an escaped swinetor prisoner | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a cacophony of sound (Quest) | 95 - 95 | Dervish | Normal |
a distraught worshipper (Quest) | 95 - 95 | | Normal |
cacophony sibling | 95 - 95 | Dervish | Normal |
Clusterchord (Quest) | 95 - 95 | | Normal |
General Terasal (Mission, Raid) | 92 - 92 | | Normal |
Gibbledons Campfire | 99 - 99 | Campfire | Normal |
Gibbledon Cogboggle (Quests, Mission) | 99 - 99 | Gnome | Normal |
Hykast the Tone`Deaf (Quest) | 95 - 95 | | Normal |
Incubate O Matic | 99 - 99 | Guardian CPU | Normal |
Kiroptik (Quest) | 95 - 95 | Gnome | Normal |
Kolain (Quest) | 99 - 99 | | Normal |
Wasinai (Quest) | 99 - 99 | | Normal |
Wilmina (Quest) | 99 - 99 | Gnome | Normal |
an unspeaking sentinel | 96 - 96 | Muddite | Normal |
a battered sentry stone | 99 - 99 | | Normal |
a blind dreamer | 99 - 99 | Blind Dreamer | Normal |
a breezerunner | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a cloud leaper | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a clusterchordling | 95 - 95 | Dervish | Normal |
a filqua glider | 95 - 95 | Bat | Normal |
a filqua winddrifter | 96 - 96 | Bat | Normal |
a filqua windrider | 94 - 94 | Bat | Normal |
a flowing wind elemental | 94 - 94 | Air Elemental | Normal |
a fluttering kangon | 95 - 95 | | Normal |
a haze jumper | 95 - 95 | | Normal |
a howling wind elemental | 96 - 96 | Air Elemental | Normal |
a melodious apparition | 95 - 95 | | Normal |
a mist bounder | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a musical spirit | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a muted brute | 94 - 94 | Muddite | Normal |
a polluted wind elemental | 96 - 96 | Air Elemental | Normal |
a sentry stone | 99 - 99 | | Normal |
a silentsong worshipper | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a silent guardian | 95 - 95 | Muddite | Normal |
a silent worshipper | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
a songful soul | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a soundless devotee | 95 - 95 | | Normal |
a tempestuous wind elemental | 95 - 95 | Air Elemental | Normal |
a wind archer | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
a wind strider | 94 - 94 | | Normal |
FSP`General`NoEffect | 1 - 1 | Campfire | Normal |
Jaris Calmur (Norrathian Adventurer) | 90 - 90 | Erudite | Normal |
Mikran, the Mad Worshipper (Devotee of Ryken) | 96 - 96 | | Normal |
Reena Kedson (Norrathian Adventurer) | 90 - 90 | Human | Normal |
Sherri Ganes (Norrathian Adventurer) | 90 - 90 | Barbarian | Normal |