
| Grimy Fine Vellum Parchment |
Combinable |
| Grimy Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Grimy Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Grubby Crude Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Grubby Fine Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Grubby Fine Parchment |
Combinable |
| Harmonagate |
Gems |
| Harpy Statuette |
Gems |
| Harpy Tongue |
Gems |
| Hazy Opal |
Gems |
| Hemic Marrow |
Gems |
| High Quality Raiment |
Gems |
| Honeyed Nectar |
Gems |
| Hyaline Globe |
Gems |
| Imp Statuette |
Gems |
| Indium Ore |
Gems |
| Inlaid Choker |
Gems |
| Iron Disc |
Gems |
| Ivory Sky Diamond |
Gems |
| Ivory Tessera |
Gems |
| Jar of Honey |
Gems |
| Large Opal |
Gems |
| Large Sky Diamond |
Gems |
| Large Sky Pearl |
Gems |
| Large Sky Sapphire |
Gems |
| Large Sky Sapphire |
Gems |
| Leather Cord |
Gems |
| Light Damask Mantle |
Armor |
| Light Woolen Mask |
Gems |
| Lightning Rod |
Gems |
| Lost Rabbit's Foot |
Gems |
| Lush Nectar |
Gems |
| Manna Nectar |
Gems |
| Miniature Sword |
Gems |
| Mithril Air Ring |
Gems |
| Mithril Bands |
Gems |
| Mithril Disc |
Gems |
| Mottled Spiroc Feather |
Gems |
| Music Box |
Gems |
| Natural Silk |
Gems |
| Natural Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Nature Walker's Sky Emerald |
Gems |
| Nebulous Diamond |
Gems |
| Nebulous Emerald |
Gems |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 401 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 450 |
Combinable |
| Noise Maker |
Gems |
| Obsidian Amulet |
Gems |
| Ochre Tessera |
Gems |
| Part of Toharon's Memoir Pg. 15 |
Combinable |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 102 |
Combinable |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 25 |
Combinable |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 26 |
Combinable |
| Part of Zeannor's Thesis Pg. 14 |
Combinable |
| Pearlescent Globe |
Gems |
| Pegasus Statuette |
Gems |
| Phosphoric Globe |
Gems |
| Platinum Disc |
Gems |
| Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Primordial Substance |
Combinable |
| Prismatic Sphere |
Gems |
| Pristine Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Pristine Silk |
Gems |
| Raw Indigo Nihilite |
Combinable |
| Raw Shimmering Nihilite |
Combinable |
| Red Face Paint |
Gems |
| Refined Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade A Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Replica of the Wyrm Queen |
Gems |
| Rhenium Ore |
Gems |
| Rough Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Rubicite Ore |
Gems |
| Rugous Globe |
Gems |
| Rune of Amalgamation |
Combinable |
| Rune of Antithesis |
Combinable |
| Rune of Ap`Sagor |
Combinable |
| Rune of Cascade |
Combinable |
| Rune of Concussion |
Combinable |
| Rune of Coruscation |
Gems |
| Rune of Crippling |
Combinable |
| Rune of Ellipse |
Combinable |
| Rune of Fennin Ro |
Combinable |
| Rune of Frost |
Combinable |
| Rune of Glint |
Combinable |
| Rune of Impetus |
Combinable |
| Rune of Impulse |
Combinable |
| Rune of Incitation |
Combinable |
| Rune of Opposition |
Combinable |
| Rune of Rathe |
Combinable |
| Rune of Synergy |
Combinable |
| Rune of Tempest |
Combinable |
| Rune of Vortex |
Combinable |
| Rune of Zephyr |
Combinable |
| Rune of the Astral |
Combinable |
| Saffron Spiroc Feather |
Gems |
| Scales of Veeshan |
Combinable |
| Shabby Fine Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Shabby Rough Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Shabby Vellum Parchment |
Combinable |
| Shimmering Pearl |
Gems |
| Shimmering Topaz |
Gems |
| Shiny Pauldrons |
Armor |
| Silken Mask |
Armor |
| Silken Strands |
Gems |
| Silver Disc |
Gems |
| Silver Hoop |
Gems |
| Small Pick |
Gems |
| Small Sapphire |
Gems |
| Smudged Rough Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Sooty Fine Runic Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Spell: Acumen |
Scroll |
| Spell: Aegis of Ro |
Scroll |
| Spell: Atol`s Spectral Shackles |
Scroll |
| Spell: Augment |
Scroll |
| Spell: Bane of Nife |
Scroll |
| Spell: Breath of Karana |
Scroll |
| Spell: Call of the Hero |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cannibalize III |
Scroll |
| Spell: Chill Bones |
Scroll |
| Spell: Circle of Summer |
Scroll |
| Spell: Circle of Winter |
Scroll |
| Spell: Conjure Corpse |
Scroll |
| Spell: Convergence |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cripple |
Scroll |
| Spell: Death Pact |
Scroll |
| Spell: Defoliation |
Scroll |
| Spell: Dementia |
Scroll |
| Spell: Draught of Jiva |
Scroll |
| Spell: Dyzil`s Deafening Decoy |
Scroll |
| Spell: Enforced Reverence |
Scroll |
| Spell: Enlightenment |
Scroll |
| Spell: Entrapping Roots |
Scroll |
| Spell: Evacuate |
Scroll |
| Spell: Eye of Tallon |
Scroll |
| Spell: Form of the Howler |
Scroll |
| Spell: Gift of Xev |
Scroll |
| Spell: Heroic Bond |
Scroll |
| Spell: Inferno of Al`Kabor |
Scroll |
| Spell: Infusion |
Scroll |
| Spell: Levant |
Scroll |
| Spell: Mala |
Scroll |
| Spell: Markar`s Discord |
Scroll |
| Spell: Omakin's Alacrity |
Scroll |
| Spell: Pillar of Lightning |
Scroll |
| Spell: Quiver of Marr |
Scroll |
| Spell: Quivering Veil of Xarn |
Scroll |
| Spell: Reckoning |
Scroll |
| Spell: Regrowth of the Grove |
Scroll |
| Spell: Scars of Sigil |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sedulous Subversion |
Scroll |
| Spell: Servant of Bones |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sha's Ferocity |
Scroll |
| Spell: Spirit of Scale |
Scroll |
| Spell: Spirit of the Howler |
Scroll |
| Spell: Spirit of the Storm |
Scroll |
| Spell: Splurt |
Scroll |
| Spell: Succor |
Scroll |
| Spell: Summon: Muzzle of Mardu |
Scroll |
| Spell: Talisman of Jasinth |
Scroll |
| Spell: Talisman of the Brute |
Scroll |
| Spell: Tears of Druzzil |
Scroll |
| Spell: Tears of Prexus |
Scroll |
| Spell: Theft of Thought |
Scroll |
| Spell: Thrall of Bones |
Scroll |
| Spell: Tigir`s Insects |
Scroll |
| Spell: Trepidation |
Scroll |
| Spell: Tunare`s Request |
Scroll |
| Spell: Velocity |
Scroll |
| Spell: Vocarate: Water |
Scroll |
| Spell: Wake of Tranquility |
Scroll |
| Spell: Wind of Tashani |
Scroll |
| Spell: Wind of Tashanian |
Scroll |
| Spell: Yaulp IV |
Scroll |
| Spell: Zumaik`s Animation |
Scroll |
| Sphinx Crown |
Armor |
| Sphinx Tallow |
Gems |
| Spiroc Air Totem |
Gems |
| Spiroc Battle Staff |
1HB |
| Spiroc Earth totem |
Gems |
| Spiroc Elder's Totem |
Gems |
| Spiroc Feathers |
Gems |
| Spiroc Healing Totem |
Gems |
| Spiroc Peace Totem |
Gems |
| Spiroc Sky Totem |
Gems |
| Spiroc Statuette |
Gems |
| Spiroc Talon |
Gems |
| Spiroc Thunder Totem |
Gems |
| Spiroc Wind Totem |
Gems |
| Spiroc Wingblade |
1HS |
| Stained Fine Runic Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Stale Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Staurolite |
Gems |
| Stein of Flowing Ichor |
Gems |
| Storm Sky Opal |
Gems |
| Sunshard Ore |
Combinable |
| Sunshard Pebble |
Combinable |
| Supple Loam |
Gems |
| Sweet Nectar |
Gems |
| Symbol of Marr |
Armor |
| Symbol of Veeshan |
Gems |
| Taaffeite |
Gems |
| Tear of Quellious |
Gems |
| Tears of Prexus |
Combinable |
| Thickened Nectar |
Gems |
| Tiny Ruby |
Gems |
| Treant Tear |
Armor |
| Tungsten Ore |
Gems |
| Uncut Alexandrite |
Combinable |
| Uncut Amethyst |
Combinable |
| Uncut Morganite |
Combinable |
| Used Parchment |
Combinable |
| Velium Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Velium Gemmed Rune |
Combinable |
| Verdant Tessera |
Gems |
| Weight of the Gods |
Armor |
| White Satin Gloves |
Armor |
| White Spiroc Feather |
Gems |
| White-tipped Spiroc Feather |
Gems |
| Whitened Treant Fists |
Martial |
| Wilder's Girdle |
Armor |
| Wilted Laburnum |
Combinable |
| Wilted Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Wilted Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Wilted Oleander |
Combinable |
| Wing of Xegony |
Combinable |
| Wooden Bands |
Gems |
| Words of Acquisition (Beza) |
Combinable |
| Words of Agony |
Combinable |
| Words of Anguish |
Combinable |
| Words of Apparition |
Combinable |
| Words of Banshee |
Combinable |
| Words of Bondage |
Combinable |
| Words of Capacity |
Combinable |
| Words of Control |
Combinable |
| Words of Covert |
Combinable |
| Words of Decision |
Combinable |
| Words of Divergence |
Combinable |
| Words of Edification |
Combinable |
| Words of Grappling |
Combinable |
| Words of Intent |
Combinable |
| Words of Pain |
Combinable |
| Words of Requisition |
Combinable |
| Words of Retention |
Combinable |
| Words of the Ethereal |
Combinable |
| Worn Leather Mask |
Gems |
| Writ of Quellious |
Combinable |