| Aegis of the Shrine |
Shield |
| Alkaline Loam |
Gems |
| Amulet of the Shrine |
Jewelry |
| Arctic Wyvern Hide |
Combinable |
| Ayill's Aged Stone Shield |
Shield |
| Belt of the Primalist |
Armor |
| Black Marble |
Combinable |
| Block of Velium |
Gems |
| Bloodshrine Necklace |
Armor |
| Bloodstone |
Combinable |
| Bloodstone Ring |
Jewelry |
| Bonded Loam |
Gems |
| Boots of the Savage |
Gems |
| Bracers of the Warlord |
Gems |
| Brightwood Spear |
Piercing |
| Brittle Caladium |
Combinable |
| Brittle Laburnum |
Combinable |
| Brittle Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Brittle Oleander |
Combinable |
| Carnelian |
Combinable |
| Celestial Essence Robe |
Armor |
| Charred Black Staff |
1HB |
| Chipped Black Marble |
Combinable |
| Chipped Gargoyle Eye |
Gems |
| Chipped Onyx Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Circlet of the Struggle |
Jewelry |
| Coldstone Wreath |
Armor |
| Complex Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Complex Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Complex Platinum Silvered Rune |
Combinable |
| Complex Velium Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Mamba Venom |
Combinable |
| Concentrated Grade AA Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar IV |
Potion |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar V |
Potion |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar VI |
Potion |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar VII |
Potion |
| Consigned Bite of the Shissar X |
Potion |
| Coral Crescent |
Combinable |
| Corrupted Ruby Amulet |
Augmentation |
| Craslith |
2HS |
| Crude Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Crude Silk |
Gems |
| Crude Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Crushed Black Marble |
Combinable |
| Crushed Chrysolite |
Combinable |
| Crushed Coral |
Combinable |
| Crushed Diamond Dust |
Combinable |
| Crushed Emerald |
Combinable |
| Crushed Flame Emerald |
Combinable |
| Crushed Flame Opal |
Combinable |
| Crushed Jaundice Gem |
Combinable |
| Crushed Lava Ruby |
Combinable |
| Crushed Nephrite |
Combinable |
| Crushed Onyx Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Crushed Opal |
Combinable |
| Crushed Sea Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Crushed Topaz |
Combinable |
| Cryptmasters Dart |
Piercing |
| Damp Marrow |
Gems |
| Decisive Boots of the Kin |
Armor |
| Delgin's Sceptre |
1HB |
| Despair Needle |
Piercing |
| Dew Clover |
Combinable |
| Diamond |
Combinable |
| Dirty Runic Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Dirty Runic Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Dragon's Eye Sage Ring |
Armor |
| Dragons Blood Earring |
Jewelry |
| Dragons Blood Earring |
Jewelry |
| Dragons Tear Earring |
Jewelry |
| Dragonscale Encrusted Veil |
Armor |
| Dragonscaled Gauntlets |
Armor |
| Drake Egg |
Food |
| Drake Fang |
Gems |
| Drake Meat |
Combinable |
| Drakespine Belt |
Armor |
| Dranon's Ring |
Armor |
| Dry Caladium |
Combinable |
| Dry Laburnum |
Combinable |
| Dry Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Dry Marrow |
Gems |
| Dry Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Dry Oleander |
Combinable |
| Ductile Loam |
Gems |
| Dusty Marrow |
Gems |
| Elder's Earring |
Armor |
| Elementary Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Essence of Rathe |
Combinable |
| Excellent Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Excellent Silk |
Gems |
| Excellent Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Exquisite Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Exquisite Velium Gilded Rune |
Combinable |
| Faded Salil's Writ Page |
Combinable |
| Faded Salil's Writ Page |
Combinable |
| Faded Salil's Writ Page |
Combinable |
| Falgiron Staff |
1HB |
| Fine Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Fine Silk |
Gems |
| Fine Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Fire Emerald |
Combinable |
| Flame of Vox |
Combinable |
| Flawed Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Flawed Chrysolite |
Combinable |
| Flawed Emerald |
Combinable |
| Flawed Flame Emerald |
Combinable |
| Flawed Flame Opal |
Combinable |
| Flawed Lava Ruby |
Combinable |
| Flawed Opal |
Combinable |
| Flawed Sea Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Flawed Topaz |
Combinable |
| Flawless Diamond |
Combinable |
| Focused Ethereal Dagger |
Piercing |
| Focused Ethereal Great Staff |
2HB |
| Focused Ethereal Greatsword |
2HS |
| Focused Ethereal Long Sword |
1HS |
| Focused Ethereal Morning Star |
1HB |
| Focused Ethereal Rapier |
Piercing |
| Focused Ethereal Scimitar |
1HS |
| Focused Ethereal Short Sword |
1HS |
| Focused Ethereal Spear |
Piercing |
| Focused Ethereal Warhammer |
1HB |
| Frosted Gloves |
Armor |
| Fulginate Ore |
Gems |
| Fused Loam |
Gems |
| Gargoyle Eye |
Combinable |
| Glove of Rallos Zek |
Combinable |
| Gold Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Golden Ember Powder |
Combinable |
| Grade A Caladium Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade A Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Grade A Laburnum Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade A Larkspur Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade A Muscimol Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade A Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Grade A Oleander Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade A Taipan Venom |
Combinable |
| Grade AA Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Grade AA Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Grade AA Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Grade B Caladium Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade B Choresine Sample |
Combinable |
| Grade B Gormar Venom |
Combinable |
| Grade B Laburnum Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade B Larkspur Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade B Mamba Venom |
Combinable |
| Grade B Muscimol Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade B Nigriventer Venom |
Combinable |
| Grade B Oleander Extract |
Combinable |
| Grade C Laburnum Extract |
Combinable |
| Grayder's Cloak |
Armor |
| Grimy Fine Vellum Parchment |
Combinable |
| Grimy Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Grubby Fine Parchment |
Combinable |
| Guardian Arms |
Armor |
| Guardian Boots |
Armor |
| Guardian Breastplate |
Armor |
| Guardian Choker |
Armor |
| Guardian Gauntlets |
Armor |
| Guardian Girdle |
Armor |
| Guardian Helmet |
Armor |
| Guardian Leggings |
Armor |
| Guardian Pauldrons |
Armor |
| Guardian Robe |
Armor |
| Guardian Shield |
Shield |
| Guardian Sword |
1HS |
| Head of a Kromzek Spy |
Gems |
| Hematite |
Combinable |
| Hemic Marrow |
Gems |
| Imperfect Diamond |
Combinable |
| Indium Ore |
Gems |
| Iridium Ore |
Gems |
| Jade |
Combinable |
| Jar`Nal Long Sword |
1HS |
| Jasper |
Combinable |
| Jaundice Gem |
Combinable |
| Kin Lore Necklace |
Jewelry |
| Kin Magi Earring |
Armor |
| Kromrif Head |
Gems |
| Laoch Combat Gauntlets |
Armor |
| Laoch Meditation Beads |
Armor |
| Laoch Warhammer |
2HB |
| Large Brick of Velium |
Gems |
| Lath Drinor |
Piercing |
| Malleable Loam |
Gems |
| Manaforge Ringlet |
Jewelry |
| Mantle of Absorption |
Armor |
| Mantle of the Agile |
Armor |
| Mark of the Master |
Armor |
| Mask of the Dragon Slayer |
Armor |
| Medium Coin Purse |
Bag |
| Modest Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Moist Marrow |
Gems |
| Mystical Laig Staff |
2HB |
| Natural Marrow |
Gems |
| Natural Silk |
Gems |
| Natural Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 115 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 116 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 300 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 301 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 35 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 352 |
Combinable |
| Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 36 |
Combinable |
| Obsidian Drake Wing |
Combinable |
| Oiled Greaves |
Armor |
| Onyx |
Combinable |
| Ornate Adept's Sphere |
Armor |
| Ornate Combatant's Globe |
Armor |
| Outrider's Taming Whip |
1HS |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 117 |
Combinable |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 118 |
Combinable |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 25 |
Combinable |
| Part of Yaeth's Compendium Pg. 25 |
Combinable |
| Pearl |
Combinable |
| Peridot |
Combinable |
| Platinum Gem Dusted Rune |
Combinable |
| Pliant Loam |
Gems |
| Prestidigitase |
Gems |
| Primordial Substance |
Combinable |
| Pristine Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Pristine Emerald |
Combinable |
| Pristine Silk |
Gems |
| Pristine Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Raw Fine Runic Hide |
Combinable |
| Raw Fine Supple Runic Hide |
Combinable |
| Raw Runic Hide |
Combinable |
| Raw Supple Runic Hide |
Combinable |
| Refined Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Reliant Cap of the Kin |
Armor |
| Rhenium Ore |
Gems |
| Rod of the Healers |
Shield |
| Rough Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Rubicite Ore |
Gems |
| Ruby |
Combinable |
| Rune of Al'Kabor |
Combinable |
| Rune of Antithesis |
Combinable |
| Rune of Attraction |
Combinable |
| Rune of Conception |
Combinable |
| Rune of Concussion |
Combinable |
| Rune of Ellipse |
Combinable |
| Rune of Embrace |
Combinable |
| Rune of Paralysis |
Combinable |
| Rune of Petrification |
Combinable |
| Rune of Rathe |
Combinable |
| Rune of Tyranny |
Combinable |
| Rune of the Combine |
Combinable |
| Rune of the Helix |
Combinable |
| Rune of the Inverse |
Combinable |
| Runed Elder Staff |
2HB |
| Runed Writ |
Gems |
| Sacrifice |
1HB |
| Saldaren Spear |
Piercing |
| Salil's Writ Pg. 174 |
Combinable |
| Salil's Writ Pg. 174 |
Combinable |
| Salil's Writ Pg. 282 |
Combinable |
| Salil's Writ Pg. 64 |
Combinable |
| Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Saturated Marrow |
Gems |
| Seer Lore Book |
Armor |
| Sentry Boots |
Armor |
| Sentry Bracer |
Armor |
| Sentry Breastplate |
Armor |
| Sentry Choker |
Armor |
| Sentry Gauntlets |
Armor |
| Sentry Girdle |
Armor |
| Sentry Helmet |
Armor |
| Sentry Leggings |
Armor |
| Sentry Maul |
2HB |
| Sentry Pauldrons |
Armor |
| Sentry Robe |
Armor |
| Sentry Shield |
Shield |
| Shrewd Cloak of the Kin |
Armor |
| Shrine Key |
Key |
| Signet of the Shrine |
Jewelry |
| Silver Ring |
Jewelry |
| Simple Binding Powder |
Combinable |
| Simple Etched Rune |
Combinable |
| Skyfury Scimitar |
1HS |
| Sliver of Moonstone |
Combinable |
| Small Brick of Velium |
Gems |
| Small Coin Purse |
Bag |
| Small Piece of Velium |
Combinable |
| Small Velium Pendant |
Armor |
| Smudged Rough Papyrus |
Combinable |
| Song: Cantata of Soothing |
Scroll |
| Song: Composition of Ervaj |
Scroll |
| Song: Occlusion of Sound |
Scroll |
| Soul Defiler |
1HS |
| Spell: Aegolism |
Scroll |
| Spell: Arch Lich |
Scroll |
| Spell: Augmentation of Death |
Scroll |
| Spell: Blast of Poison |
Scroll |
| Spell: Boon of the Garou |
Scroll |
| Spell: Burnout IV |
Scroll |
| Spell: Call of Fire |
Scroll |
| Spell: Call of Sky |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cannibalize IV |
Scroll |
| Spell: Celestial Healing |
Scroll |
| Spell: Chilling Embrace |
Scroll |
| Spell: Circle of Cobalt Scar |
Scroll |
| Spell: Circle of Wakening Lands |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cobalt Scar Portal |
Scroll |
| Spell: Corporeal Empathy |
Scroll |
| Spell: Divine Purpose |
Scroll |
| Spell: Elemental Maelstrom |
Scroll |
| Spell: Enticement of Flame |
Scroll |
| Spell: Fixation of Ro |
Scroll |
| Spell: Form of the Great Bear |
Scroll |
| Spell: Gift of Brilliance |
Scroll |
| Spell: Gift of Insight |
Scroll |
| Spell: Ice Spear of Solist |
Scroll |
| Spell: Improved Invisibility |
Scroll |
| Spell: Invisibility to Undead |
Scroll |
| Spell: Monster Summoning III |
Scroll |
| Spell: Nature Walker's Behest |
Scroll |
| Spell: Ro's Fiery Sundering |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sha's Restoration |
Scroll |
| Spell: Shroud of Death |
Scroll |
| Spell: Shroud of Hate |
Scroll |
| Spell: Stun Command |
Scroll |
| Spell: Summon Shard of the Core |
Scroll |
| Spell: Tumultuous Strength |
Scroll |
| Spell: Turning of the Unnatural |
Scroll |
| Spell: Wakening Lands Portal |
Scroll |
| Spell: Wandering Mind |
Scroll |
| Spell: Wave of Healing |
Scroll |
| Spell: Wrath of the Elements |
Scroll |
| Square Helm |
Armor |
| Stained Fine Runic Spell Scroll |
Combinable |
| Stale Delphinium |
Combinable |
| Stale Larkspur |
Combinable |
| Stale Muscimol |
Combinable |
| Stale Oleander |
Combinable |
| Star Rose Quartz |
Combinable |
| Star Ruby |
Combinable |
| Sullied Animal Pelt |
Gems |
| Sullied Silk |
Gems |
| Sunshard Dust |
Combinable |
| Sunshard Ore |
Combinable |
| Sunshard Pebble |
Combinable |
| Supple Loam |
Gems |
| Tears of Prexus |
Combinable |
| Thalium Ore |
Gems |
| The Scent of Marr |
Combinable |
| Thick Silk |
Gems |
| Thick Spinneret Fluid |
Gems |
| Titans Fist |
2HB |
| Tome of Elemental Cognizance |
Gems |
| Tome of Elemental Contemplation |
Gems |
| Tome of Elemental Thought |
Gems |
| Tome of Elemental Understanding |
Gems |
| Topaz |
Combinable |
| Totem of Disruption |
Gems |
| Tungsten Ore |
Gems |
| Uncut Morganite |
Combinable |
| Velium Dagger |
Piercing |
| Velium Etched Circlet |
Armor |
| Velium Gargoyle Pieces |
Gems |
| Velium Gemmed Rune |
Combinable |
| Velium Great Staff |
2HB |
| Velium Long Sword |
1HS |
| Velium Morning Star |
1HB |
| Velium Rapier |
Piercing |
| Velium Scimitar |
1HS |
| Velium Short Sword |
1HS |
| Velium Silvered Rune |
Combinable |
| Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Velium Two Handed Sword |
2HS |
| Velium Warhammer |
1HB |
| Very Large Coin Purse |
Gems |
| Walrusbone Shield |
Shield |
| Warders Cloak |
Armor |
| Winters Fury |
1HS |
| Words of Abrogation |
Combinable |
| Words of Bidding |
Combinable |
| Words of Burnishing |
Combinable |
| Words of Cazic-Thule |
Combinable |
| Words of Collection (Azia) |
Combinable |
| Words of Collection (Beza) |
Combinable |
| Words of Collection (Caza) |
Combinable |
| Words of Convocation |
Combinable |
| Words of Disillusionment |
Combinable |
| Words of Duress |
Combinable |
| Words of Incarceration |
Combinable |
| Words of Obligation |
Combinable |
| Words of Projection |
Combinable |
| Words of Seizure |
Combinable |
| Words of Virtue |
Combinable |
| Words of the Psyche |
Combinable |
| Words of the Spectre |
Combinable |
| Words of the Suffering |
Combinable |
| Wurm Bone Ring |
Armor |
| Wurm Egg |
Food |
| Wurm Lord Shawl |
Armor |
| Wurm Meat |
Combinable |
| Wurm Scale Cape |
Armor |
| Wurmscale Encrusted Armguards |
Armor |
| Wyvern Claw |
1HS |
| Wyvern Claw Mask |
Armor |
| Wyvern Hide Boots |
Armor |
| Wyvern Hide Tunic |
Armor |
| Wyvern Wing Cape |
Armor |
| Xialn Mask |
Armor |
| Yelinak's Head |
Gems |
| Yelinak's Talisman |
Armor |