a brown bear | 4 - 4 | Bear | Normal |
a clockwork alchemist (Alchemy Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork armorer (Armor) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork armorer (Smithing Supplies) | 35 - 35 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork baker (Baking Supplies) | 35 - 35 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork banker (Banker) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork barkeep (General Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork bowyer (Fletching) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork brewmaster (Brewing Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork cobbler (Armor) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork grocer (General Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork jeweler (Jewelcrafting Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork merchant (Enchanter Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork merchant (General Spells) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork merchant (General Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork merchant (Magician Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork merchant (Necromancer Supplies) | 30 - 30 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork merchant (Smithing Supplies) | 35 - 35 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork merchant (Wizard Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork miner (Smithing Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork potter (Pottery Supplies) | 35 - 35 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork priest (Weapons) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork receptionist | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork sketcher (Pottery Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork tailor (Armor) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork tailor (Tailoring Supplies) | 35 - 35 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork tanner (Armor) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork torturer | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a clockwork weaponsmith (Weapons) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
a decaying gnome skeleton | 1 - 1 | Skeleton | Normal |
a defective cleaner | 1 - 1 | Rat | Normal |
a Frostfell Goblin (Frostfell Helper) | 1 - 1 | Goblin | Normal |
a lesser minotaur | 9 - 9 | Minotaur | Normal |
a mechanic | 27 - 27 | Gnome | Normal |
a rock snake | 1 - 1 | Snake | Normal |
a rock spider | 2 - 2 | Spider | Normal |
a tiger | 8 - 8 | Tiger | Normal |
Baxok Curhunter (Warrior Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Cleaner X | 6 - 6 | Rat | Normal |
clockwork cleaner | 12 - 12 | Rat | Normal |
Clockwork IIIZ | 32 - 32 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork IIZ | 32 - 32 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork IVB | 31 - 31 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork IZ | 28 - 28 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork Merchant (Cleric Spells) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork Merchant (Enchanter Spells) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork Merchant (General Spells) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork Merchant (Magician Spells) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork Merchant (Necromancer Spells) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork Merchant (Wizard Spells) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork MX | 44 - 44 | Spider | Normal |
clockwork scrubber | 6 - 6 | Rat | Normal |
Clockwork SmithXIII (Smithing Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
clockwork sweeper | 15 - 15 | Rat | Normal |
Clockwork VIIX | 55 - 55 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XE | 30 - 30 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XIB | 31 - 31 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XIE | 28 - 28 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XIIB | 28 - 28 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XIIC | 38 - 38 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XIIE | 31 - 31 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XIIIB | 32 - 32 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XIVE | 29 - 29 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XIXA | 21 - 21 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XVA | 22 - 22 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XVD | 33 - 33 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XVE | 30 - 30 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XVIB | 28 - 28 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XVID | 37 - 37 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XVIE | 31 - 31 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XVIIA | 18 - 18 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XVIIB | 31 - 31 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XVIIC | 40 - 40 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XVIIIB | 32 - 32 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XVIIIE | 29 - 29 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XXA | 22 - 22 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXB | 32 - 32 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXD | 37 - 37 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XXE | 31 - 31 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XXIA | 9 - 9 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXIB | 29 - 29 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXID | 35 - 35 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XXIIIA | 12 - 12 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXIVD | 35 - 35 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XXIXB | 28 - 28 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXVA | 21 - 21 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXVD | 34 - 34 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Clockwork XXVIC | 39 - 39 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXVIIB | 31 - 31 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXVIIC | 40 - 40 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXVIIIB | 29 - 29 | Spider | Normal |
Clockwork XXXD | 35 - 35 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Derthix Gibblix (Cleric Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Dewis Caneal (Necromancer Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Digetha Chogaller (Cleric Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Drekon Vebnebber (General Supplies) | 20 - 20 | Gnome | Normal |
Drigaz Grumblegrowl | 34 - 34 | Kobold | Normal |
Duster V | 6 - 6 | Rat | Normal |
Eonis Mournunder (Necromancer Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Evah Xokez (Cleric Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Exterminator VIII | 37 - 37 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Fireworks Engineer Fabdabus (Frostfell Fireworks) | 1 - 1 | Gnome | Normal |
Flapti Bizttrin | 65 - 65 | Gnome | Normal |
Garret Zethkog (Shadow Knight Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Gilipus | 20 - 20 | Gnome | Normal |
Glerbella Gibblix | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Golsodix Biroboddle | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Guide I | 32 - 32 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Guide II | 29 - 29 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Guide III | 29 - 29 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Guide IV | 32 - 32 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Guide V | 30 - 30 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Guide VI | 32 - 32 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Hargar the Velium Chef (Frostfell Cook) | 1 - 1 | Dwarf | Normal |
Iony Gredlong (Cleric Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Jarah Reskan (Warrior Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Juline Urncaller (Enchanter Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Kaxon Frennor (Rogue Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Kimble Nogflop | 40 - 40 | Gnome | Normal |
King Ak`Anon | 60 - 60 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Kozyn Gigglephizz | 34 - 34 | Gnome | Normal |
Larkon Theardor (Magician Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Lewis Reldnok (Paladin Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Lobal Postugger (Rogue Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Lyra Lyrestringer | 25 - 25 | Wood Elf | Normal |
Manik Compolten (Warrior Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Mimtia Zethkog | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Morlan Tanlonikan | 70 - 70 | Gnome | Normal |
Narron Jenork (Warrior Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Naygog Mitope (Warrior Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Nonnie Texaker (Enchanter Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
obsolete model | 3 - 3 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Priest of Discord | 50 - 50 | Human | Normal |
Rebbie Romblerum | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Red V | 5 - 5 | Clockwork Gnome | Normal |
Reuben Reldnok (Paladin Guildmaster) | 70 - 70 | Gnome | Normal |
Rilgor Plegnog (Enchanter Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Rylin Coil (Tinkering Supplies) | 30 - 30 | Gnome | Normal |
Sanfyrd Featherhead | 25 - 25 | Gnome | Normal |
Santug Claugg | 70 - 70 | Ogre | Normal |
Scrubber IV | 11 - 11 | Rat | Normal |
Silox Azrix | 60 - 60 | Gnome | Normal |
Soulbinder Toglonoit (Soulbinder) | 65 - 65 | Gnome | Normal |
Tamno Shifa (Tribute Master) | 65 - 65 | Gnome | Normal |
Tergon Brenclog (Magician Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Tesil Gludien (Tailoring Supplies) | 40 - 40 | Gnome | Normal |
Tilkzog Mournunder | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Tobon Starpyre (Wizard Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Useah Harnbock (Wizard Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Vaenor Husga (Magician Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Velena Corgtec (Wizard Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Watchman Dool | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Watchman Hodl | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Watchman Lyl | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Watchman Qiz | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Welno Tanlonikan (Rogue Guildmaster) | 70 - 70 | Gnome | Normal |
Windlebeck Tobokog | 35 - 35 | Gnome | Normal |
Wuggan Azusphere (Magician Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Xalirilan Zarinokosalio (Wizard Guildmaster) | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Zapho the Ancient | 61 - 61 | Gnome | Normal |
Zenrel Ottonoggin (Town Crier) | 25 - 25 | Gnome | Normal |
Zigg Flin | 25 - 25 | Gnome | Normal |