in Ak'Anon by Lyra Lyrestringer (55155)
in Butcherblock Mountains by Siltria Marwind (68075)
in East Freeport by Jasmine Yiur (10014)
Canlan Talespinner (10050)
Fabian (10114)
Trolon Lightleer (10141)
in Halas by Marton Stringsinger (29077)
in High Keep by Lislia Goldtune (6036)
Starr DreamSpinner (6140)
Storm Dragonchaser (6141)
in Innothule Swamp by Dark Deathsinger (46007)
in North Freeport by Marus Kemson (8066)
Ton Twostring (8101)
in Rivervale by Silna Songsmith (19113)
in South Kaladim by Kilam Oresinger (60001)
King Kazon Stormhammer (60007)
in South Qeynos by Behroe Dlexon (1000)
Dionna (1069)
in Steamfont Mountains by Dimlore Stormhammer (56110)
in The Dreadlands by Gorenaire (86014)
in The Emerald Jungle by Severilous (94009)
in The Feerrott by Drizda Tunesinger (47152)
in The Greater Faydark by Idia (54180)
Jakum Webdancer (54181)
in The Howling Stones by a mortiferous golem (105000)
a mortiferous golem (105021)
a mortiferous golem (105109)
#Mortiferous Protector (105157)
a mortiferous golem (105001)
a mortiferous golem (105002)
a sepulcher spectre (105003)
hexbone skeleton (105004)
a sepulcher spectre (105005)
an undertaker skeleton (105006)
a hamal skeleton (105140)
a helot spirit (105007)
an undertaker skeleton (105012)
a helot spirit (105136)
a hamal skeleton (105023)
#The Undertaker Lord (105160)
a hamal skeleton (105008)
a helot spirit (105132)
a helot spectre (105009)
hexbone skeleton (105010)
elementalbone skeleton (105020)
elementalbone skeleton (105011)
#Reanimated Plaguebone (105013)
hexbone skeleton (105040)
a helot spectre (105014)
a helot spectre (105015)
hexbone skeleton (105017)
a helot spectre (105016)
a bottomless devourer (105032)
a bottomless devourer (105115)
an undertaker skeleton (105049)
a sepulcher spirit (105134)
a sepulcher spirit (105019)
a pulsating bile (105022)
elementalbone skeleton (105018)
#A Howling Spectre (105024)
a helot skeleton (105072)
a sepulcher spirit (105028)
elementalbone skeleton (105133)
a pulsating bile (105043)
a pyre golem (105025)
a pyre golem (105044)
a bottomless feaster (105026)
a sepulcher skeleton (105061)
a sepulcher skeleton (105107)
a pyre golem (105027)
a pyre golem (105056)
a pyre golem (105145)
a sepulcher spirit (105120)
#The Crypt Excavator (105029)
a bottomless devourer (105030)
a pulsating bile (105147)
a sepulcher skeleton (105031)
elementalbone skeleton (105036)
a helot spectre (105099)
elementalbone skeleton (105048)
a sepulcher spectre (105067)
a sepulcher skeleton (105033)
a sepulcher skeleton (105038)
elementalbone skeleton (105034)
a sepulcher spectre (105047)
a helot skeleton (105035)
a sepulcher skeleton (105087)
elementalbone skeleton (105037)
a helot skeleton (105045)
a helot spectre (105039)
a helot skeleton (105114)
a bile golem (105084)
#The Spectre Spiritualist (105146)
a helot skeleton (105162)
a helot spectre (105041)
a helot spectre (105051)
a helot spectre (105050)
a bile golem (105085)
a sepulcher skeleton (105102)
a sepulcher skeleton (105042)
a sepulcher skeleton (105046)
elementalbone skeleton (105073)
a sepulcher skeleton (105123)
a sepulcher spectre (105125)
a sepulcher skeleton (105105)
a helot skeleton (105161)
a sepulcher skeleton (105052)
a sepulcher skeleton (105065)
an undead oblation (105071)
a sepulcher skeleton (105068)
a bile golem (105062)
a bile golem (105063)
#The Crypt Keeper (105180)
the Crypt Keeper (105181)
a sepulcher skeleton (105053)
greater plaguebone (105054)
a pyre golem (105055)
#Sentient Bile (105091)
a pyre golem (105059)
a sepulcher skeleton (105058)
a bottomless feaster (105057)
swirling goo (105166)
a lost apparition (105174)
a sepulcher skeleton (105064)
a bottomless gnawer (105060)
a sepulcher skeleton (105070)
an undead oblation (105141)
#The Crypt Devourer (105152)
greater war boned skeleton (105118)
a bile golem (105069)
greater war boned skeleton (105066)
a sepulcher spirit (105163)
a sepulcher spirit (105139)
#The Skeleton Sepulcher (105076)
a sepulcher skeleton (105077)
a sepulcher skeleton (105119)
a pulsating bile (105113)
#The Crypt Spectre (105074)
a crypt spectre (105167)
a crypt guardian (105169)
a skeletal watchman (105179)
a helot skeleton (105094)
a sepulcher skeleton (105098)
a sepulcher skeleton (105150)
#The Crypt Feaster (105116)
#Embalming Fluid (105075)
an helot skeleton (105110)
a sepulcher spectre (105151)
an undead oblation (105078)
greater war boned skeleton (105079)
greater plaguebone (105080)
#The Golem Master (105081)
a bottomless devourer (105082)
#Skeletal Procurator (105128)
a bottomless devourer (105083)
a bottomless feaster (105117)
greater war boned skeleton (105086)
a pyre golem (105122)
a bile golem (105088)
an undead oblation (105089)
a sepulcher spectre (105090)
greater war boned skeleton (105095)
a sepulcher skeleton (105111)
a helot spirit (105155)
a sepulcher spectre (105130)
a helot spirit (105126)
a bottomless feaster (105092)
#The Spectre Sepulcher (105093)
a helot spirit (105149)
greater war boned skeleton (105096)
a bile golem (105124)
greater plaguebone (105097)
an helot skeleton (105100)
an helot skeleton (105101)
a helot skeleton (105103)
a bile golem (105104)
an undead oblation (105106)
a bottomless feaster (105108)
an undead oblation (105131)
a bottomless gnawer (105129)
a pulsating bile (105137)
hexbone skeleton (105143)
a bottomless devourer (105148)
Drusella Sathir (105153)
greater war boned skeleton (105156)
a helot spectre (105144)
pulsating bile (105164)
Bile Sentinel (105165)
a crypt golem (105168)
a crypt wurm (105178)
in The Innothule Swamp by Dark Deathsinger (413064)
in The Nektulos Forest by Travis Two Tone (25063)
in The Northern Plains of Karana by Cordelia Minster (13037)
in The Skyfire Mountains by Talendor (91093)
in The Southern Plains of Karana by Vhalen Nostrolo (14058)
in The Surefall Glade by Sivina Lutewhisper (3006)
in The Western Plains of Karana by Misty Storyswapper (12100)
Mistrana Two Notes (12118)
in The Western Wastes by Esorpa of the Ring (120086)
in Timorous Deep by Faydedar (96089)
in Veeshan's Peak by Silverwing (108050)
Phara Dar (108048)
Xygoz (108053)
Druushk (108040)
Nexona (108047)
Hoshkar (108043)
an elder flame protector (108003)
an elder frost protector (108004)
a mature flame protector (108023)
a mature frost protector (108024)
Elder Ekron (108041)
a furious guardian wurm (108015)
an elder wyvern guardian (108005)
an elder wyvern guardian (108006)
a mature wyvern guardian (108025)
a mature wyvern guardian (108026)
Kluzen the Protector (108044)
A Guardian of Druushk (108016)
a frenzied racnor (108014)
a racnar (108037)
an azure skywing (108002)
an emerald skywing (108007)
an emerald skywing (108008)
an onyx skywing (108009)
an onyx skywing (108010)
a chromatic skywing (108011)
a cinder skywing (108012)
a cinder skywing (108013)
Travenro the Skygazer (108051)
A Savage Racnar (108038)
Blood-Thirsty Racnor (108039)
A Guardian of Nexona (108018)
a primeval azure skywing (108027)
a primeval chromatic skywing (108028)
a primeval cinder skywing (108029)
a primeval emerald skywing (108030)
a primeval onyx skywing (108031)
a primeval azure skywing (108032)
a primeval chromatic skywing (108033)
a primeval cinder skywing (108034)
a primeval emerald skywing (108035)
a primeval onyx skywing (108036)
Milyex Vioren (108046)
Qunard Ashenclaw (108049)
A Guardian of Phara Dar (108019)
Guardian of Veeshan (108042)
Vrabbit Xloren (108052)
A Guardian of Hoshkar (108017)
an ash basilisk (108000)
an ash basilisk (108001)
A Guardian of Xygoz (108020)
an ancient racnar (108502)
lava drake (108501)
a feral racnar (108503)
lava drake (108504)
lava drake (108505)
guardian wurm (108507)
a cruel racnar (108508)
Silverwing (108509)
guardian wurm (108506)
Phara Dar (108510)
Xygoz (108511)
Druushk (108512)
Nexona (108513)
a racnar (108500)
elven dancer (108514)
elven dancer (108515)
elven dancer (108516)
Hoshkar (108517)
in West Freeport by Trissa Whistlesong (9101)
in Firiona Vie by a drachnid silkspinner (84000)
a drachnid silklurker (84013)
a drachnid webspinner (84009)
a drachnid webstrander (84022)
a drachnid webspinner (84029)
a drachnid webspinner (84038)
a drachnid silklurker (84041)
a drachnid silkstrander (84043)
a drachnid weblurker (84044)
a drachnid silkstrander (84050)
a drachnid silkspinner (84056)
a drachnid weblurker (84070)
a drachnid webspinner (84073)
a drachnid silkspinner (84068)
a drachnid webspinner (84211)
a drachnid silkstrander (84033)
a drachnid silkspinner (84220)
a drachnid weblurker (84067)
a drachnid webstrander (84027)
a drachnid silkstrander (84084)
a drachnid weblurker (84229)
a drachnid webstrander (84076)
a drachnid silklurker (84078)
a drachnid silkstrander (84248)
in Ocean of Tears by a gargoyle (69123)
in The Castle of Mistmoore by a deathly usher (59000)
a deathly usher (59001)
a deathly herald (59018)
a deathly usher (59002)
a dark sacrificer (59090)
a will pillager (59101)
a shadowy scrivener (59010)
a shadowy scribe (59003)
a deathly harbinger (59009)
an avenging caitiff (59020)
a dark sacrificer (59004)
a dark offerer (59005)
a deathly herald (59021)
a thought defiler (59104)
a dark ritualist (59038)
a soul temptress (59110)
a deathly herald (59012)
a soul seductress (59127)
a shadowy sage (59006)
a shadowy scrivener (59007)
a thought corruptor (59149)
a shadowy scribe (59022)
a dark offerer (59011)
a dark sacrificer (59013)
Lasna Cheroon (59089)
a shadowy sage (59014)
a deathly harbinger (59024)
a thought spoiler (59109)
a will pillager (59134)
a Mistmoore guard (59017)
a will sapper (59106)
a dark librarian (59019)
Maid Issis (59115)
a will ravisher (59108)
a will sapper (59107)
a deathly harbinger (59122)
a will pillager (59141)
a soul temptress (59137)
a dark offerer (59088)
a shadowy scrivener (59023)
a dark ritualist (59025)
a cloaked dhampyre (59102)
Princess Cherista (59156)
a grinning gargoyle (59026)
a pledge familiar (59027)
a pledge familiar (59124)
an initiate familiar (59028)
an initiate familiar (59034)
a pledge familiar (59036)
a pledge familiar (59029)
a pledge familiar (59067)
a pledge familiar (59030)
an initiate familiar (59031)
an initiate familiar (59060)
a pledge familiar (59032)
a grinning gargoyle (59033)
an initiate familiar (59035)
a will sapper (59037)
a shadowy scribe (59039)
a dark ritualist (59091)
Garton Viswin (59151)
a soul seductress (59100)
a fallen noble (59040)
a fallen noble (59112)
a dark ass`t librarian (59093)
a dark ass`t librarian (59130)
Butler Syncall (59116)
a glyphed sentry (59041)
a glyphed forbidder (59056)
a glyphed guard (59042)
a glyphed sentry (59099)
a glyphed sentry (59043)
a glyphed sentry (59098)
an imp familiar (59153)
a glyphed aegis (59044)
a glyphed guard (59077)
a glyphed guard (59045)
a dark elf noble (59046)
a vampire noble (59140)
#Sir Bronthas (59047)
a glyphed sentry (59048)
a ghastish ancille (59049)
a ghoulish ancille (59051)
a ghoulish ancille (59052)
a wightish ancille (59050)
a wightish ancille (59118)
a ghoulish ancille (59123)
a vampiric ancille (59119)
a ghastish ancille (59068)
a spectral ancille (59053)
a negotiator (59054)
a negotiator (59117)
a vampire oracle (59142)
a leering gargoyle (59057)
a flouting gargoyle (59073)
a flouting gargoyle (59080)
a leering gargoyle (59083)
a pledge familiar (59058)
an initiate familiar (59059)
a glyphed familiar (59138)
a pledge familiar (59061)
a sneering gargoyle (59062)
a jeering gargoyle (59081)
a sneering gargoyle (59121)
a jeering gargoyle (59063)
Enynti (59064)
a vampiric ancille (59065)
a ghastish ancille (59079)
a spiritish ancille (59114)
a wraithish ancille (59069)
a glyphed familiar (59070)
an initiate familiar (59071)
a flouting gargoyle (59076)
a pledge familiar (59074)
an initiate familiar (59075)
a glyphed aegis (59135)
a leering gargoyle (59078)
a ghostly ancille (59126)
an ancille cook (59082)
an ancille cook (59103)
a jeering gargoyle (59085)
a hemo enologist (59087)
a hemo enologist (59147)
a glyphed familiar (59094)
a glyphed familiar (59095)
a soul inveigling (59105)
a shadowy sage (59120)
a glyphed familiar (59125)
an initiate familiar (59132)
a thought defiler (59128)
a thought spoiler (59131)
a glyphed ghoul (59133)
a glyphed warder (59139)
a glyphed custodian (59146)
a glyphed familiar (59148)
in The Dreadlands by a drachnid widow (86002)
a drachnid widow (86012)
a drachnid widow (86020)
a drachnid silkmistress (86029)
a drachnid webmaster (86030)
a drachnid recluse (86031)
a drachnid webstrander (86041)
a drachnid widow (86005)
a drachnid webmaster (86047)
a drachnid webstrander (86052)
a drachnid silkstrander (86053)
a drachnid recluse (86009)
a drachnid silkmistress (86073)
a drachnid recluse (86093)
a drachnid silkmistress (86058)
a drachnid silkmistress (86057)
a drachnid webmaster (86032)
a drachnid silkstrander (86076)
a dread widow (86137)
a drachnid recluse (86086)
a drachnid silkstrander (86090)
a drachnid webmaster (86023)
a drachnid silkmistress (86043)
a drachnid widow (86048)
a drachnid webmaster (86107)
a drachnid recluse (86070)