Aendor Mistvale (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Wood Elf | Normal |
Aendurel Tethandras (Quests) | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Dannie Highwind (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Wood Elf | Normal |
Dwinn Axeheaver | 80 - 80 | Dwarf | Normal |
Foreman Faende`s corpse | 75 - 75 | High Elf | Normal |
Fortunisa Nighthunter (Quests) | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Gifilnos Brightfire`s corpse | 75 - 75 | Wood Elf | Normal |
High Shaman Nivag | 83 - 83 | Orc | Normal |
Kassailla Flameleaf | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Lieutenant Kulthar | 78 - 78 | Werewolf | Normal |
Malforus, Lord of the Imps | 82 - 82 | Girplan | Normal |
Miggletik Biggerton (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Dwarf | Normal |
Oracle of the Three Oaks | 80 - 80 | Fairy | Normal |
Orrel the Blood Mystic | 78 - 78 | Orc | Normal |
Patron of the Arts (Quests) | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Remains of Averaana | 78 - 78 | Skeleton | Normal |
Remains of Fendarma | 78 - 78 | Skeleton | Normal |
Shade of Darniel Highwind | 78 - 78 | Shade | Normal |
Tawln Lightbanes corpse | 75 - 75 | Wood Elf | Normal |
The Golden Maiden | 99 - 99 | Boat | Normal |
Tissidrelle Windracer (Quests) | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Valarine Windwalkers corpse | 75 - 75 | Wood Elf | Normal |
Vendarg Brittlebrew (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Dwarf | Normal |
Vrald (Quest) | 78 - 78 | Dwarf | Normal |
Wendia Mistwalker`s corpse | 75 - 75 | Wood Elf | Normal |
Wirlem (The Phantom of the Festival) | 90 - 90 | Shade | Normal |
an unruly nightmare | 77 - 77 | Nightmare/Unicorn | Normal |
a Bloodmoon acolyte | 80 - 80 | Wereorc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon assassin | 78 - 78 | Orc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon brawler | 78 - 78 | Orc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon kidnapper | 78 - 78 | Orc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon mystic | 80 - 80 | Orc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon necromancer | 77 - 77 | Orc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon rogue | 75 - 75 | Orc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon shaman | 75 - 75 | Orc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon warlock | 77 - 77 | Orc | Normal |
a Bloodmoon warrior | 75 - 75 | Orc | Normal |
a bottomfeeding imp | 77 - 77 | Girplan | Normal |
a cursed remnant | 78 - 78 | Skeleton | Normal |
a cursed treant | 75 - 75 | Treant | Normal |
a Drangol miner | 77 - 77 | Goblin | Normal |
a Drangol sifter | 77 - 77 | Goblin | Normal |
a Drangol warrior | 76 - 76 | Goblin | Normal |
a Drangol worker | 77 - 77 | Goblin | Normal |
a fallen Bloodmoon | 76 - 76 | Orc | Normal |
a Firstlight refugee | 78 - 78 | Dwarf | Normal |
a loping plains grizzly | 75 - 75 | Bear | Normal |
a loping plains zombie | 75 - 75 | Zombie | Normal |
a lost soul | 80 - 80 | Shade | Normal |
a minotaur excavator | 77 - 77 | Minotaur | Normal |
a minotaur miner | 75 - 75 | Minotaur | Normal |
a Mistwynd citizen | 75 - 75 | Human Ghost | Normal |
a Nightwalker bandit | 75 - 75 | Goblin | Normal |
a Nightwalker mystic | 77 - 77 | Goblin | Normal |
a Nightwalker sentry | 75 - 75 | Goblin | Normal |
a Nightwalker warrior | 75 - 75 | Goblin | Normal |
a plague`ridden Nightwalker | 76 - 76 | Goblin | Normal |
a rabid worg | 77 - 77 | Worg | Normal |
a rampaging nightmare | 75 - 75 | Nightmare/Unicorn | Normal |
a resting Bloodmoon orc | 77 - 77 | Orc | Normal |
a restless alligator | 78 - 78 | Crocodile | Normal |
a shadowmane beastlord | 79 - 79 | Werewolf | Normal |
a shadowmane brawler | 79 - 79 | Werewolf | Normal |
a shadowmane bruiser | 77 - 77 | Werewolf | Normal |
a shadowmane mystic | 79 - 79 | Werewolf | Normal |
a shadowmane shaman | 75 - 75 | Werewolf | Normal |
a shadowmane tamer | 76 - 76 | Werewolf | Normal |
a shadowmane warlock | 77 - 77 | Werewolf | Normal |
a shadowmane warrior | 77 - 77 | Werewolf | Normal |
a skeleton cleric | 79 - 79 | Skeleton | Normal |
a skeleton warrior | 77 - 77 | Skeleton | Normal |
a skeleton wizard | 77 - 77 | Skeleton | Normal |
a sleeping Bloodmoon orc | 76 - 76 | Orc | Normal |
a small pond hopper | 74 - 74 | Poison Frog | Normal |
a snoring Bloodmoon orc | 77 - 77 | Orc | Normal |
a vampiric healer | 77 - 77 | Vampire | Normal |
a vampiric necromancer | 78 - 78 | Vampire | Normal |
a vampiric reaver | 77 - 77 | Vampire | Normal |
a vicious worg | 78 - 78 | Worg | Normal |
Babeliyna (Quests) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Brett of the Watch (Elite Supplier) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Derak Fangbreaker (Supplier) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Donart Rithkin (Quests) | 85 - 85 | Human | Normal |
Eliowil | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Fadnare | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Junwin | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Kadara Fangbreaker (Missions) | 85 - 85 | Human | Normal |
Kedem Teague (Spells and Tomes) | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Larquin Fangbreaker (Missions) | 85 - 85 | Human | Normal |
Leneaon Cloudsong (Spells) | 75 - 75 | Wood Elf | Normal |
Maria Starforge (Missions and Raids) | 85 - 85 | High Elf | Normal |
Mengryl | 80 - 80 | High Elf | Normal |
Miles Baldwin | 60 - 60 | Gnome | Normal |
Ryveron | 78 - 78 | Human | Normal |
Tyrinam | 80 - 80 | Human | Normal |
Wegar`s Corpse | 72 - 72 | Dwarf | Normal |