| Ancient Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Ancient Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Belt of Deadly Fungus |
Armor |
| Black Ooze-Covered Cloak |
Armor |
| Blackened Ooze Boots |
Armor |
| Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Bottle of Gelatinous Slime |
1HB |
| Bowl of Viscous Ooze |
Armor |
| Bracelet of Fungus |
Armor |
| Broken Jar of Infected Slime |
Armor |
| Cauldron Minion Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Cauldron Minion's Hammer |
1HB |
| Cloak of Oozing Slime |
Armor |
| Cloudy Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cloudy Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Cracked Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Crook of the Cursed |
1HB |
| Crown of Poisonous Spores |
Armor |
| Crystallized Sulfur |
Combinable |
| Curse-Touched Slimy Blade |
1HS |
| Dagger of Hardened Clay |
Piercing |
| Dull Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Dull Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Dull Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Dull Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Dull Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Dull Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Dull Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Dull Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Dull Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Entwined-Spores Earring |
Armor |
| Exquisite Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Exquisite Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Eyeball of the Cursed |
Armor |
| Flawed Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Flawed Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Flawless Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Fractured Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Fractured Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Frayed Froglok Robe Threads |
Armor |
| Froglok Blood |
Combinable |
| Froglok Meat |
Combinable |
| Froglok Poison Gland |
Combinable |
| Froglok Slimestone Powder |
Combinable |
| Froglok Tongue Belt |
Armor |
| Froglok Warrior Ashes |
Armor |
| Froglok's Slimy Pearl |
Armor |
| Froglok-Eye Medallion |
Armor |
| Froglok-Tooth Tambourine |
Armor |
| Fungi Bracelet |
Armor |
| Fungus-Covered Blade |
1HS |
| Fungus-Smeared Bracer |
Armor |
| Gauntlets of Muck |
Armor |
| Ghoulish Froglok's Gem |
Armor |
| Globe of Glowing Evil |
Combinable |
| Glowing Spectral Mask |
Armor |
| Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Gooey Spore Band |
Armor |
| Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Great Sword of a Lost Hero |
1HS |
| Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Hardened Mud Statue |
Armor |
| Hardened Sludge Tunic |
Armor |
| Hardened-Sludge Breastplate |
Armor |
| Illegible Memories of Guk |
Armor |
| Immaculate Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Immaculate Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Imperfect Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Ivory |
Combinable |
| Links of Hardened Clay |
Armor |
| Long Sword of the Ykesha |
1HS |
| Lost Explorer's Face Piece |
Armor |
| Lost Ykeshan Troll Earring |
Armor |
| Lustrous Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Lustrous Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Mask of Flourishing Fungus |
Armor |
| Moss-Covered Cape |
Armor |
| Mossy Arm Bands |
Armor |
| Mossy Arm Straps |
Armor |
| Mossy Guktan Vambraces |
Armor |
| Mossy Ring |
Armor |
| Mossy Tattered Sleeves |
Armor |
| Muck-Covered Chain Links |
Armor |
| Muck-Hardened Ring |
Armor |
| Muck-Stained Hand Wraps |
Armor |
| Mucky Glowing Gloves |
Armor |
| Mucky Hand Wraps |
Martial |
| Mud-Coated Pants |
Armor |
| Muddied Greaves |
Armor |
| Muddied Staff |
1HB |
| Oculus Lens |
Armor |
| Ooze-Covered Earring |
Armor |
| Ooze-Stained Sandals |
Armor |
| Oozing Boots |
Armor |
| Perfect Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Perfect Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Phosphorous Powder |
Combinable |
| Poisonous Mandible |
Combinable |
| Pondweed |
Combinable |
| Pristine Diamond of Chilling Protection |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Emerald of Poison Protection |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Opal of Illness Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Pearl of Magical Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Ruby of Fiery Warding |
Augmentation |
| Pristine Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Quality Plated Necklace |
Combinable |
| Refined Grade A Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Robe of Cursed Sludge |
Armor |
| Rune Fragments |
Combinable |
| Rune of Association |
Combinable |
| Rune of Complexity |
Combinable |
| Rune of Divergency |
Combinable |
| Rune of Tempest |
Combinable |
| Rune of Zephyr |
Combinable |
| Shiny Blue Jewel of Nimbleness |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Gray Gemstone of Knowledge |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Green Shard of Might |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Purple Gem of Deftness |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Shiny Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Short Slimed Stiletto |
Piercing |
| Slime-Covered Black Staff |
2HB |
| Slime-Smeared Choker |
Armor |
| Slime-Soaked Girdle |
Armor |
| Slimed Ykeshan Troll Spaulders |
Armor |
| Slimy Goggles |
Armor |
| Slippers of Seeping Ooze |
Armor |
| Sludge-Covered Bow |
Archery |
| Soulherder's Fungus Bracer |
Armor |
| Sparkling Garnet of Constitution |
Augmentation |
| Sparkling Sapphire of Insight |
Augmentation |
| Spectral Earring of Froglok Essence |
Armor |
| Spider Leg Necklace |
Armor |
| Spider-Spun Eye Patch |
Armor |
| Spore Coif |
Armor |
| Spore-Covered Helm |
Armor |
| Star Ruby |
Combinable |
| Swamp Spider Mandible |
Armor |
| Swamp Vine |
Combinable |
| Tattered Froglok Shawl |
Armor |
| Teal Crystal of Enticement |
Augmentation |
| Troll-Tooth Earring |
Armor |
| Turquoise Fragment of Intellect |
Augmentation |
| Uncut Jacinth |
Combinable |
| Uncut Morganite |
Combinable |
| Waterlogged Spaulders |
Armor |
| Webbed-Foot Belt |
Armor |
| Witness of Hate Great Staff |
2HB |
| Witness of Hate Warsword |
2HS |
| Words of Abrogation |
Combinable |
| Words of Divergence |
Combinable |
| Words of Expertise |
Combinable |
| Words of Immunity |
Combinable |
| Words of Misery |
Combinable |
| Words of Propriety |
Combinable |
| Words of Revenant |
Combinable |
| Words of Sapience |
Combinable |
| Writ of Quellious |
Combinable |
| Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 103 |
Combinable |
| Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 108 |
Combinable |
| Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 113 |
Combinable |
| Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 92 |
Combinable |
| Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 98 |
Combinable |
| Yellow Sphere of Fortitude |
Augmentation |
| Ykeshan Spirit Bow |
Archery |
| Ykeshan Troll Belt |
Armor |